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Posts posted by Mercbird

  1. figured out the problem


    for some reason if I turn off Anti-Aliasing the game works fine everything else on ultra is fine too


    dunno why that would cause it, sucks that i can't use AA now.


    Glad you got it going at least, still strange about the anti-alias, mine sits on 8. Do you have any monitoring/management software for the card? ATI's catalyst caused some glitches in games till manual tweaking (giant ones in mirrors edge). Theres also a Nvidia tweak guide on Bethsoft's forums here.

  2. What OS are you on? Did you build yourself, or if not, contact tech support form whoever if you bought it, or had it built for you (the advantage of not diy-ing it)


    @ Nirrtix -> When I first switched to Win 7 from XP it wouldn't let me run certain programs, till I logged in as admin and gave my profile full admin rights (my brother handled my software install and we didn't realize how much win 7 'safeguards' like vista. Or he got tired of helping me to fix my messes, din't ask) Some monitoring programs I still run in compatability mode as well, most of those have now been replaced with newer win 7 versions.


    Assuming you havent already done so, go look at the Nvidia support site, and the Beth site, google the issue and spec and see if anyone else has the same problem. I can confirm that the gtx 570 should run Skyrim very nicely, my 570 autodetects to High spec which I can adjust upwards, running off a quad core, 4G ram, 500G HD.


    Had a similar issue with my old ATI 4890 (same rig), would not run Alone in the dark in anything but 600x800, and I could run Crysis on xp on a partioned drive, but no longer than a minute on Win7 before doing what you've described. Even worse after a AMD driver update through Steam which I rolled back to the older drivers. Solved the problem by replacing it with the nividia card, which wont help you unfortunately. Without meaning to sound mystical, it just seemed after a while that the card did not like the setup, even after reformatting.


    Perhaps check the tempratures - see PowderdToastMan's help on that in this topic to Nirrtix Laggy Skyrim Seem a right helpfull type.


    Dont think its your hardware as much as some weird software issue, so set a sytems restore point so you can roll back any changes, and start looking at admin rights, rolling back you drivers, reinstalling Skyrim. Software is not my strong point, so just go carefully. Hope you get it running

  3. I was lying on the grass in my garden yesterday, nearly expired after the days 'slow bake' wishing for rain or a sprinkler, when I heard my neighbour splashing happily in her new blow up splashpool, hangover and all!


    I think you need one, sounds like it hot where you are and it will hide the concrete! Plus it will bake nice and luke warm on it, she got a smaller version of this:




    I think I have to go take her some wine today, if it doesn't rain ...

  4. I kinda got stuck on Vilkas or Farkas, both being dark and broody ... and hairy >cough<


    Also I figured neither one would completely freak out if I woke up next to them with fleas and my talons covered in gore. Every time Fakas says "... those people get my fist, but you, I like" I want to kiss him, so I married him, but hearing him going so gooey just made me sad, so I called it of by reload.


    Vilkas has that endearing little sneer when he considers how long its been since he killed something, as well as a irreverent sense of humour, and decribed by his mentor as "fierce as a sabre cat in battle, but his heart's fire burns too brightly at times." Whats not to like, fierce can forgive a lot of muddy paw prints, I say!


    But Triple X (Jarl Balgruufs brother) gets a flirt from me too ... :wub:

  5. Is there any option out there for changing the costumes/clothing for females in Skyrim that's not something a porn star would wear? I'm not interested in giving skyrim women big breasts or big butts, but possibly something a little nicer than the granny clothes they currently wear.

    I second that!

    Altough I would even settle for something slightly cleaner, with an intact hem ... Theres plenty figure hugging thonged outfits ingame, theyre just, well filthy. Understandable if youre herding goats and shovelling dirt all day, but if you're given a green bag to wear to go see a jarl, calling it 'fine' don't make it so. :confused:

  6. Showers definately. Ironnicaly when i was a kid i actualy had a fear of showers.


    I'm still afraid of showers, something about the water spewing at you straight out of the wall and the noise! And then there is this bastard in the drain ...





    This is definitely making me rethink my preference for showers . . . I wonder if Rotorooter or industrial strength Draino will get rid of him . . .

    I've tried, oh how I've tried ... IT is always there. :sweat:

  7. Mine would likely only get delivered sometime on the 11th, then its finishing work, quick drink with friends (every Friday), traffic, feeding the pooch, dinner, tidy up and then I can play. Probably around 7am as well.


    Thats why I took off the Monday, and my manager suggested the Tuesday too - he's a Starcraft addict! :thumbsup:


    Feel better?


    Well, a pretty normal setup, 24 inch screen, two year old Quad Core with a two week old GTX 570 Phantom that has revived my gaming bug, and for coolness is the steampunk-esque light my grandfather made from a WW1 helmet inner.


    I try to get rid of all the blinking LED's cause they wake me up in the middle of the night (my bed's right opposite) That way I can sleep the exact optimum amount, and maximise my game time! :geek:

    But I would likely lie awake all night just looking at Mr Bravo's setup. Possibly on that rug.

  9. We may all die from watching fake reality tv, part of the population is already gone. We could all already be zombies and not even know it! In fact, this all might be just a figment of my imagination!!








    And that barrel of wine, bring along those oysters ... and dont forget the cheese and creme brulee :devil:

  10. The noise the trolls make, and that loping open maw screaming combo makes them a pet hate for me, and the pantslesness of the beefy minotaur, somehow I want them more ... regally menacing. Not the hamfisted what-did-you-do-with-my-pants horned tantruminators they are, it just makes me sad :dry:

    The beady eyed ogres are no favourites either, but above all these are >insert sound of nails on blackboard< the KNEE-HIGH RATS. C'mon. :ohmy:

  11. A Capt & Coke is far worse, makes a sticky mess of everything and the room smells of rum for a week.


    And acetone free nail polish remover is not a good substitute for ethyl alcohol to wipe beer of a keyboard circuitboard, it just smells like a nail bar in a shebeen. And your keyboard will have no circuits left :blush:

  12. Good point on both, I'd just have to cook "special" meals, when I felt like it :laugh: Again just fallout, thanks for reminding me. Gimme Alistair! :woot: Or do I just want something that does not exist, like the NIN song? I mean Alistair is so not real, and I had a full on crush on him ... aaargh >runs of to her therapist<


    Hi Mercbird,


    i think there are guys in the real world like Alistair. He reminds me to the guys you have a crush on but the don't realise it. In my opinion he is a one of the guys standing with his friend around on a party and tries hardly not to speak to girls. A little bit shy, a sweet way if you ask me :rolleyes: , so the girl has to do the first step. The problem with these types is they don't realise it :blink:

    But if you have him he will always be there for you :teehee:

    I remeber two men I had relationships with that have that Alistair sweetness about them, and others with the goofball humour or the looks. But in a fantasy setting the crap bits of life with Alistair have surely been glossed over, so its easy to idealize him. But he is handy if I need to indulge in a fantasy a bit, I can also substitute one of the two real guys, if I want. :yes:

    Having it all may still just me in the land of fantasy for me, making my current re-definition of what I want in a real man, well, a work in progress.

    > cancels the apointment with therapist, and goes and buys beer instead<

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