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Everything posted by bben46

  1. LadyBlizzicus banned. Reason for the ban By request Reference post
  2. iforgotmyuserandpass banned. Reason for the ban By request Reference post
  3. marxxxfangurl69 banned. Reason for the ban By request Reference post
  4. Qazc5 banned. Reason for the ban By request Reference post
  5. aRockstarLegend banned. Reason for the ban By request Reference post
  6. perroculiao banned. Reason for the ban By request Reference post
  7. Each location in Oblivion and Skyrim was hand placed by the developers when the game was created. Arena and Daggerfall used a completely different game engine that is not compatible with the way Oblivion and Skyrim were made. Playing Arena if you uninstalled and reinstalled the game, many dungeons and towns would be in a different place ( procedurally generated psudo-random location) While every time you reinstall Skyrim and for everyone that plays it every location will always be in the same place.
  8. The rule is ONLY if the original mod author authorizes it. And as the 'author' of record is a corporation (Nvidia) you will need their permission to upload it here. Unlike some other sites, :rolleyes: we do respect the rights of mod authors here and will ban someone for uploading a mod that they either did not create themselves or have explicit permission to upload here.
  9. altanin banned. Reason for the ban By request Reference post
  10. Buikkakatsu banned. Reason for the ban By request Reference post
  11. Dank420doge banned. Reason for the ban By request Reference post
  12. riskein banned. Reason for the ban By request Reference post
  13. pat2508 banned. Reason for the ban By request Reference post
  14. Zippy08260 banned. Reason for the ban By request Reference post
  15. WiseOldOwl banned. Reason for the ban By request Reference post
  16. BlazierPL banned. Reason for the ban By request Reference post
  17. acidstranger banned. Reason for the ban By request Reference post
  18. grandmastersteve banned. Reason for the ban By request Reference post
  19. kira45 banned. Reason for the ban By request Reference post
  20. wasp10 banned. Reason for the ban By request Reference post
  21. natukage banned. Reason for the ban By request Reference post
  22. BabyMitts banned. Reason for the ban By request Reference post
  23. lefortroi banned. Reason for the ban By request Reference post
  24. tummarellox banned. Reason for the ban By request Reference post
  25. markcanfly banned. Reason for the ban By request Reference post
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