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  1. The original poster is probably not around anymore to help, but anyone know if they ever posted the video tutorial mentioned above?
  2. Hey, did anyone happen to see a mod posted today that, if I remember correctly, changed the appearance of pretty much every woman of Skyrim? I didn't download the mod back then, but now I can't find it anywhere. Anyone know what happened?
  3. Hey there, have you been fiddling with your uGrids setting recently? Judging by the red logo it seems so. Look into the Skyrim Data (where the ESP files are located) folder and delete any odd ini files you can find. There shouldn't be any in that folder, so it's safe to delete all you can find. As for the map, I'm guessing you have incorrect map settings in your Skyrim.ini. Open Skyrim.ini, look for [MapMenu] and replace whatevery you have with these settings recommended by the mod author: bWorldMapNoSkyDepthBlur=1 fWorldMapNearDepthBlurScale=0 fWorldMapDepthBlurScale=0 fWorldMapMaximumDepthBlur=0 fMapWorldYawRange=3600.0000 fMapWorldInitialPitch=90.0000 fMapWorldMaxHeight=130000.0000 fMapWorldMinHeight=5000.0000 fMapWorldZoomSpeed=0.0750 fMapLookMouseSpeed=3.0000 fMapZoomMouseSpeed=15.0000
  4. Try to add these lines to both Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs.ini under [Grass]: bAllowLoadGrass=0 bAllowCreateGrass=1 bDrawShaderGrass=1 And these lines to SkyrimEditor.ini under [Grass]: bAllowCreateGrass=1 bAllowLoadGrass=0 Source via this topic via Antiscamp.
  5. With freeze, do you mean the game crashes completely and you have to reboot or kill the process? Is it possible that your notebook is overheating?
  6. Looks like pretty bad display adapter corruption. Have you recently done any overclocking or changes to the settings? Have you tried reinstalling the driver again? The culprit is not ENB, because ENB doesn't install anything anywhere by itself and since you already deleted d3d9.dll it won't run.
  7. So you're using an old savegame that was saved with the vendor tweaks active? I'm not 100% sure, but I would guess the only solution is to go back to an earlier save without the tweaks or start a new game.
  8. I would guess either the mod is glitchy or it was not installed correctly. What mod did you try to use? Does the game if you start a new game?
  9. Also, if you're using a downloaded ENB config created by someone else, download an SSAO version of the same setup or switch to another set, if you're not intested in fiddling with the settings yourself. A config created for use without SSAO will not look all that great if you simply switch on the SSAO.
  10. I'm sure you can simply extract the textures from the files and then use whatever you want by manually copying the files to the texture folder.
  11. I could live with the slight inconsistencies or, for a lack of a better word, issues, but it's a total immersion breaker that after completing all the Companion quests the guards still ridicule the player for being a new kid on a block. And it's not only the Companion quest line, it happens all over the place. It somehow seems amazing that the developers didn't care to spend some time fleshing out the characters by writing couples of lines of dialogue for them, but at the same time they had plenty of time to write what is probably hundreds of pages of books which are in no way as significant for the overall experience. Also, how realistic is it that, quite frankly, in a matter of hours you can become an arch mage of the Winterhold College? I mean, shouldn't it take like hundreds of years of practising spells and such? The thing is I don't necessarily want to be an arch mage, especially as it means nothing more than a fancy room in the college. The whole quest line just seems somehow pointless from a story-telling point of view, something that was added hastily to satisfy the casual players that want instant gratification. Well, this thread is turning into a full-scale Skyrim bashing. I have to admit that even with all its flaws I have gotten hours of enjoyment out of it, more so than from any game since Gothic 2 I think.
  12. Agreed. It's sad that the game world had a huge potential in it, but somehow the expectations were never really redeemed. I had really hoped that somehow Skyrim would be a next gen game, a new benchmark in role playing games, but instead it's mostly rehashing of old ideas with the same weak points and lifeless atmosphere that have plagued Bethesda games since the very beginning with Arena.
  13. I was experiencing the same kind of crashes where I would get screen corruption and game freezes requiring reboot, but it seems like I managed to solve the issue by arranging better cooling for the video card. The card is running stock, but I suspect the video memory was getting too hot nevertheless. Looking at the temperatures didn't give any clue in my case, because the GPU core temperature never exceeded 75 degrees. Likewise, slowing the memory clock didn't help. I have to do more testing, but I just played six hours with high detail and various mods, yet no freezes. If you suspect you are experiencing GPU related crashes, I think it's worth a shot if you have a spare fan around. Case fan will do fine. For testing purposes, you can use a zip tie or such to attach the extra fan somewhere near the video card. Almost forgot, I'm using Nvidia 250 GTS.
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