I could live with the slight inconsistencies or, for a lack of a better word, issues, but it's a total immersion breaker that after completing all the Companion quests the guards still ridicule the player for being a new kid on a block. And it's not only the Companion quest line, it happens all over the place. It somehow seems amazing that the developers didn't care to spend some time fleshing out the characters by writing couples of lines of dialogue for them, but at the same time they had plenty of time to write what is probably hundreds of pages of books which are in no way as significant for the overall experience. Also, how realistic is it that, quite frankly, in a matter of hours you can become an arch mage of the Winterhold College? I mean, shouldn't it take like hundreds of years of practising spells and such? The thing is I don't necessarily want to be an arch mage, especially as it means nothing more than a fancy room in the college. The whole quest line just seems somehow pointless from a story-telling point of view, something that was added hastily to satisfy the casual players that want instant gratification. Well, this thread is turning into a full-scale Skyrim bashing. I have to admit that even with all its flaws I have gotten hours of enjoyment out of it, more so than from any game since Gothic 2 I think.