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Everything posted by Rigmor

  1. second way Gundam. I read somewhere larger navmeshes can be detrimental to npc ai. they need to "figure out" the route in advance and will go directly, even if there's a table in the way, if you don't cut round the table, they will walk forever trying to go through it, they dont see the table in the way. If you don't have any objects in the way, make navmesh "routes" like an invisible road that a coherent individual would more than likely take irl and make the lanes "preferred" so any npc in that cell would not only walk across the hall, but use a specific route. also hit "cover" button, then "finalize"
  2. You have to reset the quest on dropping the object and set the stage again to the one you want. I would make a new quest to handle this, so when he picks it up, you actvate the quest with the perk or buff, and if he drops it, you reset that quest to 0 (with nothing in the papyrus box, like shelving the buff. like turning a light switch on and off, without messing with your main quest.. It might sound a bit confusing, but going backwards and forwards on a single same quest, resetting, setstaging can get messy on loading and reloading saves. It does for me.
  3. Wolves, big thanks to Durakwolle for permissions to fully exploit his realistic wolf calls :smile: Join me on FB (link in sig) and YT for more info on the progress of the sequel, pack your bags, we're going to Cyrodiil ;)
  4. This is how I know how, there might be a better way. 1. Place an X-marker heading where you want them to stand, don't link them, but place a travel package and in the travel to...choose the x-marker at 0. In the package clear the checkboxes, you dont want them always saying idle crap like "can i help you" every 3 or 4 seconds No quest conditions only their actor id's (you might need them to talk) so best give each guard a unique package. 2. Place another travel package, set up exactly like the one above, but this time you add conditions. The condition would be if the player distance is < = 64 to the subject (the actor) In the package schedule is a papyrus box, on begin add the idle animation salute. It would look something like this. myGuard01.PlayIdle(salute) You will need to edit the new script generated, ignoring the error messages until you can add the properties of the idle and the actor. To do this close the package and reopen it, select the script and choose the property tab next to it ignoring all the warnings. Then add the properties for the idle and the actor. Rebuild the script in the package papyrus box. Now when the player (conditions we added) get's equal to or less than 64 ingame units to the guard, he will salute. You can do the exact same thing with dialogue via same conditions, but not only will he salute but say "General" or "My leige" or "Majesty" or whatever. 3. The poses would be another animation call, I don't know if there's anything default for this specific pose, you may have to go the fores idles in skyrim route with custom animation. As an added thought, it would be best to make the guards a quest. Add them both (or others if you have many) as aliases. Set the quest to run at start and keep all their stuff in the quest. packages, dialogue, etc. In the actor remove any packages, and set all master packages to none. If you add a package to the actor directly, make is a travel to self @ 0 Control them via the quest.
  5. Battle on the high seas: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8Ma4OdfbXs&feature=youtu.be
  6. Fantastic, kudos and a mention for you sir o/ compiled and in game.
  7. Hey candlepin, thank you so much, it's not the player I want to kill, but the people in the water, if it does nothing to the players health, all the better. so it should go with the else if, and kill anyone that enters the trigger, and it does. If I dont kill the floaters, the other guys are wasting time trying to pin them with arrows from the deck and i need to release them from combat. If my guys get blown into the water, they have a package checks they're swimming, and if they are it moves them back onto the ship. I am pretty proud of that one :P
  8. Thank you so much Rasikko, kudos and a mention in the credits ;)
  9. I tried to use this code: Event OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference akActionRef) If akActionRef == Game.GetPlayer() Game.GetPlayer().ModActorValue("health", 0) Else akActionRef.kill() EndIf EndEventI get the error kill is not a function. Is there a way so that npc's entering a trigger will be killed. I want them to "drown" in water, npc's that I don't want killed I successfully transport them back to the boat. Swimming actors I don't want alive, once they drift out behind the boat are killed.
  10. the way i do it is drag an x marker into the scene. double click the trigger box and make the x marker a parent. set the x marker as "disabled" then name it and make an "objectreference" in the scripts drop down properties list in the quest. The trigger box will be disabled at start of game until you "enable" it. which you do after the last known stage. in the stages type: myxmarkername.Enable() for instance if the trigger is just to spawn the enemy boss, make a new setstage player trigger that sets the stage to trigger the trigger :tongue: or in this case, atthe death of the first skeleton, use the utility wait function then spawn the trigger, I wouldn't use a trigger box to spawn the boss, just have him disabled, and enable him after say 10 seconds. How long do you think it would take to kill the skeletons once you set the stage then use. Utility.Wait(10) MyXmarkername.Enable() or MyBoss.Enable() if the Boss is unique, you must check the "is disabled" box in the aliases tab if he is an alias. if not then just make an actor property for him in the scripts, property drop down box. No need to a trigger.
  11. the way i do it is drag an x marker into the scene. double click the trigger box and make the x marker a parent. set the x marker as "disabled" then name it and make an "objectreference" in the scripts drop down properties list in the quest. The trigger box will be disabled at start of game until you "enable" it. which you do after the last known stage. in the stages type: myxmarkername.Enable() for instance if the trigger is just to spawn the enemy boss, make a new setstage player trigger that sets the stage to trigger the trigger :P
  12. Give more priority to your hair mods, if you have race menu, make sure the hair mods are loading after.
  13. Try this. In nifscope, select the "TriShapeData" right click so the wondow pops up and select "Face Normals" it will recalulate the normals, also try this. In nifscope go to "spells" "batch" and select "update all tangent space, then run the "Face Normals" good luck
  14. I know a few folks having issues with bik movie files causing a CTD running skse. Especially the new updated version. As the logo is a bik movie, could this be the issues?
  15. Necroing this topic to hopfully help others. Assert File: ..\..\Shaders\BSLightingShaderProperty.cpp Line: 806 When working on your mod and the creation kit throws this out, and none of the above is the issue it could simply be a missing shader property in your nif file.In the creation kit object window, go to your custom static tree and select them. If you have many, then select a few a time, right click and select "Recalc Bounds" Then check your "Editor Warning" txt in your Skyrim directory to see if the error message has appeared.If it has, maybe several of the same warnings, check the models from your "Object Window" selection in nif scope. My problem was two things, very similar and can crash Skyrim if you try to open your ingame map in an interior with a model afflicted with this error. 1. The "TriShapeData" had "has vertex colors" = no, But there was an "SLSF_Vertex_Colors" property in the bottom shader properties list.2. The "TriShapeData" had "has vertex colors" = yes, But there was no "SLSF_Vertex_Colors" property in the bottom shader properties list. Also the CK doesn't like a specularity of <= 0.0 This means you have no glossiness, set it accordingly greater than 0.0, like 0.1 or 0.001 etc
  16. Busy making ships, check out my FB (link below in sig for more)
  17. I know your pain, unfortunately nav mesh is something where there is no easy fix. If it's of any help, the way I do it is manually navmesh towns villages. Then object based navmesh the rest cell by cell. You can get up to a good speed in time. But make sure the CK cell is aligned north, and always be over the top. or you'll ctd and lost stuff so bear that in mind. Each time you generate the navmesh, you must click for cover, then finalize. Keeping the error checker open and fixing a few points that don't match up exactly. All seems fine right? Nope. When you exit the CK and open it again for another session, all those errors appear, that's why I only do about 20 cells in each sitting as you'll have to scan over them with the error checking window open and check every one. Also, all your objects should be there, you dont want to be cutting round the objects later. (I am guessing you already made the complete world) On the bright side, navmeshing can be weirdly cathartic, could be worse, you could have to manually do every single cell :wink:
  18. POSITION FILLED :happy: Needed. Male voice actor for about 30 lines for a special character in my upcoming mod Rigmor of Cyrodiil. Must be Northern British accent, ie: from Manchester - Newcastle - Cumbria. Direction: Be yourself. Example: Oi, what the hell do you think you're doing, did that old crone send you out here to kill me?Well you tell her I had nothing to do with her kids death, and she can keep her nose out of my business. Must have good mic and know what they're doing. Get your name alongside Skyrim VA royalty and professionals. Send me a PM
  19. POSITION FILLED :happy: Hi, I need a female voice actor who can voice act an old crone/witch for my upcoming quest mod Rigmor of Cyrodiil. About 50 lines Must have decent mic, and know what they're doing. Want to get your name alongside some Skyrim VA royalty message my inbox: Sample line: Crone: Three rabbit legs, one small deer antler, three blood wort and one Namira's Rot. You'll find them nearby in the forest.But try not to stray too far, as with the night, danger lurks. Thank you Rigmor
  20. LOL, way off, not even close :wink: well maybe the broken heart bit. When this thing drops i am going to "disappear" from the internet and hire bodyguards. You have no idea what the hell are you walking into? don't just expect to pick up where you left off after 4 years, how is she going to react???? :tongue: lolol this is big, the story is much bigger and deeper than RoB as all the pigeons come home to roost, all is revealed as the real enemy makes itself known and the fate of Nirn is placed upon the very shoulders of the only one that can prevail against the gods, demons and kings...The Last Dragonborn.
  21. Thanks you so much Tamara, glad you didn't have too much problems with her. I have just finished another new worldspace for the sequel, a sekrit location completely from scratch that will feature in the story. I believe in making the world fit the story, and then after release more time can be put into updating the worlds with extras, like more villages, people and clutter etc.
  22. Won't the only winners be the first top ten downloads every month, which will be the same popular mod authors every time? (This is not a gripe, as they deserve the donations) Would you consider adding a "Donate" button to the top panel of the mod page next to "Endorse" as the donation section is almost lost now in the new layout? And I mean an easily seen, highlighted button. Since the new layout, donations have dropped significantly. If you opted in, would you still be able to keep the separate "Donate" section?
  23. No, the Beyond Skyrim: Cyrodiil team has completely abandoned classic Skyrim, and as far as I'm aware this mod will be for both unless things have changed. No, there will be a dual release for classic and sse, then a major overhaul for RoB, then an xbox version of both
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