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About Loki180

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    United Kingdom
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    Fallout 3, BattleField 1, Fallout New Vegas, Skyrim, Oblivion, Total War, Fallout 4, Witcher 3 and many more

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  1. This is a old post but I was just thinking about this. I lost my border collie a few months back, I would love to have her in the wasteland with me. So I will give this ago later today. I'll post it up on the Nexus once it's finished.
  2. I have the issue too, been about 3 days or so now. Lets hope plusnet can get it fixed soon.
  3. Looks great, I love the look of the populated wasteland, the towns/cities are looking great. Can not wait for E3 see what Bethesda have to add. This and Xcom 2, its all good with me!
  4. Just as in Star Wars, I am an Empire man. But my support for the Empire comes from Oblivion, I just can not let it fall!
  5. Alduin.....cough cough, during the introduction. When general tullius tell you to get into the keep, get into the keep don't stay watching and admiring, ahh 11.11.11 where did the time go.
  6. Looks great, very cool looking Nord Keep!
  7. Hello guys, I have been trying to attach a light source to an object from the Object window. Simply pulling the object into the render window and pulling a light source above that (as I am sure you know) won't make all other objects of the same name have a light source. My question is how is it possible? Say to edit CommonChair01 from the object window to emit light? so then all CommonChair01 in the world of Skyrim will have the same light source? Is this even possible? Could a script accomplish this? I have been using the creation kit for some time now but I am trying to move onto more advanced modding! Thanks for the help guys, I am going to try some more ideas out
  8. For some of my warlock characters I go for the Tribunal robes by Natterforme http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/20077/? there is also the dragon robes by one of my top modders Hothtrooper44 http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/18296/? There was a lot of robes out there, just keep looking! Although I do feel for you about there is abundant amount of female armour and clothing, but hey each to his/her own!
  9. I remember my first encounter with a zombie from oblivion! I loved it, it would of been cool if Beth made a zombie that was rather more...........scary to see.
  10. I would think many of the great housing mods already fit (more or less) your description. Although saying that, creating a housing mod like this would be rather easy. Keeping it script free, with no amazing features. You could make named chests near your smithing, enchanting etc rooms for your stuff like ingots and ingredients. So you know where stuff is and knowing what is kept inside without looking inside. As for a trigger to allow NPCs to become nude while in some kind of pool would need a script (I would guess) But taking a good look at the top housing mods would be a good start!
  11. I think since you choose the dawnguard to side with and cured Serana of here vampirism I think Bethesda assumes the player is rather anti vampire, it does not look like there is another way. There may be a mod out there somewhere to change you into a vamp lord but none that I have seen. The only mod I saw to help was a mod that allows the player to be a vampire and still work for the dawnguard. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/21932/?
  12. Hi guys! So I was killing some time today with Gimp and Skyrims textures, I changed a few banners all pretty funny. But I came across a little issue with the Civil War Banners. So looking at the civilwarbanner textures from Skyrim Textures, it has the two flags the Empire and the Stormcloaks side by side, changing this does nothing. So I went into the Creation kit took a look at the banners and the Empire banner was SBanner and the Stormers banner was something like sonsofskyrimfancybanner changing these again did nothing the banner remain the same. Does anyone know what the texture file is called for the two banners? the new banner textures are in their right folder within skyrim - data - textures - clutter (or something along those lines I know it is right as the banner I changed still work and are in the same folder) Thanks for any help in this guys! Sorry for any crazy mistakes in the text above I am most tired! :blush:
  13. All of them, the cities in Skyrim are either Walled Villages or un-walled villages.
  14. The armors look great gives the whole game a brand new feeling!
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