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Posts posted by Skybroom

  1. Hello guys, I've recently faced a miserable but yet annoying issue. When I try to drag selected vertice, it stucks and does not move at first, then it jumps aside to an undesirable position. What the pluck :confused: I couldn't find any info covering this issue in CK tutorial. Unable to edit Navmeshes. Help!

  2. I want to address this my request to all modders. There is a wonderful mod named "Follower Mod" http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/78935/? . This mod has a wonderful feature named "Follower Camera Hotkey", which allows you real-time camera tracking your follower, and seing him\her acting. I have already asked the author to make a separate mod featuring this feature, but I've got my request rejected. I've been pointed to a particular script. If you are interested, please, do it. I'll go give you an endorsement, and kudos, and all my respect :yes:

  3. Hello. I've recently faced some hilarious, but yet annoying problem with using poses on NPCs. When I put an NPC into 1-handed or 2-handed weapon pose, they stand barehanded. I can't force them to draw weapon before getting into pose by no means, I can't put any weapon into their hand after they come into pose idle.


    The problem is getting worse for the reason console command <TC> doesn't allow me (from recently) to get an NPC draw weapon - I can control their movements (run and jump), but cannot make them squat, or unsheathe a sword.


    And even worse for the reason my follower(s) stopped reacting to me unsheathing weapon - can you emagine! - they refuse to draw theirs.


    Hope, you have any ideas on that?

  4. Hi, I'd like to learn more about how idle markers and furniture works in Skyrim. Any help would be appreciated.


    My first goal is to create one new idle marker - namely a new wall lean marker with a root idle taken from Pinup Poser (male stand 4). Then I hope I'll be able to place new marker wherever I want.


    As I naively see it, all I need to do is:


    1.create a new idle (by copiing and renaming the old one);

    2.create a new walllean marker (by copiing and renaming the old one, and then swaping the root idle with the new one).


    Are there any details I can easily miss out and for that reason fail?

    Is it ever difficult to use poser idles for making new markers or furniture?


    Here's a samples:

    Vanilla wall lean marker (Sapphire in the background):



    Pinup wall lean pose:






    it's likely the mod is broken but a lot of mod authors deny there being anything wrong with what they made



    try using enb and cleanmem

    it looks similar to the black textures on npc's i had years ago then cleanmem fixed it

    Nope, Cleanmem didn't fix it. Unfortunately. Thank you for reply.

    The strange thing is Bruma mod authors ignore my report. I had a lot of new-lands mods, like Falskaar, and World of Rudra, I used to have SFO and other flora overhaul mods with no such issues. Bruma seems to give not much of new flora (motherwort and a couple of mushrooms - that's all), it uses vanilla (or default) trees. Why does it make such a stress on my computer, as to kill the trees LOD (or whatever) completely? I am at a loss.


    a lot of these mod authors are behaving like the failing chefs on kitchen nightmares





    This is clearly a set-up issue..........Follow the mod authors set-up instructions, or there will be issues such as this...


    Must've missed something important in the discription.

  6. I noticed in any cases after I have some mesh exported from Blender and I open it up in NifSkope, the number of vertices has been changed: 32457665-1499326324.png


    The number of vertices differs between _0 and _1 models in any cases. This means the weight slider won't work properly, and I will get the twisted model in game.


    This happens from time to time with another meshes, even when I only do the importing\exporting procedure with no editing at all.


    If someone know the reason, please share your knowledge.

  7. it's likely the mod is broken but a lot of mod authors deny there being anything wrong with what they made



    try using enb and cleanmem

    it looks similar to the black textures on npc's i had years ago then cleanmem fixed it

    Nope, Cleanmem didn't fix it. Unfortunately. Thank you for reply.

    The strange thing is Bruma mod authors ignore my report. I had a lot of new-lands mods, like Falskaar, and World of Rudra, I used to have SFO and other flora overhaul mods with no such issues. Bruma seems to give not much of new flora (motherwort and a couple of mushrooms - that's all), it uses vanilla (or default) trees. Why does it make such a stress on my computer, as to kill the trees LOD (or whatever) completely? I am at a loss.

  8. Beyond Skyrim - Bruma.

    Any help or piece of advice would be highly appreciated.

    I've got a problem with distant trees dipicting as soon as I crossed the border to Cyrodiil. Distant trees look like scyscrapers:


    Something wrong with LOD, I firstly presumed. Then I noticed it concerns not only fairly remote tees, but those situated not far away from the viewer (excuse me for my English). As if the distance for texture dipicting grew drastically reduced.


    Re-installation doesn't help. I have pretty low fps, but never encountered such a glitch. Found no information covering this issue on Bruma mod page. Might it be a "special" system requirements for Cyrodiil (not claimed by authors)? Some ini editions needed or what? Please, help!

  9. We seem to have 111 pieces of vanilla loadscreen art. They are beautiful but look boring now. Just wondering, if someone made a couple of new 3d objects over the past six years? Might want to share it with other gamers.


    There's a mod "No Load Screen Art". Wish there were a mod "More Loadscreen Art".

  10. Got an idea of making it possible to collect more ingredients from nature. As soon as we have linen, fur, and wool clothes, vanilla and those added with some mods, I guess it would be highly immersive to have an opportunity of crafting all this stuff with a few of natural materials in use.


    Like we have pelts for making fur armor, we need linen wraps or tundra cotton for making linen clothes and so on, don't we. BTW I find it a bit odd when I need to collect those creepy and damn heavy linen rolls from the dungeons in order to then wear clothes made from this material, enjoying the "wonderful" smelt of ancient nords :)

    I prefere collecting tundra cotton, honestly speaking. So, why do not culture it? I'm dreaming of cotton fields.


    The most desirable thing to me is to make it possible to gather wool from... I don't know... goats. Yep, goats and cows, mammoths perhaps, from whom else. Because we (me) have a lot of wool clothing, and have no wool as ingredient.

    I don't mean processing the wool, nor any new animation - it would be too much immersive. I mean just approaching the animal (alive one is preferable to dead), and having a simple menu pops-up under crosshair: "goat: gather wool".


    It looks simple to make a new ingredient with the help of CK. A new 3d model is needed. And some scripts, I presume. This is the thing I can't handle without any help.

  11. Do we have any mod to turn generic NPCs to have unique appearance? Or to add some more diversity into facegeom data base.

    Bandits, guards, soldiers, other folk - clones everywhere. Plus such twins NPCs as Briehl (the Temple of Mara), Sond (Eldergleam Sanctuary), Erikur (Solitude noble).

  12. Hope someone will give me an advice. All males in my game are wearing Geonox face textures and Better Males body textures. And all those whose hairstyle does not cover their neck have a dirty neck. The back side of the neck has a greyish dirt on it, so there is an obvious color mismatch between the upper back and the neck colour. The problem is I can't define the cause of the problem. When examining both body and head textures I do not see any differences, exept for the specular maps. If you look at malehead_s.dds (the 3rd picture), you'll see it has a darker neck tone then malebody_s.dds around neck area (the last picture).



    Any advice will be appreciated.
  13. Hi. I don't think this kind of "protection" is highly immersive. But the "stop from jumping into battles" function is worth checking out. Yes, my horses are intolerant of enemies and very brave. Though I doubt it will help, because I am speaking of horses having my followers on their backs. I am using FLP, and have mounted combat preference set "on". So, followers don't dismount when they meet an enemy. I guess, this is followers' AI is responsible for undesirable stops along the way. But if the horse could carry it's rider away from danger, flee away with my follower on it's back - this would be the best option.


    So, my problem, or request, or whatever is to find a possibility of AVOIDING COMBAT when making your way riding along with your companions.

  14. None of mods you named I have in my mod list :smile: Hi. Listen, you've been talking about no fast travel, group riding and so on. Have you ever managed to get from one town to another with no being dramatically obstructed, when your followers get stuck in fight with enemies? Today, for example, I'm trying my best to make my way from Riften to Windhelm, only one follower with me, we're both mounted. I bought a second horse in Riften Stables, spent my last money. And those bears - they are so often to encounter in these parts. Each of them means death of one of my horses at least.


    In any case, thanks for reply and links. Gonna search for appropriate mods combination.

  15. Got similar idea resently. Bards keep playing and singing all night long. At least the Bannered Mare Mikhael does. Poor guy seems to have no bed in ownership, so he never rests at all. Immersive Citizens mod have no influence on him. Music sounds annoying sometimes when you have a room rented, go upstairs, and want to have some rest. Would be great to have a dialogue option for asking the bard to stop his/her music for a while.


    Edited. I checked Mikael. He has a bed in ownership. Lucky man :) He has a DefaultSleepEditorLocNOLOCKING24x8 package. So he is sceduled to go to bed at 24.00. Guess, he has a "bard duties" priority, as I (PC) never seen him sleep. Any ideas how to make him go to bed, say at 5 a.m. and wake up at 13 p.m.?

  16. So, how to simply encrease follower limit?


    I've been using "Increased Follower Limit" for quite a long time, untill I decided to start companions (Jorrvaskr) quests. The "Increased Follower Limit" function died.

    Meanwhile I don't need any follower "tweaks" apart from multiple follower function for the reason I am using FLP, FCO, RDO-FLP patch, Multiple floor sandboxing and so on. Any additional mod may crash my follower behavior system.

    Meanwhile, I can't use a bash patch made by Wrybash, cuz MO doesn't like it :)


    I do not need 100 followers. Guess, I need 2-6 ones.

    I am ready to make simple follower limit extender mod on my own, just tell me how :)

  17. I want to be able to go to Whiterun and buy 3 different horses at the same time, 1 for me and 2 for my followers. I don't fast travel and I dont want to have to go to another city before I'm ready to just to get horses for them. But I also cant stand them following miles behind on foot while I ride my horse - we need to all be riding at the same time and from the same place.

    Have you found a solution yet?

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