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Posts posted by Skybroom

  1. Yeah I don't think it's intended to work that way, so sounds like a bug. It's supposed to only occur when he's activated, so maybe his activation and your sneak are using the same key.

    What do you mean by "activation"?


    No, it occures not at the moment I push the Ctrl button to sneak, it occures spontaneously during me staying in a sneak mode, while enemy (or enemies) are searching for me. It's scary.

  2. A simple question: can NPC use healing potions if needed, if their health drops, and they have a potion in their inventory?

    Or there's a special perk for NPC to have this ability?

    Or they never use healing potions at all, and they'll die in combat inspite of having a ton of healing potions in their inventory?


    I know about Follower Potions and Poisons mod and other mods which allow followers to use potions, but I am talking of non-follower NPC.

    I know about self-healing spell perk, but I am not interested in spells this time.

  3. My thoughts and experiences: Actors using templates cannot be unique.


    Is it a must for a follower to have the unique flag ticked? I assume that's why you're asking :smile:

    Looks like I succeeded with the Stormcloak Soldier. Partially succeeded. I guess, it was a must to place him in the world, otherwise his ID stops existing during the loading of the other cell. So, I placed him into Windhelm Barracks. I haven't yet comprehended the whole mechanism of IDs and references. It's not that simple to achieve my goal with the Stormcloak Prisoner and NPCs of this sort.


    My new mod's esp last test showed:

    1. You can visit Stormcloak Soldier in Windhelm Barracks before encountering him as a prisoner on the roads of Skyrim. And you can recruit him (I didn't recruit him this time).

    2. The Stormcloak Prisoner Quest is still active, this means you can encounter the Prisoner convoyed by imperials on the roads of Skyrim.

    3. You can free him, and would he not die during combat, you can suggest him following you.

    4. He will follow you, and WON'T disappear during the cell changing.

    5. He will find himself at home (i.e. in Windhelm Barracks) once you enter the Windhelm City, and won't follow you no matter of being your current follower. Badass. Console "set playerfollowercount to 0" may help (haven't checked).



    1. I haven't checked it what if you make him your follower before the Prisoner Quest start - would you met his twin, or the quest trigger won't work?

    2. I am afraid you'd better not use the dialogue branch "Follow me, I need you help" right away once you got him free and imperials defeated. You'd better let him run away. And then, when you decide to do that, you are free to pay him visit in Windhelm Barracks and suggest following you. This looks immersive to me after all. Just to let the Charcter catch his breath and come to his senses before suggesting anything (he's marriagable btw).

  4. THeir butts would become very elongated and stick upward and their boobs would do the same. This only happens for the females ...

    That would be very strange if male characters had their boobs elongated and stuck upwards.

  5. Hello guys, have you ever encounter this bug (bug or not - I don't know how to name it) when each and every NPC can say "Mew?" during PC sneaking? Draugrs, wolves, mudcrubs - they all keep saying "Mew?" (using a silent voice, I guess, cuz I can only see subtitles). I have a lot of mods in my mod list. I wouldn't like to start investigation on this miserable matter. But it's no fun to hear - sorry - to see "Mew?" all the way through the game:




  6. This may sound like a noob question, but it's kinda tricky one. Actually, I am a nood indeed, but I know how to change flags via CK or xEdit. The issue I faced the other day is that of not every NPC could be set to be unique that easy. There at leat two NPCs who refuse to be transformed that way.

    The first one is a Stormcloak Soldier from a generic quest, a prisoner escorted by imperials - you can meet them on the raods of Skyrim.

    Once you've done with cutting him loose and if you managed to defeat those imperials, but the Prisoner haven't died, he would run away in the direction of Windhelm. My idea was to make it possible to "befriend" him by suggesting him to become Player's companion (follower).

    AFAIK this is an NPC with unique appearance, his ID is:

    CWPrisonerSons "Stormcloak Soldier" [NPC_:0001675C]

    He's referenced by two quests:

    WE09 "Imperials with Stormcloak Prisoner" [QUST:0009D5A0]

    CW [QUST:00019E53]

    He has no flag "Unique".

    He has TPLT - Template: LCharSoldierSons [LVLN:0001FC5C]


    What I did first was I set him "Unique" and removed TPLT record (as you can see in the picture). Here I have to make a confession - I don't completely understand what TPLT section and records mean. I guess, he might use some AI packages and other data common to the group of NPCs he belongs to, right? What I did next was adding follower fractions.

    As a result he got a follower dialogue (as far as I can remember). But what ever I do, he disappears once I enter the city gate (!). I can go in and out caves, other interior locations, but once I enter one of the cities, his reference ID stops it's existance as if the game engine gets this NPC vaporized. When I try to enter his ID via console 'prid <ID>' I get the error message.

    The same story with a Hunter (WE25Hunter "Hunter" [NPC_:0006218C]).

    He's a participant in another generic quest, where you get yourself involved into primitive thief chasing plot. A thief passes you a piece of stolen armor or weapon, and runs away. Then a Hunter we're talking about emerges and asks you if ou saw a thief passing by.

    This hunter is the one I have an intention to make a potential follower. But first I need to make him unique. Again it looks like he has a unique appearance.

    He's referenced by one quest:

    WE25 "(Min Lvl 2) Hey you there, take this" [QUST:00062131]

    And he has a TPLT - LvlBanditMissile [NPC_:0001E79E] and a few Template flags on.


    This NPC vanishes exactly the same way the Stormcloak Prisoner does.

    I really hope to get a tip from you, guys. Eagerly waiting for your replies.

  7. Why is it not possible to buy a horse from those guys in their camps scattered all around Skyrim? There are always a couple of saddled horsies sticking around in there. They are so seductive to steal. But I don't practice thievery. I wanna buy one if I need it. There's a guy selling things in every camp, a quartermaster he is. Let him sell me a horse.

  8. I'm using UNP body replacer. Everything's fine. But I noticed occasionally that all the old female NPCs have a seam (gap) between body and feet. What might cause this?

    I checked my mod list with Tes5Edit. Nothing suspicious. Old Females should use common SkinNaked, and common world model for their NakedTorsoOld, NakedFeetOld, and hands. Weight slider is enabled. The texture set is the only difference. But it's ok with textures, the gap is a sign of a mesh issue, isn't it?
    P.S. btw I've been looking for some mod (have forgotten it's name), which adds more difference to body types. Sort of body-races overhaul, with a separate (standalone) body for old women. Guess, there were an armor reshaped as well. It was released a year or so ago. I can remember those pictures, where different NPCs were posing in Whiterun Market Place, old women looked more abdominous. If you know what mod I am talking about, please let me know.
    Solved: textures was the culprit.
  9. Does anyone know a mod which makes bards in taverns take a break at intervals, stop playing and singing for a while, leave their "workstation", have a seat at the bar counter and so on. I've noticed they have an intention to leave their place, but they always turn back after two steps made forward, as if some invisible force makes them get back to work. It's annoying, don't you find? So, this is my request. Hope, some kind and engenious person would slightly change bards' behaviour, I mean package. Unfortunately, Immersive Cityzens don't look like to be covering this flaw.

  10. Not sure I am the first person who got this simple idea.


    1. Add apple as an animation object for that common eat bread animation we see here and there NPNs performing (sorry, I can't recall the correct name for that idle). This would make a variant of exesting idle. Any other food object, like sweet roll will do (providing a bit of scaling probably).


    2.Add chewing animation as an additional stage for existing eat bread animation. NPC bites his bread and starts moving his chin up and down (maybe slightly diagonally), he keeps chewing for a while (with opening his mouth probably). Then the idle recycles the way we have in vanilla game. For chewing animation the existing phonemas could be used similar to the way silent voice works.


    I am pretty sure, everyone will agree all this would be immersive and absoolutely lore-friendly, and - more important - it would bring additional diversity into game. If you agree with me, please vote for this request.

  11. Vertex coloring most likely. You can disable that flag in the BSLightingShader properties.

    I'll make sure to check it, thanks.



    Vertex coloring most likely. You can disable that flag in the BSLightingShader properties.


    Or perhaps try facing the normals.


    I'll try this, thanks.



    Yes, it helps. Thanks.


    It looks like this model won't make a good replacer any way. It has no root part beneath:



    You could add more triangles to cover that hole in the base, or maybe transplant another mesh part to cover it up.


    Good ideas, thank you. I'll take a breake first. This tree have got me bored.

  12. I really thought it would be easy to do.

    What I wanted to do is to replace this:



    with this:



    This is a TundraDriftWood02 replased with one of vurt's pinetrees.


    Unfortunately, all the replaced objects accured to be flying over the ground:



    It's an approximately 200 points offset by the axis Z.
    Question: how can I do the translation for all these trees (they are statics btw) at once? So that not to work with each of them separately.
    While waiting for an answer I'm gonna try translation on nif mesh.
  13. Help!


    Last time I loaded a save, I faced a new problem. That was an interior save, with me recently bought Breeze Home, and got it halfly decorated. My housecarl is Ludwig (Lydia's substitute). I've been having him as a housecarl for more than a half a year, and never got any problems. He was always staying loyal and tolerant with me, so I doubt this housecarl replacer mod may cause an issue I am experiencing now. So, this fellow was sweeping the floor upstairs, next to double bed, and I was standing closer to the ladder, using 'tfc' in order to check the furniture layout one more time, when I've heared a familiar, but so unpleasant "I'm warning you!"... Oops! I've got that cue ignored by myself, but the same brute male voice repeated: "That's close enough", and the 5 coin bounty got announced in the left corner of the screen. I exited the "tfc" state, and approached my housecarl. He seemed to be not in the mood, but gteeted me with friendly words as usual. What I have noticed, I've noticed another suspicious thing: when I tried to sneak (it came to me that I should check the sneak state), he grew angry and told me to piss off. AFAIK this won't be happening with followers and housecarls, am I right? He wasn't in a follower state at that moment though, I mean I haven't told him to follow me... s#*&#33;, it's complicated! Well, the guard appeared soon, that was expectable, and I reminded him who's a Thane here, and he retreated. And of course, next time the guard was called in, I wasn't that lucky, and once I've exited the dialogue, he unsheated his sword. What made me wonder more is my Ludwig rushed to defend his thane, i.e. he killed the guard with a few swings of his sword. God! I hate bloodsheding indoors, in my player house doors!


    So, I am at a loss what to do next. Why did the housecarle start changing his mood and factions swiftly? What makes him to be unfriendly to his thane? As always, situations of this sort demand the "mod list investigation" to be held.


    What was new in my game at the moment the issue popped up? No doubt, there were a few "innovations".


    1."Smart No More Stupid Dog Comments" mod I have recently installed. You see, I have not been having dog as a follower for a long time. But once I've met Meeko, I couldn't help taking him with me into travels. And I picked this Dog Comments mod in order to not hear "Stupid dog!" constantly from my followers (I am having two). As this mod has GetRelationshipRank conditions included, I think it might be the cause for housecarl's "unusual" behaviour.


    2.Breezehome changes I've made via xEdit recently to put some underwear into a player chest, and set the double bed to PlayerFaction (instead of default PlayerBedOwnership faction). Can the double bed ownership manipulations entail the death of a guard?


    That's it, I suppose. Please, give me a holler if you have any thoughts on this matter. And I'm gonna search for any additional clues. This isn't a Skyrim, isn't a game when you're having such a feeling of being unsafe in your player's house, is it?

  14. Sorry, I seem to be unable to handle bashing-merging stuff. This is the way to my mods system to crash completely.


    Meanwhile, I am still experiencing CTDs after exiting dialogue from time to time. For more than a year I've been suffering from that. This may now happen to me with any NPC I've talked to, may or may not. I checked mods on errors, I checked them on overriding matter. Nothing suspicious I have found.


    Would you, guys, please just tell me what kind of errors may cause crashes of this sort?

  15. None of it applies to interiors sadly :/

    Only advice i got is when editing navmesh, always disable fog fx in the cell. Just typing FX into the cell window, filter them all out, and hit 1 twice to hide them (ALT +1 to unhide). Make ur life a ton easier.

    THANK YOU so much. It's so helpful!

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