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Everything posted by Skybroom

  1. Please, help! CK doesn't see WAV file I made with Audacity for voicing an NPC. The lip generate button is unavailable (inactive). I can record with CK itself and thus it automatically generate lip-file when I hit Save, but the file is blank. May I ask you to have a look at this WAV file? It's mono, 44100, 16 bit. Why doesn't CK want to make a lip from this? https://yadi.sk/d/K6RX2gek3TU3mB
  2. While working in CK I am not always able to change a window size. For example, this "Reference Alias" window - It's too big, I can't even see the "Okay" button. What should I do?
  3. Thank you. Yes, I'd rather not create new quests, I'm afraid it'd be very tedious. New filename - this is the second thing I've been trying to avoid. All vanilla voice types use the same file names for generic dialogues - they are easy to replace.
  4. New voice type is MaleYoungEagerRus. I add the GetIsVoiceType condition, set it to "or". There's still no new voice type in Edit Responce window. I am trying to make an NPC speak Russian. I have all the neccessary voice files.
  5. Each of generic dialogues contains different voices. I need my new voice type to "behave" exactly the same as MaleYoungEager do.
  6. Damn, other voices get vanished from the list, as I expected. None of combinations guarantees both default and my new voice types being present in the list. Either I see only my new voice, or the rest with no new one.
  7. Forgot to switch to GetIsVoiceType . There it is. Got it. Thanks! Oh, which of the simbols should I check for Comparison? == is checked by default. I need to keep all the rest of the voices included, as I am editing generic dialogues. I don't want the new condition to exclude them.
  8. Thank you. But it doesn't show up in the list of available conditions.
  9. I can't figure it out why do I not see a new voice type in the list of valid voice types in the Edit Response window. I am trying to add a new voice type into generic dialogues. Thank you.
  10. Wonder if someone made a few idle markers, and want to release them as a resource for modders to use in CK?
  11. Searching for mod named "Little Elsweyr" to download. Found the link on other site but it's not workable.
  12. I am used to MO. The only thing I can't get used to is when you change your profile you get 90 % of loosing your mod list and load order data.
  13. Hi, I'm working on some mod. I need to determine a particular NPC's death (or disabling from the world) by another game event (another NPC's death in particular). How can I do it? Thanks.
  14. Thank you, I'll have a look. Winter is coming indeed )
  15. Hello everyone, I need a simple advice - if it's possible - as to how to adjust the ENB sky lightness for a particular time of day. I've noticed a strange "disproportion" in lightness in the dusk. Here is vanilla: Here is ENB: With ENB on the sky goes darker than distant mountains. Whatever I tried to change in ENB settings, I can't "fix" this issue. I need either encrease sky lightness, or reduce mountains lightness. Solved
  16. Thank you, Tasheni, for this mini tutorial. I think, I'm not ready to do this complicated work yet.
  17. I am using Snowy Windhelm and I'd like to get all it's citizens dressed up as they should be dressed under such a climate conditions. Actually I am ready to edit outfit for every NPC separately. I have fur coats and other warm clothes for that purpose. But I wouldn't like them to walk around with fur coats and hats on day and night. How to force them to take off those things when they enter an interior cell? Should I add a special script, a keyword, and two separate outfits for each NPC to swap between?
  18. Yeah, me too! Since I learnt what causes that, I think it's cute. The most annoying thing is to stay in the dark not knowing the reason for this or that bug.
  19. What do you mean by "activation"? No, it occures not at the moment I push the Ctrl button to sneak, it occures spontaneously during me staying in a sneak mode, while enemy (or enemies) are searching for me. It's scary.
  20. Give this a try: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/78669/ https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/81931 And tell me if it's ok. I haven't yet.
  21. A simple question: can NPC use healing potions if needed, if their health drops, and they have a potion in their inventory? Or there's a special perk for NPC to have this ability? Or they never use healing potions at all, and they'll die in combat inspite of having a ton of healing potions in their inventory? I know about Follower Potions and Poisons mod and other mods which allow followers to use potions, but I am talking of non-follower NPC. I know about self-healing spell perk, but I am not interested in spells this time.
  22. Looks like I succeeded with the Stormcloak Soldier. Partially succeeded. I guess, it was a must to place him in the world, otherwise his ID stops existing during the loading of the other cell. So, I placed him into Windhelm Barracks. I haven't yet comprehended the whole mechanism of IDs and references. It's not that simple to achieve my goal with the Stormcloak Prisoner and NPCs of this sort. My new mod's esp last test showed: 1. You can visit Stormcloak Soldier in Windhelm Barracks before encountering him as a prisoner on the roads of Skyrim. And you can recruit him (I didn't recruit him this time). 2. The Stormcloak Prisoner Quest is still active, this means you can encounter the Prisoner convoyed by imperials on the roads of Skyrim. 3. You can free him, and would he not die during combat, you can suggest him following you. 4. He will follow you, and WON'T disappear during the cell changing. 5. He will find himself at home (i.e. in Windhelm Barracks) once you enter the Windhelm City, and won't follow you no matter of being your current follower. Badass. Console "set playerfollowercount to 0" may help (haven't checked). Issues: 1. I haven't checked it what if you make him your follower before the Prisoner Quest start - would you met his twin, or the quest trigger won't work? 2. I am afraid you'd better not use the dialogue branch "Follow me, I need you help" right away once you got him free and imperials defeated. You'd better let him run away. And then, when you decide to do that, you are free to pay him visit in Windhelm Barracks and suggest following you. This looks immersive to me after all. Just to let the Charcter catch his breath and come to his senses before suggesting anything (he's marriagable btw).
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