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About Anubis100

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  1. Hi every1 I'm looking for a mod I saw earlier on the nexus, it's actually a mod you can delete spells from your spell book ingame. I can't fin it please help :) THXX GREEZ Anubis100
  2. Hm wasn't there a mod where you could hav ALL the enchantments, i mean enchant a ring to do fire damage for example... i thought I'd have seen it earlier... Does anybody of you mates? I'd be glad :D
  3. Thank you very much this is great :thumbsup:
  4. I was using so many mods and now i just deinstalled Skyrim and deleted all the mods, so I can start from scratch. Now I don't have so many mods installed anymore, i just would like to get the best gaming experience through graphical mods, so here's my question: Which is the best graphic mod (HQ Textures, lighting and so on)?[/i] Thx for the tips :thumbsup: Grz Anubis100
  5. I even did that. Didn't help. This is so annoying... anyways, thanks folks, i'll look further for solution...
  6. Hii Njorunn I've tried that one, but it didn't make it better, it made it even worse (now there are like bands on the screen) -.- but i've seen that others have encountered similar problems, so it must have something to do with the newest batch. grz Anubis100
  7. What happens if you click YES insted of NO when you start a saved game?
  8. I' ve got a major shadow problem and I cannot solve it. I would be sooooo happy if anyone can help me solve this issue. Video links: Thanks very much
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