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Everything posted by MasterMagnus

  1. The ref ID's are just a number, so yes, 2e is the same as 0000002e. You can drop leading zeros. I've also looked into renaming things. From my experiments you can only rename things using built in MESG strings or create a new .esp file mod for your string table. The engine wants to have a constant string stored somewhere it can look up. It doesn't want to store your custom string just typed in from the console. You can experiment with this function: SetActorFullName refID The refID must point to a string stored in the vanilla files or in a custom .esp you create. I'm planning on starting a thread about the mod I'm working on soon. Keep an eye out for my companion experiments so far. And more power to ya!
  2. I'm not 100% certain it is the same as modding the .esm or creating an override .esp. I'm pretty new around here, and to modding Bethesda games. A little more experimentation changing voice on Codsworth and Piper. Using SetVoiceType 2e, caused both of those default companions to become completely silent. There are still pauses when they would be speaking, but no sound. This did seem to be saved across sessions. If all you want to do is mute them but have them continue to work properly this may be a simple solution for you (just the console command). And I assume it is reversible by resetting to their standard voice.
  3. I did just try setting in the console with an ongoing save game. It seemed to work but I haven't tested it for more than 2 minutes so beware. ~ Open Console Click on Companion (Should show [xxxxxxxx] EP) in the console. SetVoiceType 2e Close Console Not sure yet if it is saved across sessions. Try it out.
  4. I haven't tested overriding Piper's audio in this way specifically. I'm working on a companion mod. I have created a copy of a companion record (Strong) changed the race, various other attributes, and replaced the voice with a settler voice type. I've had no problems when things trigger the companion to speak but there is no file for that dialogue. They also speak at appropriate times with lines they do have, like "Look at all the blood!" "I think I'm gonna be sick!" etc. But in general it makes for a much less talkative companion. This seems to work well, but as I said, I have not tested this on overriding a default companion's voice.
  5. Haven't tested it, but you can change the voice used in FO4edit. Change this value in the Piper Record (00002F1E CompanionPiper) VTCK - Voice: NPCFPiper [VTYP:0001928A] Change to something like a settler voice that doesn't have files for the Piper specific dialogues. FemaleRough [VTYP:0000002E] FemaleEvenToned [VTYP:00013ADD] Just two examples from the Voice Type section.
  6. Thank you both. I'm familiar with Hex and programming (from years ago), so I'm pretty sure I get what you're saying. I am typing things in the console line by line, or running a script via text file and the command: Bat ScriptFilename What I am doing that works fine: -Created an .esp as a string table, copying a MESG item. -Spawned a settler from console using Player.PlaceAtMe 1c2694 -Close console (to spawn settler), open console, Click on Settler. -Run a script on the Settler to make them a companion: setconsolescopequest followers forcerefintoalias companion setplayerteammate 1 setrelationshiprank player 4-Change name using SetActorFullName 5000802 (one of the message strings I created with my .esp in the 05 load order slot). This all works fine. I've been travelling with two custom named companions (one companion, one dogmeatcompanion) from right outside vault 111 to currently level 17. Save games remember the custom name, they can be dismissed and brought back, still retain custom name. But ultimately I don't want to have an end user responsible for figuring out my mods number, clicking on the right thing, and making sure everything was correct before proceeding. I assume the load order issue is something the creation kit would address. Being able to address your mod from code, independent of the load order, seems like job number one to ease use of mods for the player. Defining a variable and storing a RefID seems like something I'm going to need for sure but I can't seem to get any of the code you provided to work for me. Run from a script or typed from console I get error: Script Command ObjectReference not found. If I type Game.GetFormFromFile I get error: Script Command Game not found. If I type GetFormFromFile I get: Script Command GetFormFromFile not found. I get errors: Debug not found MessageBox not found I couldn't even define a variable in the way you show. Is Papyrus code you're referring to run through the console (in Fallout4) by default (and/or scripts run from Bat "filename")? Do I need to include some other files to expose the functions you mention? I may not need to get too fancy, but I'd surely like to define and work with a variable if possible. **EDIT** Maybe I have to set my SetConsoleScopeQuest back to a 'larger scope'? Maybe SetConsoleScopeQuest Game?
  7. Hi, I'm new around here. This is probably jumping the gun before the creation kit comes out, but here goes. I got the SetActorFullName function to work with custom strings. You simply need to create a custom .esp file to store the strings using FO4edit. Using console commands (or in a bat file) setactorfullname 5000800 Works great considering my .esp file is number 5 in the mod manager. Is there a way to know the number 'slot' my mod will occupy on other people's system? Or perhaps a way to address the specific ref_ID that is independent of the mods installed and their order? I'm all new to this, so maybe that's a simple question addressed elsewhere. I had seen several mentions of SetActorFullName in various places online with no actual solution, so I thought it would at least be a good bit of info to drop here.
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