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Everything posted by MasterMagnus

  1. Mod available now! -Can't We Get Along (mod)?- http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/15029/? Three new T-shirts in-game to show your allegiance in style! -Nexus Shirt -Bethesda Shirt -Can't We Get Along Shirt
  2. Thank you all for your kind words! I have already seen 144 more downloads on the Beth.net mod I'm cross promoting. Keep 'em coming!
  3. Why thank you! Speaking of self promotion, here's my newest mod, a Nexus exclusive! http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/14993/? Never had much trouble with self promotion as you say. Timing though....with people removing their mods from Nexus...oh wait it's almost like the perfect moment to see a void and be able to fill it.
  4. Good people doing good things there, I will not poke my nose in and drag this whole debate behind me. I suppose in this day and age of the anonymous internet, and the anonymous mocking of people who have nothing to do with the discussion. With all the media coverage of "you know who saying you know what, and the commercial that says 'that showed me his soul and I didn't like what I saw'". (I am NOT trying to make this political) To be perfectly honest with myself and all of you. I'm not really on some righteous quest to defend the disabled. It just felt so f*****g GOOD to put one punk in his place just one time, and really just tear them a new a*****e in front of his little adoring fans. I am here to tell you, it STILL feels so good.
  5. I've belonged to many other modding communities. I've moderated modding forums in the early 2000s. I've moderated other forums that have a higher viewership than this site. I had another username then, and if there are any old schoolers from Freedom Reborn we could talk about it. That's a modding forum by the way not some politically oriented anything. Under this username (MasterMagnus) I belong to other gaming communities that actually pay real world dollars for the models and textures I've submitted for approval by their art dev team. Every other community I belonged to had an email of at least one actual employee of the game they were modding. And were on good terms with the devs if not the company. I have built a name and a reputation elsewhere. My mods are on Bethesda.net exclusively right now. I will stand my reputation against this Baby Elmo any day. Let them ban me from this community forever, I really have nothing to lose. I've already staked my good name and it won't be tarnished by the entire Nexus community siding with him. It'll sure show the internet at large something though.
  6. Thank you! For finally making it publicly known exactly what the situation is from your official moderator's perspective. As you know from the last thread of his you shut down. I only ever attacked one person, after he repeatedly mocked people with disabilities. Check youtube for "mocking disabled". You know, that new ad that's going around? If you all feel the need to moderate me and defend his hate speech feel free. I will say, I'm pretty sure that is NOT what you're doing. Looks to me like you're doing your job and trying to cool things down. Kudos to you. I have definitely targeted DDProductions83, and I will not let up until he issues a full and sincere apology to everyone here on the Nexus, and every disabled person everywhere. Then and only then, would I let up on him. Or he could just delete his profile and save us all the embarrassment. You do what you gotta do, I fully support that. I'm right here and subject to any moderation you choose to use, just like everyone else. There are a lot more people watching than just those that posted in this thread. So I would have a care in considering what your moderation choices look like to those who are watching but not speaking, just yet.
  7. And hopefully you notice how I didn't speak down to you in the same fashion, because you were an adult and didn't have to use Kutesy Psykhoti© internet speak to talk to me.
  8. If I saw anyone else taking action, I wouldn't have to. If it makes me a hypocrite to this community I guess that's the consequences I bear. To be honest with you, I don't feel like a hypocrite at all. When I said PWNED I was using baby talk to speak to a baby. His posts are littered with Kutesy Psykhoti© internet speak. I'm just speaking down to his level.
  9. It's not just the odds, the perk is a 'flag' that says 'yes this person gets to roll against that chance'. If they don't have the perk it never looks at the VATSStrangerOdds. Or so I would assume not having looked into it extensively.
  10. Yeah jump to defend his actions. 'Cus I'm the big bad outsider. Are you sure you've read ALL that Baby Elmo said to stay confident in your support of him? And it doesn't make you wonder why he keeps getting warnings and threads closed, while what you criticize as 'lacking maturity' is perfectly fine with the mods here? You might want to re-read what this cretin has written, and consider it for a moment before blindly defending this child. And you might take time to ponder why baby elmo's late night/early morning posts are viewed much less, and my posts go up early morning, are up all day long, seen by far more people, and the mods are totally ok with it. Is there just the slightest little chance that every mod on here is thanking me for calling out this infant, in a way they can't because of their position and relationships in the community? And is there just the slightest chance that we adults see exactly who is defending this kid and have a memory that lasts longer than a day?
  11. Congrats on release! This is filled with such amazing, great, hard work, and cool concepts.
  12. Pay attention, I say, PAY ATTENTION BOY!!! If you read any threads but your own you'd know that the mods here have you on IGNORE. Nobody with any credibility will stand by you, and they certainly aren't going to talk to you. You're a pariah (look it up boy) in this community. Delete your account and start over punk. That way you stop ruining the reputation of the amazing artists who have associated with you in the past. I PWNED YOU WITH A 100 YEAR OLD NURSERY RHYME! How is that possible? Because infants come in all ages, and adults come in all ages. But since the dawn of time An adult can identify an infant throwing a tantrum from a mile away. The nursery rhyme from 100s of years ago so easily fit the situation because you are a run of the mill snot nose kid. "It was so easy" to adapt the rhyme to apply to you, and it "is soooooo funny!" Little Elmo == You're so shallow and little, beneath us all sat in a corner == Nobody wants to play with you, you're freakin' weird eating a whole plum pie == You're a fat greedy internet troll, that pie is made entirely of plums stuck in his thumb, pulled out a plum, and said "what a smart boy am I!" == You stuck your thumb in a pie filled with plums and thought you were brilliant for finding one. Get it now? Little Elmo Horner sat in a corner eating a whole plum pie. Stuck in his thumb, pulled out a plum, and said "what a smart boy am I!" And in case you're still too slow to understand the deeper implication. You stuck your thumb in a pie filled with plums and thought you were brilliant for finding one. == You spent 25 minutes on coding and testing and pronounced yourself brilliant "it was so easy!" Your fail DRM == a 25 minute plum pie. Thank you for attending another YOU GOT PWNED KID production For the good of the Nexus please shut your whine hole and let the grown-ups talk. That means stop posting topics with mile long all caps arrows 'look at me look at me' desperation. You seem to like being spanked in public, over and over again. You really do have some deep seated problems. But here you go...
  13. Really I mean it. I have no doubt you (and all involved) have, are, and will continue to do a fantastic job here. I wouldn't hesitate to report something stolen, and I'm sure you wouldn't hesitate to act. I don't know for sure how to say it without hurting some feelings. Some of the 'wilder' elements around here, remind me that this is a third party site and there are some unsavory characters lurking about. Hosting my stuff with the actual first party company who made the game affords me a few degrees more confidence than I currently feel here.
  14. Really I completely agree with all you said except the part directed at me. You are clearly more experienced in this community, and I defer to your assessment of the situation. I NEVER meant to imply that Nexus does nothing about theft. If any of my mods were ever brought here by anyone else I'm sure they would take swift and decisive action. ALL I SAID was: "I never had any mods here, so I suffered no theft." I meant I never had anyone steal my stuff FROM Nexus, not bring my stuff TO Nexus.
  15. Duh, I never thought of putting watermarks in textures in between the UV unwrap! Most of the vanilla textures have quite a bit of dead space in the unwraps too.
  16. Well said. Reneer I've seen you to be nothing but helpful and courteous. I took that one a little snide, my bad, I apologize.
  17. When money becomes involved, you'd be surprised how: -Lawyer's attitudes change -Companies support you because it's a piece of their pie too. -and more. When you're a third party offering free stuff, who cares? Why would a lawyer get involved in something where no money changed hands?
  18. I first posted my mods for PC on Beth.net, then immediately posted the XBox1 versions as soon as we could. I never had any mods here, so I suffered no theft. Since this whole problem I have made my PC versions 'Private'. Again, I will be assuring that nobody steals my mod and brings it here. As of this writing I have 18,604 downloads (including the 1,568 PC downloads before going 'Private' on those). I could never have achieved this much here on the Nexus. I could never have reached this level of users and feedback. I don't have a single angry, mean spirited, begging or compaining comment on any of my uploads. I'm perfectly happy to keep my mods exclusive to the company that made the game, when third party sites afford me VASTLY less security and offer all kinds of 4th party applications that run an .exe file in conjunction with the game. No thanks. I'm affording my users security they can count on, none of my mods are bricking consoles. That's my stance, after watching around here for weeks before the CK came out, and now...
  19. That's right, keep your mouth shut. Best ya don't make me spank you in public again, boy...
  20. Just for you boy https://youtu.be/-LCsiWL6gn0 "any of this gettin' through that little blue bonnet of yours?" I can still does Kutesy PsyKhoti© 2?
  21. The more I think about it, the more I like it. With the simplicity, straight forward nature, and lack of complicated coding, it makes it clear you are staking claim to Authorship as of the date of upload, and nothing more. It helps everyone be clear your intent is not malicious, and actually covers the modder's concern of not only staking a claim but providing some well thought out documentation pieces if real legal action ever occurred.
  22. Right on. I have literally been waiting for something that made sense to me I can move on. I'm in. Gonna roll the ideas around a bit.
  23. Love it. My concern is: Pex files can be decompiled back to the source code. Holotape:Terminal:Fragments are just another loose .pex file. A thief already has the mod open in the CK before they can upload it. It seems like marking something [DRM] is a big red flag to the pirate, look through this mod to see if there is anything you can easily remove that is already marked as DRM. I like a little 'obfuscation', but rolling our own and being satisfied it's good enough just coding it yourself is mighty risky stuff. I do like laying out a standard we could all many who choose to, could follow. Having a standard like that is one more piece of documentation you can point to. "I adopted this practice xyz as outlined here in document abc on such and such a date, and all my mods thereafter have used the same standard". I support.
  24. Kudos to you for doing this everyone involved. This is how adults do things. Well said.
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