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Everything posted by MasterMagnus

  1. Good advice going here. And yes there are several other programs you could be using, depends on what you're doing. But you could do a lot with just the CK to start. I have audio equipment and experience, used to program years ago, modeling and texturing is a hobby for me. What I chose to do was start with my weaknesses rather than my strengths. I figure when I'm able to get to things like doing dialogue the audio part will be simple, and I'll already understand the CK. I'm keeping things modular and small, and tasking myself with learning something new with each mod. Get your hands in there, get messy, make mistakes and learn from them. Try making a mod for something that intrigues you about the game, but you may have little idea what is going there. Don't actually release the first thing you make (unless you get it to the point you want). Task yourself with an 'experimental' mod to start. Something nobody needs to see, you can go crazy with it and just to see what happens. Don't put an absolute deadline/task in front of yourself when you're learning. Just some crazy suggestions, your mileage may vary. And good luck with it all! This is a great place to start your exploration and ask questions.
  2. Just released my new mod Rise of the Necromancer here https://mods.bethesda.net/#en/workshop/fallout4/mod-detail/2459347 Unlimited skeleton followers along with your companion and much more. Check it out.
  3. That would be completely possible (by editing the.nifs to have different UV unwraps). But very labor intensive AND low render quality. Your 'master' image would have to be huge, or the quality is going to suck. I wouldn't use one image UV'd to only use a portion. Each one should have a dedicated texture, it will look much better that way. Use one .nif and .bgsm swaps seems the best approach, to me, given time spent, quality, and file size delivered.
  4. Yeah my first example works perfectly. ObjectReference[] myArray = Player.FindAllReferencesOfType(myList,400) myList contains MSTT 'Moveable Static' items. I'm having a little too much fun playing my mod that uses this, it really works well.
  5. Ah yes, sorry, my mistake. I only know I'm having no trouble using Player as my target. Perhaps a Marker is not a valid ref to use. Is there any way you can use a physical item (Actor, Container or something?).
  6. Game.FindClosestReferenceOfAnyTypeInListFromRef() Is not going to work. "Game" is not an object that can be used as a target to search around the radius. It has to be an object IN the game itself which exists somewhere to search in an area around. The fact that it has a Radius parameter tells you it has to be something that exists to search around, not the entire game itself.
  7. You have to point at an ObjectReference which is at the center of your radius (most likely Player). ObjectReference[] yourArray = (Game.GetPlayer()).FindAllReferencesOfType(yourFormList,400)
  8. Yes it seems hit or miss. I'm using it on custom made companions that do have the Unique keyword, and do have the PowerArmor script attached. I use a very simple script from a terminal: Actor hgActor = hgCompanion.GetActorReference() if hgActor.IsInPowerArmor() hgActor.SwitchToPowerArmor(none) endif Sometimes it works, sometimes not. I get the feeling the companion gets 'bugged out' for whatever reason, and won't exit power armor. For one thing I have the no damage to power armor keyword set. Sometimes I would look at the companion and swap out pieces while they were equipped. I haven't established for sure if that is a repeatable way to get them 'stuck' in PA. From what you're saying it's possible my checking IsInPowerArmor() is not enough. Thanks for WornHasKeyword(ArmorTypePower) will check into that.
  9. http://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=Show_-_Message Set up your MESG with %.0f where you want the number and use Show() YourMessage.Show(YourNumber)
  10. My Hired Guns mod series (in my sig) does that. -Each one has 11-12 companions you can hire from a holotape anywhere -Dress them and load them with stuff like any companion -Summon them to your side -Mark them on the map -When you dismiss them they leave all their inventory and worn items in the Sanctuary workbench -Power armor they wear takes no damage -They are not chatty (only talking just before, during and after battle), no affinity or romance If you're into Survival you might also like my HoloTime mod for setting the TimeScale, very helpful for survival.
  11. Maybe only do one not both and try a wait in there? Game.RequestSave() Utility.Wait(6) From the CK documentation
  12. Excellent. Messed around and given up without making a quest and setting it up noting the 'Stores Text' bit. I have more set up to do, but thank you so much, I'm very encouraged you've got this working (both the message text replacement and the settlement list).
  13. Your code is beautiful, strict coding conventions and your commenting is divine! Haven't opened CK yet to look at things you've got me thinking now. Just curious, are MessageRefAlias and MessageLocationAlias part of a 'message struct' somewhere, did you find them in WorkshopParentScript or something else? I've been able to use the <alias.CurrentName=Companion> to fill a message with the appropriate name. I can't seem to find any documentation about using 'Alias' text replacement in messages and what properties (like CurrentName) it has. Thanks for the info, that MessageRefAlias will sure come in handy.
  14. I can't count the number of times I say exactly this in a day. Any given day. Well said.
  15. @Alexotero1219 Yes I see your point, I was too quick to make that other argument. You're totally right going forward. Many musicians these days have songs that are intended to be given for free as promotion for the 'good stuff'. So yeah, it will happen to some degree, you're right.
  16. Some people seem to think this is a binary choice. @Alexotero1219 I didn't forget anything. What you fail to grasp is simple: The existance of paid mods does not mean the end of free mods, both will continue to exist. Also, I am not of the belief that paid mods will raise quality. Money is actually NOT a good motivator. Many studies have shown once you are able to eat and have a roof over your head raising salary does little to motivate people. What studies have shown to be the biggest motivator is recognition, in a business or community. And as I mentioned above, nobody should get into it for the money. Do what you love, the money is always extra icing on the cake.
  17. It seems like some people here on Nexus are basing everything they say solely on their experience with paid mods through steam-valve thingy. There are other games, other companies, other communities where people get paid real world dollars for game assets they create. Some of you Beth hating shut-ins need to look around at the world. Some of us are getting 40% cuts of the game assets we create in MMO games that are played by millions. These companies have supplied the market, they take care of the sales, there is a built in consumer base and they lend credibility to your work by hosting it. I'd love to get a 50% cut, but given what the company provides (something no individual or small team could do), 40% is very generous. The 25% cut I heard they used with Steam-Valve is really the bare minimum I'd like to see. As it's obvious the majority of users here on Nexus have never been paid for modding. And they think anyone who gets paid for their art is greedy. It's very hard to explain the simple truth to you all: You really never see anyone do it just for the money. I'm making thousands, better artists are making well more than me, but even the pro artists that come there are doing it for fun. Like most creative endeavors trying to make "the next big thing" will get you nowhere. Trying to make "that one item/mod that everyone MUST have" never really works. Huge companies with billions of dollars try to figure out what consumers want and become the first to make it. They spend tons of money on market research and fail fail fail all over the place. Like musicians the best art comes from your heart and your head, not an executives spreadsheet of demographics. The vast majority of artists make what moves them without any thought of "how much money will I make?", the artists who create with money in mind are always inferior. There really is nothing to fear from making money for art. Some of you might want to look a little farther than the Nexus echo chamber before you speak to issues of the gaming world at large and concepts like 'paid modding'. Nexus and Bethesda are not the entirety of the modding scene. And getting paid for creating mods/game assets is not evil. Monetizing your games IS going to continue, not just Bethesda will be doing it. Do you all here on the Nexus honestly want to continue to shout down Bethesda (who made the game one would assume your are actually playing) and promote mod authors to boycott them? You can't see that great modders are dropping like flies, rather than saying "This is going to be great! I can keep doing what I love, and I get a check on top of it!"? In the community I'm from we see artists saying "With the money I'm going to buy a new Cintiq pad and step up my art game!" Never seen anyone do it for the money, never seen anyone hurt over it. Consumer has a new thing they paid $4 for and it's fun, modder gets money on top of joy from modding, company gets money from a vector that didn't even exist for them before. WIN WIN WIN Except for the jealous kids crying their eyes out. If you spent the amount of time learning modding instead of b*t*h*ng you could do it too! Over the past weeks observing this a term comes to mind: LUDDITES look it up...
  18. First off, your companion's Race (synth) is an enemy by default. Not impossible to deal with, but keep in mind your going to be counteracting the default state of that actor so to speak. One alternate way to handle it is make the actor Human Race and put a synth 'skin' on it. Change settings to make it more like a synth (even drop synth component on death). Then you won't have to fight with issues like when you dismiss the companion they revert back to a synth and the fights start. When testing, try dismissing your companion in different faction areas and see what happens. Diamond city is an interesting place to try and dismiss a non-human companion. Also keep in mind the caravans and their factions. In particular Trashcan Carla will start fights with actors she doesn't like (for whatever reason), although she is marked as essential. Here are some factions you may want to include for a companion. Faction: Starting Rank: CaravanVendorCarlaFaction 0 CurrentCompanionFaction -1 DmndGenericNPCFaction 0 GenericNPCFaction 0 GuardFaction 0 HasBeenCompanionFaction -1 PotentialCompanionFaction 0 WorkshopNPCFaction 0 PlayerFaction ? 0 PlayerAllyFaction ? 0 I don't think you actually need PlayerFaction or PlayerAllyFaction, those are added automatically when you use SetCompanion(). But perhaps adding those as well will help issues when dismissing. See if those factions help.
  19. Do you have the CK installed and are willing to make your own mod for it?
  20. It would help to see the source. And you won't find much better help than Reneer. In CK you can try this. Open the base object with the script atttached, select the script, click Add Property, Select ObjectReference, Name it the exact same thing as your Object, CK should 'auto-fill', you can now use that ObjectReference in script. But this is a ref to the base object, not a specific instance of the object. If you created the object yourself (through script) you should already have a place to obtain it's specific reference. If you're looking at some reference after the fact and trying to determine if it is one of 'your objects', you can GetBaseID and compare to your BaseObjectID. Hopefully helpful, possibly not.
  21. Off topic, I know. Can you link these? You go as "straycat" on Bethesda.net but Bethesda.net doesn't seem to have a "search by author" functionality that I can actually find. I'd be interested to know what you've made. I'm kind of wondering why you're on the Nexus, lelcat. You registered less than a month ago and talk as though you've been in this community a lot longer. What other username's have you gone by? It seems disingenuous to go around spreading bile under what is obviously an alt account. So come on, pull away the mask and show us where the hate comes from. My links are in my sig if you're starting to build files on dissenters that have their mods on Bethesda. I only registered a month or two before Beth mods were released also. Why so scared of a little cat?
  22. My mod Hired Guns 3: Pirates and Gunslingers has a dress which I made on request for an 'Elizabeth style' dress (just a retexture, nothing too great). In my mod it's called 'Bonney Dress' and it appears on the pirate Anne Bonney, you can hire as a companion. All of my Hired Guns series uses historic figures which are public domain. I personally won't do things that are versions of copyrighted characters. Please feel free to use the dress if you like, and with a 'customize companion' mod you could create your own Elizabeth. I feel a fool for never having played Bioshock. This Elizabeth character is so popular, and very cool! **EDIT** links in sig.
  23. I often see this one trotted out as fact over here as well. Are you 100% sure they "didn't think about implementing countermeasures"? Another thing to consider is, Nexus claims to have seen this coming, but they did nothing? Both parties were happy to report their "Not our problem" philosophy, and (from what most of us can tell) Beth AND Nexus did nothing preemptive. Now both parties and the community are working to fix it, or complain about it. "there needs to be more help from the community" I whole heartedly agree.
  24. "one is not allowed?" First of all nobody is stopping you from saying anything you want. You are allowed, and have in fact stated your opinion. What I'm disputing is your characterization of Bethesda.net as a wild west where console users run rampant and post comments that hurt little children's feelings. I'm trying to point out that the negative comments may not just be flung everywhere, but maybe just maybe if you look closer at who is receiving those negative comments, and what they've done to engender that response, you may have a deeper realization than...... Beth<insert cutesy name here>.<more cutesy crap here> ARE BAD. Or not.
  25. Want to see how a GOOD modder is treated on Bethesda.net? From helpful comments talking over features and bugs, to just plain "Thank You for this mod!" comments. Multiple mods, 10s of thousands of downloads, after only days. But over here on Nexus anyone who disagrees with the popular kids is moderated. Yeah, check out my links for someone who does it right. Little Elmo? A**H**S are treated like A**H**S because...you know...that's all they deserve.
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