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Everything posted by RJLbwb

  1. Seems most players miss the obvious - Fallout New Vegas is the US conquest of the South West in the 1840s done in reverse. The game even drives it in with the NCR citizens talking about "back west" (real life westerners talk about "back east") The NCR army is playing the role of the US Cavalry during the Indian Wars (Shady Springs is just a replay of the Wounded Knee massacre,) the NCR administration of the Mohave is a mixture of visionaries, human trash being warehoused safely away from the real power, political grifters and the occasional competent just like US government in the historical West was. The Great Khans and the Fiends are playing the part of the Indians (well, at lest Hollywood Indians) the New Vegas inhabitants are the Spanish Colonist and the local Europeans. Caesars Legion is Santa Anna, at lest how Santa Anna went down in American mythology (Santa Anna saw himself as the Napoleon of the Western Hemisphere, and Napoleon saw himself as the 18th century version of Julius Caesar) Looking at it that way NCR victory is inevitable and a necessity for New Vegas. New Vegas needs to NCR for their money and army, even if they don’t want the taxes and laws that go with it (the classic Western “Sure the Army protected my family from the Indians, feed us when the locus ate our crops and the government subsidized the railroads that made farming viable and gave us the land for free BUT we never took a hand out from anyone and don‘t need no govermunts“) So I see the characters job is managing that transition. After all it’s pretty clear the powers that be in The Hub and the NCR settlers will screw the locals if The Hub isn’t convinced the locals can bite back. Going for a Caesar Legion victory is pointless - as it's been pointed out it's over for the legion after Sallow/ Caesar dies. Once the Legion is gone the NCR wins just by sheer weight of numbers and economic interests so even an independent Vegas is futile in the long run.
  2. Beyond people were crossing the Colorado long before the dam was built (that's part of the reason why there is a Los Vegas) what's new for this game? Killing Ceaser off doesn't cause an issues for The Legion, even though it's clearly his personal pet project.
  3. Yes, they really teased us with the Hunting Grounds in the vanilla game. Could have a nice quest line were the character is freeing the souls trapped there or defending the hunting grounds.
  4. And yet the Thalmor have a differant story http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Thalmor_Dossier:_Ulfric_Stormcloak Which is backup by that huge feak out Ulfric does when he sees Elenween at the Truce Negotiations,.. Who would think a politician would lie? The real problem with Dream Ulfric is even if he gets all he wants, Skyrim will collapse and he will likely be murdered by his fellow Nords. Most of the economy is run by non-Nords, he tosses them out and it's economic depression time for Skyrim. Heck, Windhelm which is the city of the future for Urlfic has a serial killer problem thanks to the rampart racism Ulfric let lose. But, like other groups with dreams of a racially pure homeland, like say the SS, the Stormcloaks have a cool name and nice uniform, so it's all good then.
  5. What I want to know is why Elenwen doesn't reconize the dragon born at the her embessy party if the dragon born is Harbinger of the Companions, or the Arch Mage of the Collage of Winterhold or even the Riften Theive's Guild Master. Those are all high profile positions. And that raises another question; The Thamor specifically say they are determined make sure the civil war lasts as long as possible so why do they sit on their refined elvish behinds while the dragonborn ends it it? The opening scene of the game they help Ulfic escape. That truce negotiations has to be one of the most tedious and obnoxious scenes in computer RPG history. Just a lot of NPCs being irritating and then it means nothing to the rest of the game so the only reward is you get to leave a room full of irritating NPCs. And then it’s followed up by that utterly contrived “Parthanax Dilemma” (ya sure Bethesba, no one suspects Parthanax even exists for thousands of years and yet Esebern figures it out in a couple of days, because you know the leader of the Gray Beards is such a burning issue) Then again this same game were the Theives Guild is running a protection racket in a society who'se motto is "A True Nord NEVER backs down"
  6. There seems to be this new class of super essential NPC you can not use the "kill" command on.
  7. Speaking as someone whose done a lot of forum moderation I will observe that the moderator who yanked the Cabbage in a Pot turned a harmless joke that was mainly Skyrim fans laughing at their own obsessive behavior and would have got old in a day or two into a major issue. This moderator, by the very act of exercising their mighty authorton when they did turned something as inane as Cabbage in a Pot into a moral imperative. That, by definition, is the exact opposite of moderation.
  8. On the OP, who wins the Civil War? Well in the Dark Brotherhood quest line the emperor himself shows up in Skyrim for a tour threw the province. That's hard to see if Ulfic wins or there is a stalemate. That sounds like Ulfirc is dead The Empire is trying win back the surviving moderates in the Stormcloaks.
  9. Do the Thalmor have access to mechanised infantry, air superiority and panzer tanks? And if you haven't noticed, Skyrim is a lot different to France. To even get to it, you need to climb the Jerrals, and even if you manage to succeed in defeating the Nords on the Battlefield, they'd still end up loosing a guerrilla war of attrition. You should go read what the Thamor have to say about Ulfic Stormcloak in their embassy. He really does throw such a remarkable fit upon seeing the Thamor Ambassador, it's like the two have a history. As for the rest of the Jarl's go, the whole embassy party during The Blades quest line is really interesting. I don't think a Thamor army would have any problems getting into skyrim
  10. It is my imagination or the developers seem to have a problem "getting it" with the Thieves guild stuff? The whole crew of losers in the Ragged flagon who sit around who demand the PC do all the work while they eat their lunch with the raw sewage (Bartender "People just seem to want to leave the guild these days" My PC looking at a dead skeever floating by "Imagine that") A lot of the quests are buggy with broken NPCs that auto detect you when you have to be stealthy or the quest fails. After the whole lecture from Noctonial about how making money is the only thing that matters, then a lot of quests that are charity work, to put it mildly. And the usual Skyrim collection of scummy NPCs who insult and belittle the character because the NPC is in the god mode. I think this last bit wouldn't be so bad if the developers put in dialog options were you could insult them back. Also not sure if I was missing something but that Museum in the main quest line were you have to fight a room full of town guards. That seemed quite opposite of being sneaky and subtle. Oh well, console commands solve those problems.
  11. The King in Rags is utter scum because he makes the player character kill one of his own people as a "loyalty" test and lets himself be turned into a tool for the Silver-Blood . Between him and those Nord trash Silver-Bloods there are many, many people who need to be killed in Makarath
  12. The Thalmor set him on his course. That make sense. His sissy fit after meeting the Thamor ambassadress at the peace meeting was over the top, It's really hard to read NPCs in games since you can't tell if this is a plot point or just the Game Devolpers suck. Since like 75% of the Skyrim NPCs think like twelve year olds (like Delphine "I pout behind the scenes" of The Blades) I am included to assume the later. lol
  13. I find the Nords as a whole to be a bunch of "hammers heads" - people who deal with all problems in their lives by beating their heads on it. As far as racist scum, well it's not a post Enlightenment society so xenophobia is to be expected (keep in mind post-racism is only a product of the mid 20th Century and a reaction to the horrors of WWII). If anything since there are humaniods like lizard and cat people and the whole Uncanny Vally thing that would create I think Skyrim plays racism down As for poisonous trash that walk on two legs who must die, that's the Aldmeri. Sissy Nazis is how they come across to me. And speaking of Nord jerks, what's Ulfric's problem? He screams about FREEDOM! like he thinks he's a Nord William Wallace yet he never makes the case for Imperial injustice (the Nord's have been part of the empire for centuries and now they decided this is injustice?). There is seems to be no motivation to Ulfric beyond he wants violence for violence sake. No explanation why he murdered the old High King, no case why he should be High King and not some other Jarl. I got the feeling someone is using him.
  14. Consider it this way; Emperor loses rebellion, his nobles are unhappy and see him as a weak leader. (I gather the lore is the Empire has already lost a war with the elves) There is qdiscreet talk it might be time for the Emperor's son to succeeded him. Desperate to regain control the Emperor refuses to publicly acknowledge the Stormcloak victory, then travels to Skyrim to show the outside world Skyrim is still part of the Empire, Meanwhile, privately he is conducting diplomacy to work out some kind of face saving compromise (not entirely unreasonable since the Stormcloaks are facing the possibility of an Imperal war of revenge) This is the last straw for the Imperial elite, someone does the dark ritual, a contract is put out on the Emperor and it's just business for the Dark Brotherhood after that.
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