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Everything posted by AraFox

  1. I'll go first. http://i65.tinypic.com/sp9pgj.jpg Ok, sooooo... I might have exited while standing naked in Un'Goro Crater. I mean, who wouldn't stand naked in a jungle for the right mount though?
  2. Aw man, "unread primers glow" would be amazing. But I'll be honest, some of them are just plain hidden. There are at least two that I can think of off hand that if you don't know where they are, you'll surely miss them. I'm not sure making them glow would solve that. The vast majority would benefit from a change like this though.
  3. And this person's avatar. Aaaaaand that's about it for today :)
  4. Yes, like their ears do! Also, it's a little creepy whenever you kill a Khajiit and its tail still waves. I think the tail should be dead too. Ever see a chicken with its head chopped off still running around the yard? It's like that, only more weird.
  5. I like that I quit smoking years ago. I like summer block parties. I like surrounding myself with people that make me smile. I like rock candy, chocolate, and saltwater taffy. I like ice skating, but I rarely get to go. I like smooth whiskey, Dirty Bastard, and a mellow spiced rum. I like hiking through a winding overgrown trail and finding a waterfall that everyone else has forgotten. I like individually popping all of the bubbles on the bubblewrap. I like it when people grit their teeth while I'm individually popping all of the bubbles on the bubble wrap. I like giving massages, but I like getting them more. I like that the workday is winding down and soon I'll get to go home and taunt Venomhide Ravasaurs until my eyes bleed. Or until someone shames me into doing something more productive. *sigh* I like giving long-suffering sighs. *sigh*
  6. I agree we should all be more positive :thumbsup: A long time ago, we did have a thread "You Know What I Hate" it died out. The thread "You Know What I Like" was started months before that one and is still going... And I like that.
  7. I like having mysterious beer in my hand. I like mellow Sunday mornings even more. I really like coffee.
  8. Hmm. I'm hard pressed to understand why you'd need ebony or daedric anything at level one. I suppose it's more of a want than a need, but I'm still baffled by it. To each their own, but my advice for finding ebony armor is to put on some leather or iron and go play the game - level up - and you'll find it with regularity. If you really need that sort of leverage, you may as well console the piece. While you're at it, give yourself a couple hundred thousand gold so you can be rich and powerful. :rolleyes:
  9. Some people like quiet. Especially when the alternative to quiet is listening to some fanatic screaming nonsense. Also, uh, people like Heimskr are really not cute irl at all. I don't know if you've ever tried to walk home from class with some psycho shouting at you about how you're a sinner and you're going to burn in hell if you don't do what they say, but it's actually pretty lame. yeah... sometimes you just have to remember that it's just a game ;) In that train of thought, I find him far FAR less annoying than... oh let's say every other NPC who repeatedly accosts you with the same exact line every time you run through a city. But you know what they say about opinions.
  10. yeah. I start a new game and like 5 minutes afterward it crashes. around same time but doesn't matter what place http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/6491/? This may point out your culprit.
  11. Is there any repetition to the crashing? Same place, while doing the same thing, anything like that?
  12. I dislike bitter flavors. I dislike impatience. I dislike intolerance.
  13. Or, y'know... not related to anything, really.
  14. Your skill in repetition is truly astounding.
  15. Evidently, version :| SKSE. Here's a... ah... more up to date version. See if that sorts your error out.
  16. Then I congratulate you on not being a pervert like me :D I did tryout Lover's Lab, there's just more to it, which I'm not a fan of. I like the simplicity of Nexus Mod Manager. For the ads, come on now, anybody with a computer should know not to be clicking ads :tongue: but I thank you none-the-less~ I see...whats a "esp"? I never claimed that I wasn't a pervert. I just prefer my eroticism to be more personal :D Anyhow, I'm going to be honest here, so please try not to take offense. If you don't know what an esp is, you should go and educate yourself about modding your game before you jump in and start filling your data folder with files that you don't understand or we'll be seeing you back here in a week wondering why your game is broken. There are LOADS of videos on basic modding and load order. I advise taking a couple of hours to watch them so you can have a shot at avoiding weeks of troubleshooting. Modding Skyrim is not as easy as some other games. It's already a temperamental game with hard limits, and modding should be approached carefully or your Skyrim? She will throw a temper tantrum. I suggest you start here: less than ten minutes of your time. But to answer your question: An esp is an elder scrolls plug in file and it will be listed with your other esp and esm files. If you're using NMM, there's a tab along the top for plug ins. Click it, and you'll see your esp files. Make sure this mod's esp is checked or it won't be visible or usable when you launch your game :smile:
  17. Hmm. Well I admit I've never gone hunting erotic mods for Skyrim on Nexus, BUT there is a place called Lover's Lab (google it - also NSFW ads will be flashing so be warned) and they should have every erotic and deviant thing you can think of. As for that mod not activating, I'm not sure what you mean. Tick the square next to the esp and it should activate just fine if it's installed right.
  18. 84% of teenage girls "can't even" right now. I like spilling paint on things. I like munching on bbq pork skins and drinking beer straight from the can. I like The Legend of Zelda.
  19. O_o ... or at least remove the household appliances if you do... and possibly all sharp objects.
  20. Most welcome, and a perfectly reasonable question. I look forward to your pic. :)
  21. Welp, I suppose you can grab Sapphire in the CK and smack her AI around until she learns her lesson. Maybe replace her voice files with something a little more gentle and sweet. Change the dialogue where she's all angsty and bitter to something more along the lines of skittle and rainbows. I'd retexture her armor with a gentle touch of pink just for good measure.
  22. she's got reason to be a bi... a bit mean, dontcha think? I've never seen a mod to change this. I've seen one that stops Brynjolf's irritating "not right now lad/lass" but never one to change Sapphire's personality ('course that doesn't mean there isn't one). To be honest, I'd be a little irritable too if I had to go through what she did. We're all lucky that she joined the TG instead of the DB O_o
  23. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/12629/? males only http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/2384/? female only I like both of those, if no one takes up your request :)
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