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Everything posted by Meciathe

  1. Dirmire ran out of his lair and into the tavern looking for something with great intent.
  2. OOC: whats happening to my necromancer
  3. "What do you want with me" Dirmire now furious at the daywalker and everyone in his lair
  4. "Can i just stay here and you lot keep out of my lair" Dirmire turned around and saw the exit he made a quick dash for it
  5. "Oh please do somthing" Dirmire said sarcastically. "I'll practally die before you make up your mind"
  6. "So whats going to happen to me" Dirmire looked aroung cofused at the scene playing out, "you were just pointing a bow at me and you want me to die. You just kissed a vampire and Shadow was examining my books." Dirmire thought of running then rembered Nawen and her bow. "Hello; evil necromancer over here planning to destroy this punny town!"
  7. "why don't i just get ride of you and leave I think everyone perfers that idea" Dirmire joked as he looked around his destroyed lair
  8. "what are you going to do with me" Dirmired sniggered his black robe covered in blood
  9. Dirmire releases the skelentons and backs down
  10. "fine ill deal with you" Dirmire uttered some words and sclentons arose from the ground. grabbing Shadow and Aardorn
  11. OOC: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BPfUF-lexCM&feature=related
  12. "i'll teach you to mess with my plans" Dirmire casts a stream of dark energy and hits selene and disorientates. "now feel the power of my dragon" The drogon breaths fire straight at selene
  13. "Whats that tiny dagger going to do against a dragon it barly kills dramora and mice let alone a dragon" said Dirmire smug with antispaction of watching selene die
  14. Dirmire walked back against the wall he thought his undead dragon would deal with them
  15. "what do you want" he looked and despised here
  16. "There coming i can fell" Dirmire said he uttered some curses and the entrance sealed up
  17. Dirmire looked at the dragon "Yes you will be useful" Selene ran dow into the lair clutching the razor hard in her hand
  18. "No my friend you have it wrong" Dirmire said as he entered the tavern. " I was healing myself and the dragon was the security and the energy source" I ment no harm
  19. Just as aardorn had got past the dragon the was a large boom and a flash of green light he noticed Dirmire. Dirmire was hoverring and soon the dragon stopped and all the energy seeped intoo the necromancer. "yes" Dirmire said as the battle scar on his face healed and his skinformed back to its original smooth form. "if you interupted i would have been younger without the hasle."
  20. "Get him i need time to finish the seremony" Dirmire started utter curses and words unknown to aardorn
  21. Dirmire released his pet The undead dragon sniffed out and then roared
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