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Everything posted by Meciathe

  1. Dirmire was on the floor his face now bleeding his nose broken. "Aaaaahhhhhh" Dirmire cried out in pain.
  2. OOC: Naktis the attacked but a dagger in his stomach and aardorn stiched it up.
  3. Dirmire spluttered and pushed Aardorn out of his way and stumbled to his house he walked inside and up the stairs he went to his bedroom and drank his own potion. the colour started to come back to his skin he stumbled down the stairs and back outside.
  4. OOC: Read the end of the post hes unconcious again.
  5. Dirmire opened his eyes and looked around his vision blurred he tuggeed at nawen and said weakly, "Need more blood my hearts going give out if don't have enough." He then looked at Aardorn ,"Please go to my housse and there should be a potion on the side of my bed get it." He then looked up and passed out again.
  6. While Dirmire was unconcious his heart started to slow down he needed more blood and fast.
  7. Dirmire screamed out in pain from the alcohol. He then fell unconcious but remember a strange man from his blurred vision.
  8. OOC: Yeah but there strong enough and he would still die so instead of wasting his energy wouldn't it be better for someone to heal him.
  9. Dirmire was now Bleeding out fast but he knew if took the dagger out he would die faster he began to call out again.
  10. Dirmire sat up and looked around his room he had heard something. He saw someone with a dagger but it was to late the dagger plunged into his chest and the man ran away. Dirmire lay on the floor in pain he then dragged himself down the stairs and towards the inn. In the snow he lay on his back in pain he tried to call for someone but he was too weak. The snow around him turning red.
  11. Dirmire lay on his bed looking at the ceilling. He started to hum to himself.
  12. OOC: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:
  13. OOC: what should i post "Dirmire threw the bag of 4000 gold in Selenes face." LOL :sweat:
  14. Dirmire walked outside his house saw Nawen on her own, "Do you need anything," He shouted to her wondering why she was on her own in the cold. He then picked up the letter and looked at it.
  15. Dirmire pushed open the door of his house and entered. He glanced back at the tavern where Nawen was an sighed. he walked up to his bedroom entered and slumped on his bed wondering if Nawen would ever like him. OOC: his house looks like this
  16. Dirmire just pushed open the door ignoring Mar-Zek he started to walk back to his house depressed. OOC: He bought one in the year break
  17. Dirmire got up his armour catching a bit of the table and making a dent. He walked towards the exit. OOC: Dirmire looks like this without the spike shoulders
  18. "Let me guess if I stop loving you; you wont skin me with that knife you've got in your hand," Dirmire said sadly. "I guess I'll leave then."
  19. Dirmire then slumped on his chair and looked down at the floor. He then looked up and gazed into Nawens eyes. He then looked down at the floor again.
  20. "Why I want to do that to a lovely woman," Dirmmire said as he leaned closer to Nawen.
  21. Dirmire was on the floor in pain. "aaaahhhhh" He wheezed. He got up and back on his chair and then started to gaze at Nawen.
  22. Dirmire turned around and saw Nawen. He went up and hugged her.
  23. Dirmie carried on whimpering,"No Nawen," he started crying.
  24. "Nawens gone," Dirmire whimpered ever more
  25. Dirmire sat next to Selene and sighed. "No Nawen," He whimpered.
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