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Everything posted by Meciathe

  1. "Oh great, looks like ny heart can't take this anymore." Dirmire said sarcasticly, "JUST KISS"
  2. "What?; i think a party would be brilliant the joy os the tavern would be overwelming" Dirmire sniggered
  3. "Myby we show throw a party for happiness in this bar" joked Dirmire. "At least were not suicidal Shadow." "Does Nawen hate becuase I don't know" Dirmire whispered to Shadow "she doesn't talk a lot.
  4. "I thought about an eye patch but i don't want to go too pirate." Dirmire joked but thought what was wrong with selene she seemed different now after she tried to kill herself. "Whats up with Selene" Dirmire whispered to Shadow
  5. Dirmire walked towards Nawen and shodow and sat down next to them with his ale
  6. "I'll come and see if i can drink of this wound" Dirmire laughed weakly
  7. OOC: whats happened to edward and aardorn standing looking at me in my lair confused
  8. "Edward shot my eye" Dirmire now in pain lying on his bed.
  9. Dirmire sees aardorn but carries on clutching his eye in pain he looks at his lair
  10. "Thank you" Dirmire said feebaly. "I will repay you one day" Dirmire then teleported to his lair but left behind a pile of gold for Shadow
  11. Dirmire sat up and looked around "Shadow were are you" He was in so much pain. "Help" Dirmire was bleeding out faster now the area around him now a pool of blood
  12. OOC: don't what to call it lol :confused: :hurr: BRB in 15 mins
  13. "Consider this a gift of gratitude" Dirmire handed Shadow necromancer artifact. "Thank you. Keep it"
  14. "Just get some cloth quick; PLEASE" Dirmire clasped his wound on the floor bleading out
  15. Dirmire dragged himself back into Shadows room for help "I'm bleeding." He showed him the giant wound i his eye the blood was spilling out everywhere. "i need Cloth now get it" dirmire said pointing his sword at Shadow pressing it against his throat
  16. OOC: My necromancer owie :wallbash: :wallbash:
  17. :hurr: OOC: Brutii is not going to know whats happening lol :hurr:
  18. Dirmire screamed in pain then healed his eye slighty leaving no pain but a giant bloody dent
  19. Dirmire focused energy drawing all his power his hand on the hilt of his sword. There was a flash of green light and he teleported behind edward. He took out his sword and plunged it into edwards side drawing blood
  20. Dirmire walks back to his lair the blood now stopping. He walked over to his forge and started conjuring up dark magic. He grabbed some deadric ore and started to forge his sword. He bent over the forge and looked at his new weopon to be. He then enchanted it with dark magic and it was complete.
  21. OOC: I dont know :geek: EdwardWintereRP GOD MODDING SHOTTING ME WITHOUT RELOADING ONCE :down: :mad:
  22. "Would you be happy if you found and got to use it?" Dirmire continued looking. "You see I'm studying the weopon and I want to see it's power after that you can keep it. I will be able to forge my own stronger artifact after the research."
  23. "Very funny; I'm looking for a stolen artifact have you seen it?" Dirmire continued to turn tables
  24. "whats with him" The blood pouring out his shoulder
  25. Dirmire was upturning tables arond the tavern. "It's got be in here somewhere" looking around the now half disturbed tavern
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