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Posts posted by greyday01

  1. Yes. You are very helpful as always. I think OnCellDetach might work though I can't really control how close to a cell border the thing is spawned at and that might be a problem. Maybe go for a timer instead because the player probably won't be standing around watching it. I really wish that there was an easy way to get the ref ID for things spawned.

  2. Thank you. I'm not quite sure what "Detached" means. Does it mean the container is detached from the parent cell by being moved to a different cell, or does it mean the player is detached from the parent cell by leaving it? Or does it mean the player moved far enough from the parent cell that that cell is no longer loaded so everything in that cell is detached? What is being detached from what? Papyrus terms don't sometimes match what the English word means and it gets confusing.

  3. If a container is spawned by PlaceAtMe how can you get rid of it? An on Activate script attached to the container could be used, maybe with a RegisterForSingleUpdate as a timer. Is there any other ways to use a scripted event to disable and then delete the reference to get completely rid of it, preferably while not in sight of the player?

  4. D


    Sweet, thanks Sphered. That page starts with the "Hello World" tutorial, which I've seen before, but then toward the bottom there's some more advanced stuff, and THAT is what I need. :smile: This is gonna sound weird, but I've never seen this page before.

    Don't forget to look at the right side for links to complete example scripts and community script tutorials

  5. Allows you to create an alchemy recipe the first time you make any potion and name the recipe.

    That recipe shows in the alchemy crafting menu just like cooking.

    If you have all the ingredients in that recipe when at an alchemy table you can simply select the recipe to make the potion.

    If you don't have all the ingredients the recipe is greyed out but will show the ingredients needed.

    Better yet if you could name the potion, but that is not really needed.

  6. Maybe have a chest with scripts with event OnItemAdded and also OnItemRemoved with the base object set to gold and use the item count to update a TotalWealth global variable. You don't want items popping in and out while you are looking so maybe have a script on the door that when activated to leave would check the global variable and depending on the value would enable and disable statics.



    If wealth < 1000 disable pile 1, disable pile2, ..., disable pile20

    if wealth >= 1001 and wealth <5000 enable pile1, disable pile2, disable pile 3, ..., disable pile20

    and so on


    Anyway, that's a first idea of how to approach it. Better scripters might have better ideas.

  7. There are some statics of coin piles. You could make or find resources of static open chests filled with gems and jewelry. Place those and as your wealth increases have them enabled or disabled. That would solve the problem of too many references if you used individual coins or gems. Wouldn't fill to the ceiling but would look plenty rich.

  8. Re-write the stones of Barenziah and the elder scroll quests so those items don't use aliases and they are not flagged as quest items. Make them like the quests where you need a certain number of a type of item. It doesn't matter where you get them and you can drop them and get others of the same type. I HATE aliases and quest items that are not droppable

  9. Ok, for the display I'll stick with moveto a holding cell. It works but I thought it lacked elegance.


    For the graveyard what I want is when you enter a trigger the ghost fades in and attacks.

    I couldn't find any function that would allow it to pass through the ground like coming up from a grave.

    If you leave the ghost vanishes. If you return the ghost comes back. Wait until daylight without being killed or killing, the ghost vanishes.

    If you kill the ghost, you've got a blob of ectoplasm. Going in and out of the graveyard the rest of the night, no ghost. Come back the next night, new ghost.


    Side question. In Solstheim the ash spawn crawl up out of the ground sometimes. How do they do that and avoid collision with it?


    Oh, and thank you for your explanations. It's hard sometimes to figure out what is going on under the hood of the engine to know what is possible and impossible.

  10. Two things. I wanted the best way to press a button. A random creature appears (not reacheable or killiable, just a living display). Press again the first one disappears, and another appears in its place. The best way I found was moving critters in and out of a holding cell but was hoping there was a better way.


    The other thing I wanted is when entering a graveyard at night a ghost appears. This one is killiable. If you leave the graveyard or daylight comes it vanishes. Return to the grave again at night it reappears. Trying to figure out how to return things to original never entered the graveyard condition when you leave or daylight comes, whether or not you killed the thing while there.

    Never figured out why none of the graveyards were haunted.

  11. Yes. You explained how to deal with getting rid of something that you killed. I was hoping for something akin to how frostfall has a way to cause a tent to spawn and then removes it when not needed. It seems for creatures the only way would be to have unique unkillable creatures in a holding cell somewhere and just move them between the place you want them and then back to the holding cell. I was hoping for a better way to get creatures to instantly appear and then be instantly removed repeatedly. When a summons time expires you hear the death noise which I suppose comes from the criticalstages bit but then they immediately disappear leaving nothing behind. Are the corpses moved to some garbage cell until the game cleans them up? Or does summoning repeatedly leave a trail of disabled dead creatures behind you? Where DO the bodies go when the summons expires?

  12. So if it won't work if you move the npc to a different cell before calling it there is no way to avoid that horrible death sound you get with summoned creatures? If you also don't want a dead npc on the floor would you need to call delete after critical stage or delete and disable? For things like ghosts would it leave ectoplasm or the like behind?


    I read but didn't really understand the function. If I just wanted to get rid of say a wolf I spawned I could have something like wolf.SetCriticalStage(0) and it would disappear and be removed from my save?

  13. What is the safest way to remove spawned (not summoned) NPCs and object references if methods differ?

    Say I have a button when pressed spawns a NPC from a list of creatures. What script would I use to remove it when pressed again? Same for button that spawns say a kettle.

  14. Looks beautiful. Luckily the indoors will not need changing except re-finalizing the navmesh for the exit. For the exterior statics (including cliffs), you can select all by control and drag and then paste to your new cell. That will save a lot of your work. Don't know if you can select over multiple exterior cells or you will have to do one cell at a time.


    Make the new worldspace and check to be sure it's working correctly, then try copying and pasting. If needed reselect everything and drag to the correct height. All the statics should be correctly aligned with each other (Don't forget to have gridlock turned on, I would choose a small number like 8 or 4). Then use the landscape tool to tweak the land shape.

  15. You don't need all the loose folders and files in your Data folder. They are safely packed in their .bsa's and run by the game.


    If you had folders before you probably had some mod that installed loose files. Perfectly ok too.

    They don't need to be unpacked for playing, but for making mods it's sometimes helpful to have the unpacked folders available for browsing. But not in the Data folder itself. A folder on your desktop named Skyrim Unpacked or something.

  16. Use BSA Browser to unpack the BSAs like Skyrim-Meshes0.bsa. You should find all the files packed inside the various BSAs. I would recommend copying the Data folder somewhere convenient and renaming it Data Unpacked. Then unpack the BSAs and the scripts zip folder there for reference. If you need some BSAs unpacked in the real Data folder, you can copy over any needed folders.

  17. If you made meshes and texture folders in your mod's folder and copied those borrowed meshes, textures into your folder they will work just fine as long as you package them along with your mod. You should not do this unless you have the original madder's permission. Read the permissions in their mods description and see if it is allowed. If not you could send a message asking permission.

    In any case make sure you credit them in your mod's description.


    To check your mod package the textures, meshes, scripts ect into a BSA then make a rar of the esp plus the BSA on your desktop. Remove your mod from data then reload your packaged mod from the desktop. Then just play the game to check if things work right.

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