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Everything posted by iyumichan

  1. They don't seem to commonly accept people to join them however :/
  2. This was the previous project: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/45104/? (Note that Machienzo is currently "the author", since he had taken over project lead at one point. The community patch is essentially like a unofficial patch but the focus is more on community involvement. Meaning that if there is something the majority of the community says is wrong then we would look into it. From what I can see Arthmoore declared to start once the creation kit is available. Maybe it would be possible to work together then?
  3. Hello everyone. Soon the Creation Kit is being released and as such of course I would like to start a Community Patch Project like I did for Fallout New Vegas. It has been quite a long time and so many of the people that have been around back then are not available or interested any more. So I would like to take this chance to see if anyone would be interested in cooperating on a project like this. Or if you think it won't be necessary or it is too early then let me know that too. Thanks!
  4. Hello everyone. I am currently using 3dsMax 2016 I recently picked up modding again and I got no clue where I got the plugin from anymore. Most ones I can find wont work with it. I still do have a version of it that seems to work with it but whenever any files I created with it are loaded in the game I experience massive instabilities. Meaning once the mesh is loaded it would crash. Sometimes instantly, sometimes after 1-2 minutes. I would then re convert the mesh, go through all steps in nifskope again. I then repeat this until eventually it wouldn't crash in the game. Problem is even with the exact same steps every time my result would differ. Meaning that sometimes the resulting nif would crash and sometimes it wouldn't. If anyone has any ideas what the safest way is to get a nif file using newer 3dsmax versions without having to resort to blender. I would greatly appreciate it! Thanks, iyumichan
  5. Regarding redkit for witcher 3. I have reason to believe that the kit will be pretty much the same for it. Only with an diffrent engine number and some additonal stuff.
  6. rather odd. Report it at http://bugtracker.the-team-mystery.com So we can investigate. Thank you!
  7. I am aware that it only applies to certain ad types and that nexus has cpm ads. Seems like I just mixed up two systems there. tl;dr I support this decision.
  8. I agree with this. There is no point forcing users to use the endorsment system if it leads to wrong ratings. However your idea might just work. I think blocking ads is one thing and clicking them another. A user that blocks ads has the same impact as one that doesn't click them. Edit: Only in case of a payment per click basis.
  9. it's pretty technical and you need a lot background knowledge but if you do then this is far from boring.
  10. just a small note. That thing is gone by now. It was orginally a replacment for a bugged shovel if anyone is wondering why it ended up there.
  11. C#? Really? CrossOS support is must since witcher2 is now on mac.
  12. Take a look at these: http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout_special_encounters http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout_2_special_encounters Planes would be making worldspaces for them and then adding a chance to get there when fastraveling.
  13. If you find any problems with mmue or the cps of mmue then please do tell!
  14. Verify game cache. Also possibly corrupted save due to removal of mods or adding of mods with corrupted data. Disable all mods and try again a new game. Just use 1 of these: Jump300.esp Jump85.esp Jump350.esp Jump250.esp Jump150.esp Jump125.esp Jump100.esp Jump200.esp
  15. Appearently another leftover of the community patch. Thank you for the great documentation of the issue.
  16. You actually stoped mmue form loading with that. Anyways this is fixed in the new version and is caused by a compatiblity issue with gra. MMUE makes GRA compatible with a lot more mods. However some values broke in the process. It is fixed in the upcoming version.
  17. Same. And why has it absolute filepaths in it? Doesn't make sense. d:\games\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\data\meshes\armor\steel\f\gauntlets_0.nif d:\games\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\data\scripts\source\qf_t01_00023b6c.psc d:\games\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\data\scripts\source\uskponload01script.psc Assuming that whatever it does will not work if my skyrim isn't installed there.
  18. Thanks a lot. I had to change some of the math as well. Now it is just awesome :D scn badluck float targetx float targety float targetz ref targetref Begin OnHit Set targetref to (GetOwnerLastTarget) If (targetref.IsActor == 1) Set targetz to ((targetref.getpos z) + 10) Set targetx to ((targetref.getpos x)+((150/(targetref.GetDistance Player))*((player.getpos x) - (targetref.getpos x)))) Set targety to ((targetref.getpos y)+((150/(targetref.GetDistance Player))*((player.getpos y) - (targetref.getpos y)))) Player.SetPos x targetx Player.SetPos y targety Player.SetPos z targetz EndIf END
  19. This is my script. scn badluck int targetx int targety int targetz int playerx int playery int zwx int zwy int betc ref thetarget Begin OnHit Set thetarget to (GetOwnerLastTarget) If (thetarget.IsActor == 1) Set targetx to (thetarget.getpos x) Set targety to (thetarget.getpos y) Set targetz to (thetarget.getpos z) Set playerx to (player.getpos x) Set playery to (player.getpos y) Set targetz to (targetz + 20) Set zwx to (playerx - targetx) Set zwy to (playery - targety) Set betc to (zwx*zwx + zwy*zwy) Set betc to (sqrt betc) Set zwx to ((1/betc)*zwx) Set zwy to ((1/betc)*zwy) Set targetx to ((1/75)*zwx) Set targety to ((1/75)*zwy) Player.SetPos x targetx Player.SetPos y targety Player.SetPos z targetz EndIf END The problem is that it always teleports to the same location even tho player and target are moving.
  20. iyumichan


    I am just being silly, lol. I want to be silly too!
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