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Everything posted by ALittleBird

  1. Really, All I ever got for shouting is towns was a small bounty :( Hah, the guards only ask me a million times to stop.
  2. Alduin was send forward in timee to the Throat of the World, the place he was when the Elder Scroll was used. Helgen lies at the foot of the mountain. So Alduin, who felt the presence of a Dragonborn (because you can hear him say 'Dovahkiin' during the attack), flew from the mountain to Helgen. Maybe to avenge his 'defeat' in ancient times (I believe those three heroes where Dragonborn as well), or eliminate a threat. Yes, he did not attack you when you left the cave, when he had the chance, but maybe his arrogance led him to believe you weren't such a big threat after all. By the way, you can see him fly in the direction of the mountains Mirmulnir came from, so maybe he just asked him to do it, as he didn't want to waste his time on such a little 'bug'. Or maybe it was destined to be so by the Divines. After all, in Oblivion, you coincidentally happened to be in the very cell Uriel Septim had to go through to escape. So not that big of a problem.
  3. That concept art looks amazing, I especially like the sword.
  4. I have a feeling some of the Jarls are a bit superficial, but maybe that's just me. And I'd go with Balgruuf, just because he's the Jarl I know best, and he really seems to love his people. Besides, I love Whiterun. But if I change my mind, I'll post it here.
  5. I love it. All I have to say. Love the footage with it as well.
  6. Exactly my thoughts. You are in Skyrim to stop a big dragon. Essentially the same as the normal storyline. But I kinda like it, because it will be different. At least the quests and such. And new guilds, yay!
  7. I think you mean your esm file? Maybe you accidentally deleted it?
  8. I tried re-installing it 2 times. And, well, my computer isn't really filled up.
  9. Once you've retrieved the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller and followed up on the quest results, its pretty obvious who it is. It's not Delphine. The letters still come after you've discovered Delphine is a Blade and she wants you to kill Paarthurnax. It doesn't seem to make sense. Just coincidence the letter replacing the Horn was also signed by 'A friend'. I still think it's the Courier.
  10. Hi, So I bought Fallout New Vegas the other day, installed it, started it, but when I click play on the launcher, it does not work. I've tried literally everything to fix it (download a certain file from Nexus, run it in compatibility mode for Windows whatever (here I've also tried everything). It just gives me: Fallout New Vegas.exe has stopped working. Sometimes it gives me a black screen and then the error when I hit play, sometimes I get the beginning screen (you know, with the names of the developing teams and such on it) and then the error... And a friend of mine had the same problem, but all of a sudden, it worked. He doesn't know how - he even swears he did not do something to make it work, he just started it and there it was. I'm pissed right now. I really want to play this game, and this is just killing me. So I don't really know what to do.
  11. I don't know. If we're to believe Skyrim, 20 people constitute an army, and 50 constitute a city. (Seriously, did anyone else find this annoying and immersion breaking?) But the Snow Elves were the most beautiful, right? The poison mushrooms explained the blindness, but did it explain how they collectively turned into goblins? The battles having so few people on screen is not part of the lore, it's just part of the engine and such. I imagine having hundreds of people in a battle is quite too much for a computer to handle. According to the lore, in The Battle of the Moesring, the last battle between Snow Elves and Men on Solstheim, there were thousands of soldiers, at least hundreds. Oh, and the Falmer being ugly creatures is just evolution, they adapted to the circumstances of small, rough and wet caves.
  12. You don't get the messages for shouting in towns, you get the messages in town for shouting in dungeons (generally) You often also get the message for shouting in town. At least I do
  13. I hate the Blades for hating me for not killing Paarthurnax. I really like him, although in the Epilogue, I kind of felt like he had changed due to the sweet taste of power. But I won't kill him.
  14. @Lachdonin Yeah, I guess it weren't literally only five hundred people. It's like the three hundred Spartans at Thermopylae. History tells us they were accompanied by another few thousand men. So it's just glorifying the past again.
  15. Thanks. Yeah, I knew about all the events in the 4th Era, but it was a bit unclear what the status was after them. And the Empire certainly is no puppet of the Thalmor. I understand they were both pretty much forced by the circumstances to sign the White-Gold Concordat. The Thalmor are just so naive to think they are the dominant ones.
  16. I killed all the Cannibals in the room, and the Priest thanked me for saving his life and gave me gold :)
  17. Can someone explain to me what the situation in Tamriel really is at the moment? Because I can't really find a good source. So the Aldmeri Dominion has Summerset Isle, Valenwood and Elsweyr, the Argonians have Black Marsh and Morrowind, the Empire consists out of Cyrodiil and Skyrim, and Hammerfell is independent? Or is Elsweyr still a part of the Empire, and have the Argonians left Morrowind for what it is after their conquer? Me is confused. :) Thanks in advance.
  18. The Jarl of Whiterun, hah! I love the Snow Elves :)
  19. They also fight Vampires and Werewolves.
  20. I know who it is. It's the courier. He stalks you. EVERYWHERE.
  21. You thought Ulfric was the main questline? Man, if that was the case, I'd be disappointed :P Although it's epic enough for a side-questline.
  22. It happened in the late Merethic Era, the era before the First Era. It was when Ysgramor and the people from Atmora landed in Skyrim, where they fought with the Snow Elves, who inhabited the land back then. With his Five Hundred Companions, Ysgramor drove the Snow Elves away to Solstheim, where their Snow Prince was defeated by a child; the Snow Elves then fled, and formed an allliance with the Dwemer. From that moment on, they lived underground. But the Dwemer didn't trust them and intoxicated them. :)
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