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  1. I think that distributing DP is going to be way too complicated. For an example, while I can't speak for the community, I can imagine that a big reason why people will download the patch would be to get my skill fixes. That doesn't only pertain to the early version where the skill fixes were added, it will attract users for all releases going forwards. The community patch's DP awards will presumably grow over time, but if you only get a cut of the DP from the version or month that your changes were added in, what about the builds that were so early and short-lived that they didn't have time to earn much DP? Do those contributors just not get anything for their fixes? Does that mean I should've waited with adding my fixes until the patch earns more DP rather than adding them in the early 0.0.2 build? That doesn't seem right. Should I get a cut of all future DP from the mod? Then how would you determine the cut?
  2. So this is the new forum? Looks nice. I'll reiterate what I said on Discord: I would personally vote for charity as I donate all my DP to charity anyway. I split it between Doctors Without Borders, Red Cross and Ukraine Relief Effort, but if I had to choose just one then I'd pick Doctors Without Borders. But I'm a bit worried that presenting that option would rob people who want the DP of the opportunity. It's a bit risky when we don't know what the contributors actually want. The same could be said for whether to leave DP on or turn it off. It doesn't seem right for others to decide on the contributors' behalf to turn DP off. Some of the contributions took considerable time and effort, it's not unreasonable for someone to want to be compensated for their contributions, especially not if they are to keep up that level of effort going forwards. If you're particularly cynical then you might even accuse those other people of wanting DP turned off just so that there's more DP for them. If it was entirely up to me as a contributor then I would turn the SFCP into a charity project. But it's not entirely up to me.
  3. Sheson. And the Holy Cow, please. I want to hear what the divine bovine has to say.
  4. No, Glamoril does not exist in the gamefiles. Thread necro: Someone might stumble upon this on Google like me, and want an answer.
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