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Everything posted by Risakisa

  1. Any sort of debate on this is entirely pointless, especially here. But I like to argue my point. 1. Abortion is murder. Pure and simple. It's a human life that's being ended. You can try to twist the definition of human to exclude whatever part of humanity you wish to get rid off, but I don't really care. You can argue why it's ok or beneficial, which I do, but it still is what it is. 2. Abortion has a positive eugenic** effect. While the obvious benefit of reducing genetic defects is there, it's a minor one; the main benefit is that the people who have abortions will, obviously, breed less. And thus the maladaptive* opinions that they hold are selected against, and eventually out. Being pro-abortion is, I reckon, associated with a whole host of other opinions. I won't comment on those opinions, but I reckon that the adaptive ones will remain long enough, whereas the maladaptive ones will ensure a quicker removal. In other words, because pro-abortion opinions are maladaptive, and correlate with other maladaptive opinions, allowing abortion will lead to those people being more likely to have abortions and thus self-selecting against themselves, genetically. While I think it's pretty gross, it is accurate. Much like starvation, it's a self-solving problem. The way mother nature solves this problem is, as is her way, incredibly callous and brutal. But it's A way. *"Maladaptive" means "something that lowers evolutionary success", ie something that makes you have fewer successful offspring. Abortion is, by definition, maladaptive. This is not a moral statement, but a factual one. **Thanks, austrian painter, for making people think eugenics is synonymous with evil and genocide and what-have-you. I really need to find a better term that people can understand while not triggering their knee-jerk reactions.
  2. Cheers. Good to know that you guys are aware and working on it, keep up the good work. :) (As an aside, is it only the "EPERM" issues, or is it various errors related to scripts/FOMOD? I've only seen the former doing a quick few-page browsing)
  3. Huh. I was going to re-install my Skyrim, and so opened Vortex to see what sort of shenanigans it'd get up to (after saving a copy of loadorder.txt).. and nothing. No error message, no lost plugins, no complaints about external changes, nothing. I even re-started Vortex to see if it'd misbehave, and so far, nothing.
  4. Completely reasonable and fair. :) But, hey, this is why it's alpha; to make sure that idiots like me find a way to mess things up in a way that more responsible users wouldn't manage to do. :)
  5. Well, the more you know, eh? :smile: -Edit- I now remember the primary reason for why I didn't have Vortex on C; because all my games etc. are installed on G, and Vortex said that it should be on the same HD, I installed it on G as well. And since it didn't occur to me that it'd delete mods in its own directory, I set it to download and keep the mods there, simply to reduce the clutter. I'm sure there's a perfectly valid, technical reason for why it cleans itself in such a way when updating, but I'm not a programmer and can't imagine what that reason might be.
  6. Well, I'd rather not risk it right now, since I'm yet to become bored of this loadout, so I'm running Skyrim directly from the SKSE loader without opening Vortex. But I'll let you know what happens when I give it a go.
  7. I don't install anything to C, let alone Program Files. As a general rule of thumb, last time I knew, that was the first thing to avoid when modding (ie avoid putting games and mods and modding tools to protected directories).
  8. Because I was a dum-dum and didn't read the sticky, I had my mod downloads etc. in the vortex directory, and that got wiped when Vortex updated itself. That wasn't such a big deal, since my game folder still had all the mods and what-have-you, and was perfectly playable. Now, when I wanted to add another mod to my modlist, I got this. While I think I should hit "undo" on everything so that Vortex doesn't delete everything and ruin my day, I'm not 100% sure. The language could be clearer here imo. So, should I hit "undo" to keep the mods, or will "apply" keep the mods? Which will clean my installation, and which will leave it alone?
  9. Well, this would've been nice to know before Vortex updated itself without asking or warning me.
  10. I'm sorry to say, but I really dislike the new layout. Will there be a way to use the old layout in the future, or will we simply have to get used to this one?
  11. In response to post #55032088. #55040268 is also a reply to the same post. They'd be even less mad if they'd never said anything at all until public alpha/beta. Quite frankly, we gain nothing from knowing about this being in development. No matter how much we want it, it's not going to be done faster by us knowing anything about it. And what sort of updates would we get? "Well, we tried doing such-and-such in this way, but decided to do so-and-so instead, but then realized that stuff and things and so went back to such-and-such but changed it in so-and-so way" etc. Might as well wait for the finished/near-finished product if you're not an alpha/beta tester.
  12. In response to post #55008708. #55008758, #55013093 are all replies on the same post. That's actually not a bad idea IMO. Give premium members a month or three to find some more bugs and give feedback, and then once they can be sure that the potentially tens of thousands of regular users won't fill the forums with known issues and nonsense, they can let them test it out. :)
  13. Cheers for the update. I am particularly fond of how you said "a January release", without specifying which January. ;)
  14. Cheers. Sent a PM. -According to the PM thingy, SirSalami has yet to even see the reply. I might go ahead and make the mod, and if no admin has any objection, I'll upload it in a week or two. Provided I don't give up.
  15. From the ToS: I was thinking about making a renaming mod for FO4 that renamed various things, characters, monsters. etc. into stupid and offensive things, including slurs and vulgarity (ie renaming Tinker Tom "Uncle Tom", renaming dogs "Aggressive [Female Dog]", and other words which I shan't repeat on the forums). I'm not sure if simply having "bad words" in-game, especially an 18+ game, is forbidden. I personally find that sort of immature humor to be funny (Louis CK's "Quit being a f- and suck that d-!" like is one of my favourites), but I know that some people think that merely by writing/speaking certain words, regardless of intent or context, is a big no-no. So, to the mods: Would it be against the ToS to upload a mod that renames things into something immature/"offensive", even if it is explicitly stated that the mod was exactly that and nothing but that? (Addendum: Ironically enough, this post may violate the ToS since it can be said that I bypassed the word filter. But given the context of this post, and the use of those words, I deem it justifiable.)
  16. How would profile sharing handle self-made patches (using Wrye Bashed, xEdit, etc.) that are often required for compatibility? I assume we'll need to upload those files ourselves, and then download them as a mod from Nexusmods. What about settings, such as when mods have options when installing, or .ini edits? Can NMM detect exactly what installation options were chosen? Can users choose "pick option A or B here" in their shared profile, regarding which version of a mod to install? How would the shared profile handle versions? Will it download up-to-date versions of every mod, or the exact version specified in the profile? And if that version isn't available, will it warn the users, or download the latest one? When one mod overrides the files from another mod, will the profile/NMM know which files are to be overridden by which files? Will it know the order of installation? I'm skeptical of this claim about "one-click installation". There's far too much variance in mods for things to be that simple (which is why console- & workshop mods won't ever reach the height of nexusmods), unless the tool is incredibly smart and allows for a very complicated, detailed setup by the profile creator.
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