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Everything posted by addictinsane9

  1. I don't know if I'd want her to be THAT muscular, but I do have to admit, since rogue armors suck horribly in this game, my female elf looks funny in blood dragon armor because of how skinny she is. However, I don't think this mod would be possible or feasible given the amount of time and dedication needed, since modders don't get paid. You would have to modify the look of every single armor model for the female whose body yuo changed, as well. (YAY! I found the mod requests!)
  2. I'm pretty sure one of my dungeon crawl mods gives you a pointy hat. Will have to play all of them to see which one it is, though.
  3. Two things first: 1.- I can't find where mod requests go in these forums. Sorry if this is the wrong place. If so, of course, I guess it will be moved. 2.- I already asked Mcgoy to do this, and he/she has agreed to do the knife-throwing thing but admittedly doesn't have the time to do it right now. So, if any of you would be nice enough to take the trouble now, it would be very nice. So, on to the things I actually need. Again, another list of two: 1.- There's a fix for the haste-momentum interaction that fixes the infamous haste attack speed bug. However, this fix doesn't affect the spirit warrior attack speed increase. So, if you already have double haste in your party, and want a spirit warrior with 50% spell resistance and dodge, he will be relegated to shitty attack speed because the bug will still be in effect. I don't know about modding, but I guess it would be a pretty small fix and probably easy for anyone with modding experience. Also, note that adding a single haste+spirit warrior's beyond the veil gives you significantly less attack speed compared to double haste. So no, one haste mage plus three spirit warriors is not an efficient alternative party composition. EDIT: scratch that. Dain's Fixes does that already. So the only thing left is the knife thrower issue. 2.- This isn't really a mod request, more like a weird favor: I would be very thankful If anyone with modding experience could check the code for knife throwers in Quests and Legends. These knife throwers seem to ignore both armor and dodge chance. Boss Mages seem to ignore spell resistance as well. Some of my characters, who have up to 140% dodge and up to 110% spell resistance are often hit by spells and knives, but only in QaL, so I would love to know how these work. My imba party in my last playthrough (where Alistair had 900 hp and 60 armor, and my weakest character was Wynne with 550 hp and 60 armor) walked into the last room in Minas Ioth and died in probably 20 to 30 seconds. I can't finish that room without runscript pc_immortal. Granted, I have several difficulty mods stacking with each other, but since I had already entered the adjacent area, changes this mods made to the mobs seemed not to take effect even when removing those mods. If anyone is up to the challenge, thank you very much. EDIT: ok, so, now I found the place for mod requests. However, since I don't think I can move this thread myself, I'm just going to wait for a moderator to move it? I wouldn't wish to create more work for a moderator, and I assume if I created a duplicate thread over there I would be doing so...
  4. Thanks. I was actually thinking about Castle Cousland
  5. In its description it says that Korcari Wilds is an "install at your own risk mod" since it is said to conflict with other mods and perhaps even with DLC. I assume, though, you're recommending it because your experience has been good so far?
  6. I have Awakenings in the OC installed, but hadn't thought about the problem you discuss. Because of this, I actually thought Dark Times added two specs. XD
  7. Bah :sad: Know of any nice quest mods that don't change your party? I liked Tombs of the Undead, Vulak, the Swamp Tower, and I didn't like King Calenhad's Tomb. I HATED the companions in Dark Times. I sacrificed the kid, got the Lethe, used her teleport spell, got out of Cefalu, and uninstalled the mod. I like Valeria, though, and I keep reading about a guy called Rory in QaL, but can't find him. Or is that a 1.6 exclusive as well? EDIT: I was also ok with Ancient Elven Ruins, and I have Pints and Quarts but haven't played it yet. Most of the items that I get from quest mods seem underwhelming, specially armor. I only use an armor from Vulak, Superiority I think it's called.
  8. thank you, you have saved me so much hassle. So, does this mean that the only imba armor item that you can get from the 1.5 QaL is the King's Guard Helmet? I know about the Veras Cowl, which adds +8 to all, but it also adds no armor, and with the difficulty mods I play, where my mage has to get arcane warrior as first spec so he won't die to the overwhelm spam in 10 seconds, I actually need the goddamned armor. I even had to import the Sentinel armor set from Awakenings just so my rogue archer could take a hit :sad:... God I love this game with mods. willjk57: if you start feeling like the game becomes too easy with the imba items that this mod gives you, try playing it with flash's creature rescale and nightmare plus v2.5 and lemmings smarter enemies prepare to die edition. You will feel like a George R.R. Martin character. Also, beware of game-breaking bugs. Whenever you set off to do a new quest for the king's guard, save before you actually take it. It may break your game. And when in doubt, steal. This includes stealing during combat to remove Shadowhaw's immortality ring, it includes the Crow's second in command sitting in the Angry Parrot, it includes the suspects of helping the Amaranthine Pirates in Antiva. It includes a guy called Marcus, in Messira (I think), who could go completely unnoticed, and from whom you steal something related to a small side quest.. Save before you step into the fire in Minas Ioth. Specially when using difficulty mods. My Allistair has over 900 hp, Golem Shell Armor, Carapace, Evasion, Legion of The Dead Heraldry and still dies in like 20 seconds in that fight It really bothers me that there is no walkthrough for this mod. Could have saved me so much time.
  9. With Flash's creature rescale, I have a naked Bann Teagan, with sword and shield hanging from his back. I think it's funny since, after reading the "hottest NPC thread" all male-interested members seem to agree he is the hottest male in Ferelden. EDIT: I was actually going to write "all females seemed to agree" but then I thought "ok, how do I actually say this in 2016?"
  10. I have never used IA for the reasons Philo states. I'm guessing if you guys are using it, you consider it worth the hassle. Why, though?
  11. Yes!!! See, I hate whenever a mod forces a companion on you. However, I'm not sure if setting them at a flat ten for all atributes is a good thing. I thought different races came with different attributes. If you respec the original characters using any mod you want, I think you'll realize base attributes vary between characters. Now, I'm not sure, I may be talking out of my ass, but that's how I remember it. Also, you said something about awakenings. Are you making a mod for awakenings? Nobody makes mods for awakenings. The only awakenings companion I like is Sigrun, so it would be nice to have someone nice enough in the party.
  12. Dude, I so f***ing care about this project. Only one small caveat: Could you make the Alison trap exploit fix an optional fix? I play this game with several difficulty mods working simultaneously, and it is crucial for me to get level 10 before leaving Lothering. EDIT: Dude, I read your list again, I just so f***ing care about the undisarmable traps so much. And the Leliana fixes. If you get Leliana's and Wynne's approval too high before getting their personal quests, those quests will be unobtainable. And I read in a guide that you can also ruin your chances of a romance with Leliana by doing this. I have actually never in my life done Wynne's quest since, as soon as I get her, I gift-spam her to raise her willpower. In one of my playthroughs, I wasn't in a romance with Leliana (actually, I was struggling to get the dialogue that would initiate the god damned romance), and she initiated the jealousy talk about Alistair. I know this could be considered a bug due to an exploit, since I spammed plus approval from them both through feastday gifts, but I just thought I'd mention it in case you considered it worth looking at. Also, I think you missed the Cammen quest on Brecilian Forest. The only way I have been able to finish this quest is by already having a wolf pelt when I talk to him. Otherwise, if I trigger his quest, leave the area, then come back again, he will be missing and the quest cannot be finished. Since I don't know exactly what triggers it, you could look at the mod that fixes this. It's here on the nexus mods, and the author only specifies that "under some circumstances", the quest can't be completed. Link: http://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/885/?
  13. I use three different difficulty mods simultaneously, some added to quest mods which the authors or people on the comments explicitly warn against using together, because it makes the game too hard. These are the mods I use: Nightmare Plus: http://social.bioware.com/project/667/ Flash's creature rescale and optional difficulty tweaks: http://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/1403/? Lemmings' smarter enemies, prepare to die edition: http://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/4081/? I recommend that you don't install the heal nerfs, you won't need them. I guarantee this will get you killed hard if you choose to start from the very beggining of the game with the mods running, which the author of creature rescale advises against. Also, I installed RAVAge, and liked it, but it makes the game too laggy. If you can make it work on your pc without lag, then go ham on those diablo-like mobs. And if you find the RAVAge items too OP, then install Quests and Legends. I think knife-throwers ignore armor, so you'll just die unceremoniously like a game of thrones character :smile:. Have fun
  14. Hum, I really don't think this would make a good decision gameplay-wise. Most people hate the fact that the block animation interrupts your attacking. Actually, they hate it so much that powergamers actually discuss whether they should give their rogues evasion, because, according to Murphy's law, it will proc the exact second before you land that last backstab you desperately need to kill that mage/ogre/elite that you need off the battlefield. Sorry I couldn't be of more help. Btw, Phylo, weren't you going to work on a mod that would reduce lag in the game? What happened to that idea?
  15. Can you do these quests without needing to recruit new companions? I love quest mods, but I hate when they make me change my team. damnit, this seems such a stupid question given the mod's name :(
  16. Wow, Skymoves. I hadn't even read hennalang's reply and I was already thinking (holy s***, that's hella helpful). What's also funny is I entered this thread because by the title I thought the poster meant vanilla females were horrible and he needed suggestions for mods to make them look decent. I know I do! XD
  17. I personally love Quests and Legends, but I hate the way it breaks the economy (there is a point where story progression requires you buying a boat for 5 thousand gold). I like your idea, it seems unintrusive to the world's economy. Would this mod by any chance introduce some ways for you to make a little money on the side, just so it hurts even less? (Money is so god damned scarce, this is the poorest I've ever felt in a game since X-com).
  18. I play with three different difficulty mods with additional modded quests that, by themselves, have a standard difficulty higher than the vanilla game. So by no stretch of the imagination would I be possible to play the game with the crappy stat atribution and specializations that any of the characters start with. To provide an example, just this morning I started a rogue with secondary mage and warrior talents from Quests and Legends. In the Korcari Wilds around Ostagar, I was wielding voice of velvet and a shield with the +20 heraldry (Awakening in the OC mod), Alistair was wearing Blood Dragon Plate, a modded sword better than Starfang and Bulwark of the True King plus the +20 heraldry, Jory had the Battledress with Dragonbone Cleaver, Daveth had Bregan's Bow. During the first Hurlock Emissary fight, my whole party died, and I was left at around 10% hp. I'm dealing around 60-70 damage per hit with my Voice of Velvet backstabs on level 4. Darspawn say it tickles. Don't even get me started on what the werewolves can do to you with these mods. So, yeah, I need my party with the necessary stats to wear the best possible stuff ASAP. EDIT: Also, it is strange that Oghren has berserker since 2h is the warrior who probably benefits the least from it, given how slow their attacks are. And since 2h is so reliant on abilities and sustainables, you never have stamina for final blow, which, even if you did, the ability just blows.
  19. So, I'm sorry for necroing this thread but its the only thread I've found regarding Quests and Legends so far this year. If someone is still reading this, does anyone know how to get inside the Antiva City commons? I thought it would be by doing repeated quests for the King's Guard, but I'm alread at trustworthy level with them and I have gotten no access. By the way, if you are wondering, yes I only have v1.5 and yes it does have critical, game-breaking bugs. If I try to do either the Crow infiltration or the defend a merchant quest that takes you to The Quiet Slumber a second time, neither the Crow Messenger nor the pursued merchant will be there for their respective quests and you will be stuck unable to do more King's Guard quests. I've finished Minas Ioth, Tower of Veras and Karthas. Can't move forward anymore.
  20. Thank you for your reply, but I was just coming here to edit my post and add that I had already tried the AllowedArmors="soldier" fix. It works on every class I have except necromancer class. My favorite class :( If anyone knows of any other fix I'd be glad to know
  21. After installing Alien Hunters, none of my modded classes are able to equip any armor. This seems true for other people since Lucubration already posted a fix for his sniper and infantry classes addressing this exact problem. Now, the problem is I'm using classes that have probably been forgotten by their authors, at least it seems so by their activity. So, if it isn't too much trouble, I would really appreciate it if anyone who knows about modding could tell me how to fix this. I posted in Lucubration's mod's discussion threads but I've already posted before there and he hasn't answered me so I don't know if he looks at those. I tried to send him a PM but the page says I'm unable to use private messaging. I guess because I'm not premium or something? Anyways, I also posted about this problem in the pages of the other modded classes I'm using. I've never modded before, but have modified ini files, so please take that into account when providing any advice. Thanks a lot :)
  22. Yes, I've seen other users request for mods to be placed in nexus. Like you say, they may not answer, but thanks anyways
  23. I have a potato with internet, and a new computer with a broken internet card (I know crap about computers, don't know if it's still called the modem, or if it ever was). As far as I know, If you want to download a steam mod, you need to have steam installed with Xcom 2, you subscribe to the mod and steam automatically downloads it into your xcom 2 directory. I've never done this, though, of course. But if I'm wrong, and there's a way for me to download from the potato then move to my xcom 2 comp, I'd be glad to know how.
  24. Hello, don't know if this is the right place to post this, but it would be nice if someone could post the instant avenger menus mod either here or somewhere else, wherever, outside of the steam workshop. Thanks :)
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