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Posts posted by TheTerminator2004

  1. I tried that, but when all the zombies had died, I went out to find a creeper which killed me and destroyed my base.


    The one i've got now is fine. A small wooden shack, well lit with two deep trenches around it, Inside has two furnaces, a double sized storage box, a crafting table and a tunnel which leads to a large room, which is where I do my digging.


    Yeah, monsters usually burn up in sunlight, but for some reason not all of them always do - so you need to be prepared to fight one or two.

  2. You don't need to put it on peaceful to start. Just make sure your first priority is to dig yourself a room, with a door, and keep it lit up (using torches). Monsters only spawn in the dark, and they can't get through doors, so just hide in there overnight, and you'll be fine. Then come out in the day, when they've all died again, and carry on building. If you connect your mine to your room, you can dig that out during the night - just make sure to keep everywhere connected to your room lit up.
  3. The old free version is still available, where you just wander round building stuff, but the new version (Alpha) has to be paid for. It has a variety of monsters, crafting, etc - a lot more things to do. Plus, paying for it gets you all future versions too, such as the upcoming multiplayer (which is expected in a week or two I think), and the future beta and final versions, when/whatever they will be.


    Right now it's 10euro for the current Alpha, but once the beta is released (when the multiplayer is done IIRC), the price will go up to 15euro - and the final game will be 20.

  4. I actually just bought it yesterday too, coincidentally. It's fun, but I imagine it will start to get boring pretty quick, at least in singleplayer, thanks to the lack of any defined goals. Multiplayer sounds like it might be more fun, once its working. Maybe we should set up a Nexus Minecraft server, when it is?


    The first map I've started has what appeared to be a floating island in the sky (on closer inspection it was supported by a 1-block thick pillar). I plan to build a castle on top of it, plant some trees to get wood, and then seperate it from the ground. So far I'm having problems with the large number of monsters who spawn in the shadows underneath it though.

  5. Haven't Ubi said they're currently working on a sequel to BG&E? It's not due for a year ot two yet though, I don't think.


    Been doing some digging around, and I have some good news, and some bad news. The good news is that Ubi are definitely working on a sequel, though according to Michael Ancel (lead designer), only a small team is working on it, so it "will take a while".


    The bad news is that, so far, all sources indicate that it will likely be an Xbox 360 and PS3 game. There has been absolutely no mention of it being released for PC, though that doesn't necessarily mean much at this stage.

  6. I haven't been to 0.0 at all since Dominion, so I can't comment on lag issues there - but I've experienced pretty much none at all in high/lowsec. Even in systems with several hundred people, it's been fine. And like I said, Jita is better than ever.


    And you can't reasonably claim they aren't doing anything to fix it. They already are doing everything they can, as they have said several times. Assigning more people to it would make no difference. And they've had more mass testing sessions on SiSi over the past month than they've had over the past 2 or 3 years.

  7. Floodgates can only be opened and closed using a lever, and there's a small delay between pulling it, and the gate opening/closing. When they're closed, nothing can get through, but when they're open, anyything can.


    Miners can escape without drowning if they breach a water source - they can get away before the water gets too deep for them. Magma, however, will kill them instantly, since it burns them as soon as they touch it.


    Also, make sure there's a way to a) lock your nobles in their room when you flood it, and b) a way to drain the water out again.

  8. I think Eve probably is one of, if not the most complicated games around, at least in programming terms. I certainly can't think of any that are more complicated.


    And as for making sure it's bug free... it largely is. The main problem here is a bug which only manifests itself in large fleet fights. Which means they can only observe it during said fleet fights. But since Tranquility doesn't have any of the debugging tools running etc (if it did, it would be a thousand times laggier - as with all games, they'll have been compiled out), they can't monitor it there. And I doubt they have enough CCP employees available to test it on their internal debugging server. So the only option they really have to find the source of the problem is to set up some kind of automation which can run large scale fleet fights for them on the internal server, and then monitor it closely to find the rogue database lookup or whatever it is that's causing the problems.

  9. Hm, I really need to replay Eternal Darkness. I got about a third of the way through it in one sitting a few months ago, without realising it didn't have any kind of autosave feature. Needless to say, when I eventually died, I was less than impressed. I couldn't bear to play through it all over again at the time, and I haven't got round to it yet.
  10. Pheobus' is excellent, it's probably my favourite now. I used to like Mayday's, but I agree there are plenty of better alternatives nowadays. It's also available with 30.12.


    In other news, I saw 2 of my dwarves spar the other day :O And my marksdwarf even shot at a kobold thief! It looks like the military is almost fully working, at last. It's great :D

  11. It really irritates me how everyone's raging about this. If any of the people bitching in that thread had the slightest clue about what is involved with running a server cluster and system like Eve (which is definitely the most complicated game ever made, and probably gives people like Google and Facebook a run for their money in terms of networking complexity), they'd know that the 40-odd people CCP have allocated to trying to sort this problem out is the best that can reasonably be done. There would be absolutely no point allocating more people, and it would make little difference to how quickly things get sorted. It's difficult enough trying to debug software even on a small scale, let alone the monstrosity that is Eve. Add to that the fact that it's a live environment, with customers expecting as close to 100% uptime as possible, and it becomes an absolute nightmare. And theres only so much debugging that can be done without shutting the entire system down first - and there aren't enough CCP developers to test large scale fleet fights in a controlled test environment themselves anyway.


    A lot of development resources have been assigned to setting up their 'fleet fight in a can', as they call it, which is a borderline-sentient AI that will allow them to test fleet fights in a controlled environment, on the massive scale needed, in a way that will enable them to debug the problem. Until that is set up and working, it is pretty much impossible for them to find out what is causing the lag issues. They've explained that several times already. Getting this system working will take time, theres nothing anyone can do about it, and whinging and whining won't change that.


    Besides, it's no worse than it was before Apocrypha - in fact, it's a hell of a lot better. Now it's only large-scale fleet fights that cause lag, rather than a system simply being busy, like in the old days. I remember when Jita would be likely to crash if it went over 800 players - and there were over 1300 people on there the other day, with only a small amount of lag.

  12. In my experience, Windows Media Player lacks the features and support of many other media players. It's fine for just watching the odd music video or something, but for anything more than that, it's pretty useless. It has terrible codec support, and pretty much no advanced features - no subtitle support, no way to deal with files containing multiple video or audio tracks (for example, a film with the soundtrack in multiple languages), no deinterlacing, or postprocessing, no filters (such as sharpening), and no syncronising tools (for fixing problems where the audio is not synched correctly to the video).


    I generally use VLC for videos, which has been able to handle pretty much everything I've thrown at it so far. I highly recommend it.


    As for software for converting video... I quite like XVID4PSP. It's freeware, and is pretty powerful - but it is pretty unstable, and you do need to have a decent understanding of video formats to use it to its full potential. It refuses to work on my new PC (just crashes), but on my old one I used to use it regularly for converting films to watch on my phone. I regularly used it to convert HD films (in an mkv file usually) several gigabytes big from their original format, down to a 300x200 3gp file which my phone could play perfectly (and was only around 500mb tops for a feature-length film). It can be a pain to get it to do exactly what you want, but it is very powerful.

  13. Ugh, if I read the words 'Starcraft 2' one more time today, I'm going to break something. Seriously, it's an unoriginal, unbearably boring game, but people won't stop talking about it. ActiBlizzard's hype machine is clearly on top form at the moment.
  14. I never played Star Control 2, but I love SC3. It felt very expansive and engaging for it's time. The storyline was also very engrossing.


    In that case you should definitely get the remake of SC2, The Ur-Quan Masters. It's a far superior game to SC3.

  15. [rant]

    Well,yes!, there IS supposed to be a Mafia 2 under development, but it's been "nearly out" for how long? 8 years? please!,




    Same with Crysis 2... how much longer are we going to have to wait?


    Autumn 2010 is when it's due, so not too much longer. Here's hoping it hasn't been dumbed down too much for the consoles.


    Is bioshock 2 out already?


    Yep been out since... November? I think.


    chrono cross, yes, that was a good one, wish there was a modern remake of it with updated graphics, i mean..

    look at Final Fantasy! (talk about excess of sequels!) they have been telling us the same story over and over again

    every couple of years. and every time gamers case the shops en masse to buy the latest installment of FF, just to find out

    it's basically the same with slightly better graphics improvements. kind of a bummer if you ask me.


    I never played Chrono Cross, I really should one of these days, Chrono Trigger was excellent. How does it compare?


    Unreal 2: that was a major improvement over the previous. too bad people at Epic keep wasting their time (and ours!) releasing more Tournament games!, i mean, they've got this wonderful engine and all they come up with is yet another lame shoot-em-up game. while letting other companies take the better part of it to make real games that actually have something to say. it's a bit disappointing.


    I actually thought Unreal 2 was fairly rubbish - UT2004 was a far, far superior game IMO, even if it did lack much of a story.


    I would not call GTA4 a sequel in any way. the only part of "sequel" it has is the name!, but long gone are the days when you spent hundreds

    of hours just exploring the world, and getting every single race and license there was. the days when you needed to workout to keep your shape or eat like a pig just to have some girl like you. GTA4 was (as far as i can see) just an experiment of how far could they push people's computers (and pockets) using only a well known franchise such as GTA to leverage hardware upgrades.(you know you bought that new video card just so you could play that game)


    GTA4 was definitely a proper sequel, and tbh I thought it was the best GTA game I've played. Then again, it's also the first GTA game I've played since GTA2...


    Prince of Persia is an odd ball.first they create a rich universe revolving the sands of time, they get huge profits from it... then they drop it altogether saying "the sands had to go, they are not so cool anymore" and as a gamer you read that and say: wait....WHAT?. not to mention the drastic change of appearance. they drop all the lore and take a whole new approach. so yeah.... you get over it.. you even start to like it! but lo and behold, they decide to drop that one and continue with the sands! i mean... what is wrong with them? they think this is a game?? (well... yes, actually it is! :P )


    They seem to like doing weird things to PoP. The massive difference between Sands of Time and Warrior Within was a fairly major shock to me tbh (when it went from being a nice Persian-styled game, with period music, a main character who actually looked like a prince, to something 'cool' - dark, full of heavy metal music, and with a grim, moody main character with lots of facial hair). I've heard all the games since have been fairly mediocre, so I haven't played them.


    Something similar happens with Devil May Cry... you come fresh from playing DMC3 and come back from the shop, box in hand, smile in your face, expecting to play an overhauled Dante and yet another engaging story and then you start the game and see Nero...(who the hell is this guy?)by the nines! (no, wait... I'm getting a bit mixed up here). Something totally different so you have to develop new strategies to deal with the monsters. so by the time you get to actually use Dante, it doesn't even matter anymore. moreover, the new strategies that you had developed don't even apply either. so it's like... right... here we go again...i just wish it was the other way around and we started the game playing as Dante AND THEN change to Nero...well, I'm already looking forward for a sequel...with Vergil this time around!.


    My only experience with DMC is playing the first 20 minutes or so of the first one, getting bored, and going off to play Soul Calibur instead. That said, surely more variety is a good thing? Making the sequel exactly the same as the one before wouldn't be a good move IMO.


    We've all been craving for new HalfLife adventure. but all we have been given is a series of "half" told stories. while it's good that we get to play some new content from Valve more often, I wish they created full stories with each release... because frankly, wading through hordes of enemies just to find a "to be continued..."sign at the end is just... annoying! I'd rather cope with a bad ending (such as FO3) than with a non existent one.


    Lol yeah, we all know about Valve Time, but it's getting pretty ridiculous now. The way things are going, it'll end up like Duke Nukem Forever...


    The only Metroid platformers I've seen are the ones for GBA, which are not bad may i add. but.. it's not such a great improvement if compared to the modern platformers such as Megaman 8+ and Bionic Commando Rearmed. as for First person Metroid.... man... that's just wrong! specially considering they are not for PC (no mouse + WSAD) so you're stuck with that horrendous controller.


    I quite liked Metroid Prime tbh, but that was before I started playing games on the PC, so I was used to the controller. I tried playing it again recently, and just couldn't bear it at all.

  16. gosh... there are so many!



    but let's start with the most important... The Elder Scrolls! (you know you're drooling for it!)

    prince of persia (the one from 2008,no cel shading please,thank you)

    crysis! (it's been forever!)

    chrono trigger! (need i say more?)

    zone of the enders (wow!)


    fallout 3 (i mean seriously!)

    GTA San Andreas (not that cheap excuse of GTA4)

    Oni (remember that one?)

    Mafia (talk about beta limbo)

    Metroid (the platformer, with cool graphics, like bionic commando rearmed)

    Unreal (the story driven, not that tournament nonsense)

    thief 3 (drool!)

    half life 2, (not more episodes)

    arx fatalis (don't hold your breath, though)

    rainbow six

    ghost recon


    devil may cry

    and last but not least... cave story!(doukutsu monogatari) with 3d graphics!


    there are many many others i would like to see sequels of... but i think that's enough for now.


    Isn't Crysis getting a sequel?

    And I agree Oni definitely needs a next gen release.


    Yeah, a lot of those games have/are getting sequels.


    There have been many PoP games, theres a Crysis 2, Chrono Cross, Bioshock 2, Fallout: New Vegas (with a Fallout 4 all but confirmed), GTA 4 is a sequel - even if it's not to everyones taste, theres a Mafia 2 nearly out, there've been several more Metroid platforming games (as well as the FPS sequels), Unreal 2, Half Life 2 is guaranteed a sequel eventually, there've been millions of Rainbow Six games, and Devil May Cry has several sequels too.


    For me, I'd like to see a Startopia 2 (shame Mucky Foot went bankrupt), Uplink 2, Evil Genius 2, Mech Warrior 5, and Age of Empires 4, to name a few. Sadly I doubt we'll get any of them :(

  17. Even if someone had tried, I doubt they'd be able to get Morrowind to work in multiplayer. I'm surprised people got as far as they did with Oblivion, and that was little more than a dirty hack - and didn't exactly work very well. Writing good netcode is hard enough when the game's designed for it - trying to make that kind of thing work when it's not is often next to impossible.
  18. If it's on TESNexus, and has had that many downloads, then it's a pretty safe bet to assume it's safe. If you're really not sure, check the comments - generally if someone downloads a fake file, they'll post a warning in the comments, and probably report it. It still pays to be careful, but pretty much everything with more than 20-odd downloads is likely to be perfectly fine.
  19. Why would you want to do that? Besides, an exe file is made up of assembly code, so I doubt it would be much use to you, unless you wanted to dissassemble it (which is often illegal). It can be done of course, but I'm not exactly sure of the best way to do it.


    True, but the majority of archive programs I know will add a description saying something along the lines of "WinRAR self extracting archive", so it's generally pretty obvious what they are. That is of course assuming that anyone able to figure out how to post on a forum would know to double click on a file to run it...

  20. Why would you want to do that? Besides, an exe file is made up of assembly code, so I doubt it would be much use to you, unless you wanted to dissassemble it (which is often illegal). It can be done of course, but I'm not exactly sure of the best way to do it.
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