Are you sure your 101 lvl wasn't due to a ring or amulet? Are you using uncapper with SKSE64 or with xSHADOWMANx's dll loader? I never tried SKSE64 yet b/c of all the problems with SSE updates, but with the dll loader you need to set whatever settings you want in the ini file in the Sumwunn folder. Hope I helped a little.
Right, I did mean comments. Tried before & couldn't get it to work...Old dude problem. So it has to be exactly as shown, brackets, backslash, etc. Would never have got it. Thank you very much!
Here in the forums I'ts easy to see how to add image via URL, but not in mod posts. So could some kind soul tell me how to add a screenshot to posting section of mods, or where to find the answer?
Since the update AFT is not working right for me. It no longer works for unique followers but just fine on vanilla. Wonder what else? I'm pretty much a noob so dealing with this stuff is much more challenging than the game itself.
For me and maybe only me, it signals the probable end of Bethesda. When I launched SSE today it was updated by Beth & I got a pop-up that said some of my mods would not work in this version. Don't know how or if I even can roll back. All this makes me sad & angry. Just another company out to make as much money any way possible. Wish they had the integrity of the modders here. (just a view of a noob)
Not sure where to post this but my 1st radiant quest I got from Gunmar is to kill the master vampire at gutted mine. Impossible to even get in b/c I kept Azura's Star & get no quest marker. Obvious bug, but any ideas of how to get past this without going back to an early save?
I had something similar happen when my NMM updated. All my 58 mods were inactive (red lined) When i started activating them only the top half would activate, exactly half of them. I started Skyrim expecting the game to crash on start-up but everything was fine & all the mods were working even though they were shown to be inactive in NMM. I just now tried OldFossil's fix & that did work to make them show as active again. I'm new to gaming & modding so don't understand any of that but it worked. BTW Fossil, I'm 70+ so I'm a fossil too.