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Everything posted by Deleted3507349User
*dingdomng* "Avon Lady!" - smackthwackouacharghergh.... The bandits aren't nice at all, screw 'em.
I can't remember the last time I was prompted to rate/endorse a mod. I dealt with it by simply going through my very short list of mods and endorsing the ones I've been using. Took me a bit to remember to do that, though...
It's not a vanilla cell, it's the LokirsTomb cell I created following the CK tutorial at creationkit.com. Right-click>delete doesn't delete the cell, it just prompts to delete the content of the cell - leaving an empty cell if I keep clicking 'yes'. The named cell stays in the Cell View window.
I'm going through the tutorials, and I want to delete the LokirsTomb cell. I right-click and select delete but the durn thing won't go away! I've gotten as far as clearing the objects related to it in the cell view window, but not the cell itself.
Anyone else have animal's leg spasms in water?
Deleted3507349User replied to RumORunner's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
The only time I've seen this is when the NPC (horse or humanoid) is standing still on an uneven surface. -
@vineyard: Any chance you could translate for us? I figured it wouldn't take long before someone who actually natively understood that would help the guy....but running his reply through a translator made my eyes open...especially when compared to his current post count.
About Boethia...I've been on the lookout for a dirtbag to sacrifice...someone that won't be missed. Any ideas?
I knew giving them armor would turn out to be a bad idea....
Bugs in jars. Anyone know what language that IS? EDIT: The consensus of several translators seems to be Chinese, Simplified, with the result "Greatly greatly full text of the second phase in the mission area for the party, party".
"random" loot system, hate everybody or just me?
Deleted3507349User replied to alex61821's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Happens to my sister and I as well, but only with certain characters. I haven't really discovered a concrete pattern, I put it down the the universe s***ting with us. -
Conspiracy Theories about Skyrim or Tamriel?
Deleted3507349User replied to Dovahkiin234's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I submit that the notion there's any hidden meaning anywhere is in itself a conspiracy theory. EDIT: On further reflection, it occurs to me that the bugs-in-jars may simply be an easter egg reference to Hex from the Discworld series of novels. -
The most important man in Skyrim .
Deleted3507349User replied to DaredevilGR's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Braith, your motivation to get the heck OUT of Whiterun and do something...ANYTHING! -
My favorite under-appreciated mod isn't a mod, but a utility. Heh, I even linked to it in my signature to try to increase awareness for the author (rumor has it the author may be looking into Oblivion support).
A little kid put a hit out on me :|
Deleted3507349User replied to BetterTejbz's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Braith isn't a Gray-Mane, she's the daughter of Amren...a redguard. So no Romeo-and-Juliet story there. -
Maybe he's talking about B.O.S.S. thinking it's a mod? I know I'm old and slow and so unhip it's amazing I can even walk...but the START MENU?!
Stormcloak - Imperial Breakdown
Deleted3507349User replied to mattlittlej's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Honestly, it largely depends on which character I'm playing. I can answer a few of those questions accurately, for the rest the answer is "it depends". You might consider having a third category for players who hit the spectrum. That might be even more revealing. Allegiance: Imperial or Stormcloak: depends Skyrim Race: depends IRL Gender: Male IRL Age: 43 Location: Canandaigua, NY, USA Favorite subject in school/uni major: Geometry IRL Political affiliation: Conservative, Liberal, Moderate, or Apathetic: Conservative Play/Combat style: Warrior, Rogue, or Mage: depends Blades or Paarthurnax: depends Guilds joined: depends Opinion on the Daedra: depends Who did you side with in Fallout: New Vegas?: N/A -
NPC; "I trust you know what you're doing with that spell." ME; "You durn right I do! FWOOOOOMARGARGBWAHAHAHAHA
Don't use wordpad, use notepad! Nevertheless, if NMM is installed correctly and you have everything else you need you shouldn't have to edit the ini file anyway (I've never had to).
First, is the mod you installed showing up in data files? If so, is it checked to be active? Second, what mod are you talking about?
I'm currently playing an argonian named Aloysius. He's one of those characters where everything that happens to him is a little.....off-kilter. I wouldn't say he has BAD luck, per se, just....odd. I knew he was to be interesting right off the bat during the initial journey to Riverwood. Heading down the path from Helgen far ahead of Hadvar, he runs into the usual pair of wolves. For some reason, with THIS guy one of the wolves circles wayyyy around through the hills. This wolf apparently finds a buddy and poor ol' Aloysius ends up fighting three of 'em instead of the usual two. He was admiring the view from Bard's Leap when his follower joined him and shoved him off. He was using the crafting table in Riften when hears a single "aargh' sound behind him. He finished and turned around to find the blacksmith lying dead for no apparent reason. There was no battle music, no thievy types running around, and this was pre-Dawnguard. Dude was just dead. (I think he maybe had a heart attack or something.) He was overloaded in a bandit cave when he spotted a bandit. He stopped and dropped a sword to lighten himself up (in sneak). Said bandit immediately runs over, picks up the sword, and hands it to Aloysius saying he should be more careful dropping things. Aloysius just stood up and stared at him for a few seconds before the bandit realized he was supposed to be hostile. He was jogging through the countryside when he saw a giant's head at ground level. He wanders over to investigate only to find one of those friendly giants had somehow fallen into one of those hole-cairn-things. While he was bemused by this and wondering if the giant was going to have the smarts to figure out the stairs he gets one-shotted from behind by some magey type wielding ice spike. I could go on page after page. Bear in mind I've been playing various characters since december, but this guy has had the most interesting and amusing encounters.
Don't Mess With Sigurd
Deleted3507349User replied to Deleted3507349User's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I know, but it's still funny. Brings to mind the video made Gary Bigham. -
Yer sword's too big, eh? Guess she was afraid of it. John Holmes had the problem, or so the story goes.
Adding property to Skyrim.ini
Deleted3507349User replied to TripleSixes's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I run Skyrim on an '08 Gateway, and it wasn't state-of-the-art THEN. XP+3GB RAM+256MB Radeon = Skyrim goodness (as long as I watch the settings, that is). The only mods that cause unacceptable lag are visual effects mods and that sort of thing. No, I don't get 30 FPS...more like 18...but it's definitely playable and it looks fairly decent. -
Riverwood - Everyone's attacking me
Deleted3507349User replied to Caedeis's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
...bring sweetrolls? Sorry, I had no advice whatsoever, so I thought a chuckle might help. -
I can only give you my personal experience. I'm running up-to-date Skyrim with Dawnguard on two different machines; a desktop and a laptop. Neither one really meets the recommended minimum specs, but it's very much playable on either one. I don't run any performance mods, and I run both in 1280x720 fullscreen. I do take advantage of a few ini tweaks pertaining to mouse lag, map settings, fov, and arrow accuracy. I also micromanage the options settings in the game launcher, turning off AA and other special effects like decals, turning shadows to low and setting (vanilla) textures to medium. I *do* use distance settings more akin to high settings, though (LOD clipping handles all that very well anyway..otherwise I end up with invisible enemies shooting arrows and magic at me out of nowhere). tl;dr - no need for performance mods if you do a little research into ini settings and carefully choose your settings. Just so you know, my desktop runs XP, with a 2GHz quad-core CPU, 3GB of RAM, and a 256MB ATI Radeon...and my laptop runs Win7 with a 2.2 GHz triple-core CPU, 4GB of RAM, and a 512MB ATI Radeon Mobility. Odd thing is, the desktop out-performs the laptop in both speed and graphics...go figure.