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Everything posted by Deleted3507349User

  1. This is why I always start and leave Steam in offline mode....unless I *want* to download to update something. Steam simply isn't to be trusted on it's own. It's even worse because I have a bandwidth cap on part of my internet...the service I use when I'm on the road. The LAST thing I need is some silly software absolutely insisting that I GOTTA DOWNLOAD THIS RIGHT NOW, and preventing it from running once it starts. I miss the good old days when I could just download and install a patch at my leisure.
  2. Southern Skyrim isn't bad, but if I had the choice I'd much rather live in Cyrodiil. there's lots of open space in the central plains
  3. That's the neat thing about a mod; you don't have to use it...in fact, you don't even have to visit it's page at all! For my part; I'd come across a mod like that, scratch my noggin, and wonder WTF?!? *shrug* Takes all kinds, I s'pose. @bben46: That was one of the most concise and reasoned arguments I've ever seen anywhere. I'm a new member, and I must say so far I'm impressed overall by the level of maturity I've seen on this site. EDIT: A Fetish subcategory of the Adult isn't a bad idea, surely there are generally-accepted standards in other areas (such as film, for example) we could go by?
  4. Ah yes, the classic "artificial difficulty" mechanic. Sort of like "you MUST stand on THIS EXACT PIXEL and hold down THIS button for EXACTLY 1.3145268 seconds and then steer toward THAT pixel and.....". Actually, I much prefer the lockpicking system in Skyrim over what Oblivion had. This is much more fun, intuitive, and honestly challenging...except for brittle-as-glass lockpicks. For me, the whole breaking picks issue just adds to needless frustration.
  5. 1: SkyUI 2: Categorized Favorites Menu 3: HiRes Legible Road signs 4: A Quality World Map - With Roads 5: BraveDog's Skyrim Character Helper I use HD-2K LITE textures, and a few other things, but they don't really contribute to the "make-or-break" notion. The five I have listed shouldn't even HAVE to be mods (I'm looking at YOU, Bethesda). Honestly though, I'd much rather have a true drag-and-drop menu system with graphics that don't look like they came from some futuristic sci-fi movie. Seriously? Grey-and-black menus?! In a sword'n'sorcery RPG?!? Might as well have aliens wander around beeping at you too.....oh, wait...
  6. I never quite understood why lockpicks are so brittle to begin with. Having had to pick a few locks from time to time (nothing illegal, mind you...I'm just forever misplacing my lockbox key) I can tell you from personal experience that just about the only way you'd ever break a lockpick/paperclip/bobby pin/bent wire IRL is if they were made of glass. The whole thing is just silly.
  7. Dragon riding? Flying horses? Pah, who needs 'em.....Skyrim needs a Pegasus mount! Edit: The ability to throw rain thunderbolts down on the heads of your enemies would be kinda sweet too.....I always wanted to be Zeus.
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