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    Mostly CSE & NifSkope, Oblivion to test in & Land'sEnd to live in
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    Oblivion, Skyrim

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  1. It's fairly infrequent and seemingly completely random, but I've been running into this for several years. It's never been a corrupt download, either: everything's normal, except that Nexus doesn't believe I've downloaded it! Just one of those "shrug and carry on" things, I guess.
  2. Be aware that this can happen with manual downloads, too. I have been confronted many times with not being permitted to endorse a mod I've downloaded (and that I can see sitting right there among my files on my computer) because I "haven't downloaded it". I download manually exclusively, no mod organisers. When this happens, I just download the mod again (within reason, of course: depends very much on the size) and then immediately delete this duplicate out of my download folder and endorse it as soon as the time's up. I had to do this with every single one of Unique Landscapes! It's an inconvenience, but I'd rather do that than let a good mod go unendorsed.
  3. I realise this probably doesn't quite suit your specific request, but have you had a listen to the birdsong files that are in Cliffworms' Sounds of Cyrodiil? (There's an update and patch for it here: Sounds of Cyrodiil no disembodied voices patch) There are at least a couple of dozen new bird songs and cries included in that, including daytime (unnamed) songbirds. Of course these are only a small part of it: the mod adds around 200 sound effects of all types all over Cyrodiil. It might be something you'd like to try for the immersion it adds.
  4. I don't know how helpful this may or may not be -- but the .nif is meshes/sky/snow.nif. (and the texture it points to is textures/sky/snowflake, but the OP already has that) I do not know how to adjust the size myself. I'd actually like to know, too, and I hope someone who does know will (eventually) see this and tell how. I wish I could really help with this, because I too do not like to see Oblivion questions go without responses, and Amirun's saying that "nobody will respond to your message" seemed just too off-putting and chilling to let it it stand for everyone to see who comes by. I'm sorry if I misinterpreted his words or intent behind them, but I think people should not be made to feel that they can't or shouldn't ask their questions here.
  5. Also -- since there are so many untagged mods -- go into Advanced Search and try different keywords in the Description field, such as "joke" or "humour" or "humor". You might come across some others that way. I did.
  6. Hello Elamia89.... Isn't it nice when a problem has a simple solution? May all of yours here be so easily solved! Welcome to Nexus!
  7. First time I've been for a real outdoor walk since the 1st of June last year -- four dozen Bohemian waxwings down by the Lake -- ten deer outside my window right now --- oh, I'm the winner here!!!
  8. Something to keep in mind, though, since you're brand-new today: unless something has changed while I wasn't looking, you can't invent your own member title until you have made a certain number of posts -- 500, I believe. Until then, you get a "generic" member title assigned automatically, based on the number of posts you have made. Stranger to begin with, then such epithets as Newbie, Journeyman, Enthusiast, Fan.... until finally one glorious day you get the privilege of labelling yourself with whatever you want instead. If you want to, that is. As I understand it, anyway!
  9. Welcome to Nexus, jacoboriley! You should find enough here to keep you going pretty indefinitely. ...Older than most here, are you? A lot of us are... :laugh:
  10. You get the "I averaged only 68.6 posts a year because I have other things to do" award.... That's with an additional "I judiciously kept my mouth shut for about my first seven years here" merit badge... :thumbsup:
  11. Wow! My Nexus account turns ten years old today! So I must have won a whole decade's worth of... something... :confused:
  12. Ouch! Sorry about that -- and I hope someone else might be able to steer you to the files that will work for you.
  13. Did you already look here: Unique Landscapes Compatibility Patches ? The available downloads listed on the Files page include this one: Shezries Towns UL Patches ..... Compatibility patches for Shezrie's Towns. It should have what you need....
  14. Welcome to Nexus! I hope you find lots to interest you here. And.... older is definitely good (my own opinion!)
  15. Bess

    Kia ora!

    Welcome and Bienvenue from Canada! :smile:
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