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Everything posted by ArtMurder

  1. That's odd, I don't really see anything in my screenshot that's not in yours, nor do I see any kind of root... it's just the lip/edge of the overhang that looks very large and mishaped because of the missing texture. I also can't think of anything I've installed that would add or edit meshes like that, though I do install a LOT of texture mods. ELFX and SMIM are the only two mods I can think of that mess with meshes.
  2. I tried installing AMB caves right quick, it did nothing, so I am at a loss... I used 2k lite for my main texture mod, and can't think of any other cave related texture mods I installed... so just point me to a mod that can replace this texture for me or to what texture I can check in my folder to do something about it. XD Please. So far, this is the only place I have found it, it seams to be elusively a cave texture,or perhaps something just exclusive to Snapleg Cave, the location this screenshot was taken at if you couldn't guess.
  3. Pretty much all the good ones have been mentioned, sadly there are not to many good skyrim mod sites, I remember oblivion back in the day had about three really good mod sites XD nexus just kinda killed the others in popularity it seems. TESA has some pretty decent exclusive mods, like Real Shelter, but for the most part any good mods on the other sites are on nexus too. =[
  4. EDIT; Problem seems to be solved, setting "WaitBusyRenderer=true" in enblocal.ini made the glitch disappear, at least for the time being! This is just baffling. I know my ENB is doing it, but I don't know why, turning off the sky effects all together fixes it, but as that looks terrible it's not a solution. Here is a basic idea of what is happening Here is all the information that could be helpful. I use a highly modified version of True Vision ENB I'm not sure if my edits caused the issue or if I failed to notice them early on. enblocal.ini enbseries.ini Load Order
  5. hit shift + enter in game, and flip random effects, like 'sky effects' on and off till you track down the issue, then tweak with the settings for that effect till you can fix it! I was having a weird glitch with rain glowing really bright and spent about an hour poking every setting I could find till something finally fixed it XD I use ENB with ELFX and CoT and a few other things just fine, so it is an issue in the enb settings. To make sure of this, turn the enb off in game (either go under the global effects and uncheck the only box there that says something like "use graphic effects" or hit the hotkey to turn off enb, which is F12 maybe?) if the ENB turns off and the sun goes back to normal, it's just a janked up ENB setting. lol
  6. ELFX was causing the light issues even after uninstalling CoT and Yeah, I noticed I didn't have those, but I don't have them on the other install that is not having that issue. I installed ELFX and COT, and it seems to have fixed the issue, but I installed an ENB instead, and now everything turns green when lightning strikes... skyrim's lighting is so finicky and weird. x_x
  7. Realistic Nights helps some, but CoT does make it look like you are wearing sunglasses. I am debating removing CoT because of that issue and the weather glitches it seems to be causing. Which is sad, because I really love how CoT looks! D=
  8. So far I've determined CoT and Realistic Nights are not at cause for the lighting problems, which is odd because ELFX is the only other thing besides them that effects my lighting, and it works fine on my other install.... Though, this seems to fix the weather issue, though I have not tested extensively. Could it be conflicting with Immersive First Person, some options set in SweetFX, or my ini?
  9. I am having "general weather funkiness" .. usually the game acting like it's raining when it's not, flagging my character as 'wet', playing rain sound, etc, but there will be no rain falling from the sky, and sometimes even no clouds in the sky. Other times, it will rain with no clouds in the sky, others, the weather will get really stormy, it will drop lightening a lot, but just never rain... these events are more common then normal weather, which is a pain. I am also noticing "general lighting funkiness" both indoors and out, lights flickering on and off, light not following on certain grid squares creating, and other general oddness. This issues seem to mostly happen at night, but can happen anywhere at anytime. I have two separate skyrim set ups, one of them has severe lighting and weather issues, the other doesn't, so this helps me track the errors. They vary from green, which I do not think could really be at fault, to red, which I really believe to be at fault. Anything that is red is both related to weather/lighting some way and not in my other install, ELFX for example is in my other install which has none of these issues, thus it's only orange. This should make skimming through my load order much quicker! Before you ask, I use SKSE, ENBoost, SSME, AttkLt, and FPS Booster, and Wrye Bash is my mod organizer.
  10. I've been trying to find a mod I saw a while back that makes skyrim super low-def for low end computers. A friend of mine was wishing he could run skyrim on his wimpy laptop, and I wanted to show him this mod.
  11. Possible coin names based on old coins in our world; Solidus, Soldos, Sou, Shilling, Billon, Denarius, Denier, Dinero, Denari, Denar, Pfennig, Penninge, Pence, Penny, Florin, Lorin, Ducat, Noble, Gulden, Guilder, Lira, Libra, Livre, Pfund, Pound, Mark, Banca, Weisspfennigen, Groat, Groschen, Gros, Gros Tournois, Source; http://europeanhistory.boisestate.edu/latemiddleages/econ/banking.shtml
  12. Well, it looks like I'm going to have to end work on this project.... I encountered a very severe glitch with TES5Edit that will either force me to start over from scratch or spend about two weeks fixing the 300+ references it deleted for no reason, and instead of trying to help me or even acknowledge the glitch, a member of the developer team for it basically mocked me and told me not to post unless I was posting "constructive criticism" so I am not about to add weeks/months to my development time to this if the modders behind tes5edit can not spend 5 minutes to acknowledge their program isn't perfect. I really wanted to see this project come to light, but I have to much on my shoulders trying to do this all by myself to put up with this kind of crap. Which really saddens me, because i had just finished off the smithing/weapon/armor and alchemy/potion sections I had been working on for months and was ready to start on magic. i may one day attempt to remake this again from scratch using something other then TES5Edit, but it will likely take me much, much longer then it would have if TES5Edit had just worked as intended. =[ I am very sorry about this everyone, but I'm just overworked with this project as is without all of this being piled on top of it because of another modders shortcomings...
  13. I have postponed this for my project "Requiem Redone" but I do intend to pick it back up at some point. ^_^
  14. I've updated the first post to show my progress and the problems I am having, as well as making it look more professional and stuff. ^_^
  15. Well, so far I have done about 80% of the weapons/smithing/armor, and have done about 90% of potions and alchemy, the only big major hurdle left is to make sure that the wayfarer/fingersmith trees work as intended, and then trying to tackle magic, which will likely be the biggest problem... And then I also have to reword every single SkyRe Perk to be more 'requiem sounding' I can not predict a release date yet, but I can estimate I am about 30% done? This is a pretty massive undertaking. lol I kinda underestimated it going in, I have to basically edit every single item that SkyRe touches, either in requiem or in SkyRe, and I am doing it all by myself, and I am also working on my own mod, and an update for my OBIS-Requiem patch, so things are moving a bit slow. I plan on working on it a good bit this weekend though, hopefully I can finish up the equipment and alchemy stuff, and get started on SkyRe's newly added perk trees. Melee combat is working, but Requiems damage, both given and received, needs to be set to 150% to feel like Requiem, and so far it looks like the Reproccer will be able to make any armor/weapon mod work for requiem redone, like it does SkyRe, which is pretty cool. Though, any mod that adds in bows will not get the added bow effects of requiem allowing them to be broken and forcing NPCs to use ammo, as these have to be manually added to each and every bow by hand.
  16. Yeah, running a pirated version of the game is the reason for your issues, and will get you banned from this site the second a moderator sees this post... Sorry. And the high res texture packs should be in BSA form, and should not replace anything whatsoever, and can not and will not cause any sort of issue like that. The worst glitch they will cause is pink wood chopping stumps. it is very well known that using SKSE with a pirated version of skyrim will cause that exact error, and that is about the only way you can receive that error. Also, I've spent $100 on skyrim and all it's DLC before the legendary edition, and it was more then worth it, it has the best modding options for any game ever created, and is already a pretty awesome game out of the box. I suggest you get a legit version, as pirated versions can not use about 80% of all mods, and supporting the Bethesda company is always a good thing, because in the current state of the economy all video game companies are struggling at least a little. ^_^
  17. Man, it never ceases to amaze me how many people do not understand GPUs and the whole eye-FPS thing. No, the human eye does not see in frames. Also, you can see more than 60 displayed frames on a screen. Until you've tried a 120hz monitor or a CRT, you should reserve yourself from stating such fallacies as fact. Skyrim generally spazzes out with anything over 60fps and vsync disabled because of how the game's engine handles physics and scripts. Honestly, 60fps is all you need for a game like Skyrim anyway, it's not like people are playing e-sport death match against draugr bots and need 120+ fps for extra latency and input. Fluctuations from 120fps to 20fps won't damage a GPU either. Heat does. The human brain and eyes do in fact have a refresh rate, I will admit I know little about GPUs, but I know how the brain and eyes work, and this is not only a proven fact, but it's something you should have learned in 10th grade. The human brain has a refresh rate of about 100,000 times a second, it is INSANELY powerful, but our eyes are not very powerful at ALL, and they can only actually take about 30 pictures of reality a second, this is a proven fact. By the way, our eyes are basically cameras, to say they don't have a refresh rate is outright silly, how else do you see the image if the eyes are not taking pictures of it? What do you think your eyes are doing? They take in light, and expose it on your retina, creating an image, then converts the image to data and sends it to your brain, and repeats the process again. There are in fact visual tests that can be done to prove this, you can have a light that flashes on and off more then about half the refresh rate, which is 15 times a second at a very consist speed, and your eyes have NO CLUE the light is ever off, it will simply perceive it as being on constantly. As far as eyes go, human beings actually have very weak eyes, your average video camera can out power them considerably, this is because we evolved to think, not to see incredibly well. In fact, our eyes are a very weak sense in comparison to the others, it is very easy to fool the eyes because of how weak they are and because of this refresh rate. If you think an image is 'crisper' or whatever with 100 FPS, it's a placebo effect and nothing else, considering our eyes are by far the easiest part of our body to be fooled and to make mistakes, just thinking that the image will be faster/clearer will make it appear so, but the simple fact is unless you are some crazy hyper evolved human being, your eyes take about 30 images of reality a second, and videos displayed with up to double that, at about 60 can increase 'fluidity of movement' slightly, which just makes the image appear more 'real', because the eye does not refresh in the same way or in the same rhythm as your computer screen, it can in fact notice the difference between 30 and 60 ever so slightly. The reason 30 FPS feels like less with video games, is the game engine chugging, not the actual FPS drop, it is not able to display the image as fluidly, and trips on itself, this combined with difference in fluidity your eyes perceives makes things look 'slightly choppy' but the fact is you can show the human eye a well made 30 FPS image and it is indistinguishable from reality, as well as a 100 FPS version of the exact same image. In fact, 90% of movies and TV shows are shot in 30 FPS, and those look very real to your eye. For an easier to see proof of this, spin any wheel with spokes, or stare at a fast moving fan. If your eyes had 'no refresh rate' you would be able to see it clearly, even at high speeds, but instead you see a blur, or even occasionally see an optical illusion of it moving slowly backwards in the opposite direction. This is your eye trying to take pictures of something at less then double the speed it is moving. Anything that is happening faster then around 15 times a second hits this 'half way point' which is the magic number for the human eye, it starts to create a lot of illusions and weirdness, because your eye starts tripping on itself, blurring in one image with the ones taken just before and after it, this results in seeing a blurry mess instead of crisp clear fanblades spinning at high speeds, or a solid light instead of a rapid flickering light. I may be misinformed on how GPUs/CPUs work, and I admit that readily because the person who told me that isn't to great with them either, but I know the human brain, I have studied it for years. lol Here, check out this page if you don't believe me. http://www.cameratechnica.com/2011/11/21/what-is-the-highest-frame-rate-the-human-eye-can-perceive/
  18. SKSE will not conflict with anything. o.O It only adds potential scripts... and the only reason SKSE usually says that is because you have an illegal version of skyrim... if you are using a legit version it will always be up to date, SKSE is always set up for only the most current version of skyrim, and if you download and install SKSE then it will always be the version for the most up to date, legal version of skyrim. Unless you used a really old version of SKSE you had stashed on your computer somewhere, in which case just download SKSE from their site again. EDIT; also, the skyrim 2k texture mod is actually LESS taxing then the HD DLC, the HD DLC is terribly inefficient, sporting ridiculous resolution textures that are considerably lower quality then something like 2k textures. You can use the 2k textures lite for optimal performance and appearance, I personally notice very little different between full and lite.
  19. Doesn't 2k textures landscape pack have both snow and ice textures? Also, I believe Paint.NET is a good free program that can open DDS, it can't do to much with them art wise, but you can edit size/contrast/hue/saturation/etc really quick and easily with it! ^_^
  20. Are you sure it's not a lightning mod incompatibility (CoT / ENB ddl version vs card drivers / ELFX / etc)? I never heard about this card having such issue, tho I don't use one. I was under the impression having an FPS over 60 was an extremely extremely bad thing? Most of people use fps limiter to get rid of skyrim poltergeist effect anyway :tongue: 58fps cap is what they should settle for, unless they can pull of stable fps on their 120hz screens and live with the skyrim indoor physics bug. To be honest, it could be an issue with my monitor. I have tried ENBs with nothing else installed, and no matter WHAT ENB I have installed the effects are just butchered to hell and back... and I'm not sure what the issue is exactly, I've just heard FPS over around 60 is a bad thing x_x I here people try to brag about it like it's a good thing, when there's really no purpose, I mean, the human eye can only observe about 45~50, which is why around 50 is what is average for most video games, because it simulates real life, anything over is just a waste, even if it doesn't create issues... which I am pretty sure it does, even if I am not sure what those issues are, because I focus my game around always staying within 40~50 FPS no matter what. xD
  21. I was under the impression having an FPS over 60 was an extremely extremely bad thing? Ill take 120 fps over 20 any day lol, you are missing the point. The thing is, the eye can't even see anything over 60, so anything that high is just pointless, that's why the game out of the box can't even go above 60, and the higher the FPS is over 60, the more damage it does to your CPU and GPU, as well as increases the chance for scripts to missfire. Why do you think there are several mods that limit the FPS at 60? Also, FPS varying wildly can SEVERELY damage your GPU, so jumping from 120 to 20 can kill it like, 5 times faster then just varying from 20 to 60. Basically what I'm saying, is if your FPS is that high, something is going wrong, and it';s not a good thing....
  22. I was under the impression having an FPS over 60 was an extremely extremely bad thing?
  23. I have a GTX 660, and despite being an amazing card, it has issues running ENBs specifically, it inverts colors and stuff sometimes. I personally just use SweetFX mods instead. ^_^
  24. Well, eventually this should be worked into SKSE HOPEFULLY, as a feature you can easily turn on and off at will with a simple ini edit, until then, if you aren't capable of deciphering that page yourself, all you can do is hope and wait it seems. The user behind it has been known for basically refusing to let people use anything done by them, unless they do it in the completely unnecessarily overly complicated confusing way they insist on it being done, and I totally agree, that the page from the modder trying to describe how to do it is basically gibberish, and the actual steps you have to take to do it are buried deep in a massive wall of crap that is barely even relevant... The user behind ENBs is very bad about this kind of thing, they are very intelligent, and know how to make some amazing edits to skyrim, but they seem to thoroughly enjoy making things as awkward and inconvenient for everyone else as possible, and it is very... annoying to say the least, and a major reason behind why I 'boycott' ENBs... I'm lucky I was able to download a precomplied version someone uploaded before it got taken down, because otherwise this patch, while useful, is no where near worth the effort or trying to decipher that massive page of ramblings. x_x Basically the only difference I noticed at all is allowing me to set uGrids to load from 5 to 7 or 9, which has very little actual effect on the game at all... Though nothing else has been able to make uGrids editing stable, so that one thing is impressive to some degree at least. Other then that, everything it does can be accomplished by simple mods that require nothing more then downloading them. xD Well....it really isn't all that difficult if you are hoping to read. But since no one will compile it for themselves, use this: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/50305/? It does the exact same thing as the memory patch without editing the skse files. Some antiviruses went a little haywire but just exclude the file from scanning. And before you say "oh is dis l3g!t$?????1//?" This is by the author of the memory patch from Fallout: New Vegas. So just go try it. My point is that even if it was worth all that effort to compile it myself, what could be explained in a simple step by step guide, is instead made ten times more difficult for no reason whatsoever, instead they hide each step randomly, in an utterly massive wall of text including large amounts of information that simply doesn't matter. I simply do not have the time to spend two hours reading an insane wall of text talking mostly in jargen I don't understand, requiring me to download programs I don't use, and filtering through tons and tons of information that simply holds no relevance to me or my skyrim modding experience whatsoever. Also, I am highly insulted by your "is it legit" comment, for one, anything that has over 100 endorsements is obviously legitimate, anyone with a brain can tell you this, that file has more endorsements then every mod I've uploaded to this site combined, and for another I use correct grammar and spelling to the best of my ability, so your totally random, over the top, insulting method of typing that statement is just flat out unnecessary and rude, and does nothing at all to help make your point. And lastly, I have seen that file before, in fact, multiple times, and is not really relevant to anything I was talking about whatsoever. Mostly because, I already clearly stated I already downloaded a precompiled version of this patch, so what do I have need for a version that will likely cause issues with my overly protective virus scanner when I have a working version installed already, and for the most part I was talking about the page that user was talking about, and the user who posted it in specific, not the patch itself in any way, shape, form or fashion. Oops, I forgot to change one thing: "And before anyone says "oh is dis l3g!t$?????1//?" This is by the author of the memory patch from Fallout: New Vegas. So just go try it." I was not directing any hostilities towards anyone, especially you. My only frustration is that it is like the whole community wants everything to be handed to them. You do not even need experience in C++ to do this, just have to know how to follow instructions. And yes, there are instructions which can easily be found on the page, though I would recommend that people read so that they can LEARN something or perhaps understand what they are doing. The programs that are necessary to compile the patch are free and can be easily uninstalled once you are through with them. The creators of SKSE do not want their files to be distributed by whomever, but you can edit the files yourself which is completely fine. I can almost guarantee that 95% of the people who used this patch got it from someone else because they are to lazy to do it themselves. Anyone can do it if they are willing to learn. They just don't want to. So since people want things on a silver platter, use the link I gave above. I would recommend switching to it anyway because if SKSE updates and it doesn't incorporate the memory patch, you will have to make it yourself because there is no pre-patched legally available now. It's not a matter of being lazy, it's a matter of effort versus reward. Considering most mods that can have a dramatic effect on your game, or your gameplay are very easy to install, and this has almost no effect on the game or your gameplay, besides allowing things to load slightly further away (which can cause quest errors) it's simply not worth so much effort for so little reward, when you can install ENBoost and Safety Load in a matter of seconds and get almost the same effect, minus the uGrids thing, which I suppose is really awesome to some people, and if those people see it as being awesome enough, then they will go through the effort to do it, but as for me? No thank you. I'd assume sit with uGrids at 5, then download and learn how to use some program I've never used before, and spend an hour trying to filter out the actual steps you have to take from the massive wall of mostly irrelevant text to do so. And I never said that the instructions weren't there, I simply said it was made obnoxiously overly complicated to find them, I do not see anything on that post that is 'clearly marked'. Why not just delete 9/10ths of everything on the page and have nothing but this simply placed at the very top of the page; Step 1] Download this program, Step 2] Make this edit, etc, etc. - Maybe if they did that, and I cared a LOT about uGrids, then it would be worth the effort. lol I dunno bout you, but I have better things to do with two hours of my life then to try and decipher that just so I can see trees pop in 10 feet further away. And if SKSE does update and doesn't have it, then I'll get that, but once again, why on earth would I uninstall an already working mod to install basically the exact same mod when it might not work because my virus scanner is obnoxious? I mean, if I don't run Skyrim as administrator it blocks it. lol But I like my virus scanner a lot more then I dislike having to click one extra time to play video games. As is, the mod works, and my game works with it, until something breaks revolving around this patch, I will not bother with that mod, but when it does, if SKSE doesn't have it, then yeah, I'm probably going to download that right away.
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