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Everything posted by Biohazard186

  1. I need to start completely over I think. I have no idea how to correctly use either C4D or 3DSMax to edit the model in a way that's usable. I managed to get my attempt into the game by switching the models in the CK but it was so broken I don't know how to describe it. >.< So, starting from scratch. And it's my hope that someone will take pity on me and help me with the process. xD My goal is to take the Dark Brotherhood cowl from this retexture mod, remove the hood portion so only the scarf-like part remains, and then use the resulting model and texture to replace the model and texture of the scarf item in this mod (view the author images to see exactly what item I'm looking to replace, unless more images are added it will be the second one in and fourth down). I know this is do-able and I've got, at the very least, a very rudimentary idea of how it's done but I would like some help so I don't spend an eternity figuring it out.
  2. Yes, but I don't know how to get the bone structure and all that stuff over. The absolute only thing I want to change about this item is the model. And I guess it would be good to say that I'm not changing the model of the item I modified. What I'm doing is taking one item, modifying the model and then using that modified model to change the model of a completely different item. How would I go about doing that while keeping the stats and bones and everything for that second item intact?
  3. So I've modified the mesh I want (hood and scarf combo, wanted to get rid of the hood portion) but now there's holes in the mesh and I don't know how to plug them. Also, when I imported the model the skin was included. I don't know if that has any bearing on it now that I've deleted part of the mesh. Edit: I may have fixed that. It's not pretty but it's exporting so it should work in game. But that brings me to my next step. I want to take this model and use it to replace another. The item will have the exact same properties and everything, I just want to replace the model. What's the easy way of doing this?
  4. *Disclaimer: I have next to no clue what I'm doing.* From what I understand, the NIF Plugin can be used with Blender. The only thing I know about Nifskope is what I've seen in youtube vids, and the only one I've seen (so far) was used to transfer a texture from one item to another.
  5. Thank you, thank you. That helps so much. > w<
  6. lol I've actually been looking at your videos for reference all night. xD I've been going nuts all fricking night trying to find some way to import/export files to a .nif format using 3ds max 2012 but I can't find anything. Everything I find is either outdated or has such crappy documentation that I can't figure out how to use it. >:l Please, where can I get a working NIF Plugin? All I want to do is modify one item of clothing but I can't figure out what I'm doing and it's driving me up the wall.
  7. Simple question with what I'm sure will be a complex solution. I have Cinema 4D and I have no idea how to open Skyrim items/meshes/whathaveyou so I can practice working on them. What do? D: Edit: Probably a good idea to stick this in the first post instead of leaving it on page two. xP I need to start completely over I think. I have no idea how to correctly use either C4D or 3DSMax to edit the model in a way that's usable. I managed to get my attempt into the game by switching the models in the CK but it was so broken I don't know how to describe it. >.< So, starting from scratch. And it's my hope that someone will take pity on me and help me with the process. xD My goal is to take the Dark Brotherhood cowl from this retexture mod, remove the hood portion so only the scarf-like part remains, and then use the resulting model and texture to replace the model and texture of the scarf item in this mod (view the author images to see exactly what item I'm looking to replace, unless more images are added it will be the second one in and fourth down). I know this is do-able and I've got, at the very least, a very rudimentary idea of how it's done but I would like some help so I don't spend an eternity figuring it out.
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