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Everything posted by ReverendFelix

  1. Yes, I have seen that one. And a couple of others. Searching for this is what gave me the idea. There is a mod with the same functionality, but it has a machine included to recharge. Which I don't need/want, plus it's almost 41mb. We are quite limited for space on console at 2gb. The mod I'm requesting would be kb's, and quick to make. But I don't have FO4 on pc, so... yeah, I can't do it. Anyway, I thank you for responding:)
  2. I would like a mod that simply monitors fusion cores and have it ported to xb1. The point would be to exchange them before the normal vanilla style deletes the spent core from the game. So around 1-5% regarding power armor and gatling laser usage. The reason is because of another mod I have that allows for recharging of used fusion cores. It's really just a QOL mod that would allow me to not have to worry about monitoring it myself in the middle of battle. Not much else to say, so I'll sign off by simply saying, please.
  3. Permissions are needed for this request...
  4. Activate game mode for win 10 if you haven't already.
  5. You can do it with wrye bash but it may not work as you intend. UL separate and merged versions have different edid's. Try to find the a ul merged patch preferably.
  6. It can help... Unclean mods can inject all kinds of errors. Extra scripts running in the background, duplicated objects you wouldn't even know are there, and plenty of other bugs that can cause your computer to have to work overtime. Making sure your mods are clean WILL save you a lot of headaches, and yeah, probably improve fps.
  7. My earlier post is a sound idea, and really not difficult. I switch my anims this way for different characters often. Never had a problem. Just make sure if you do this, to use tes4edit to clean the new esp. The process is simple in the cs, and you already have the wanted anims in the right file path. So if you want it, here's your way. Place the esp just above your bashed patch if you use one, tag for actor anims... Rebuild patch.
  8. https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Console_Commands_(Oblivion)
  9. Just make your own esp and replace the animations on "player" manually. Place it before the bashed patch and tag it for actor animations. Problem solved...
  10. As I stated in your other topic; "Use this; https://www.nexusmod...vion/mods/10724 Get the installer version. Make sure to remove any other type of invalidation first. Don't listen to the hype, this works for me perfectly with around 40 bsa's installed." Please don't make posts unnecessarily. The forums are clogged up enough.
  11. Quoting Grogrokl; "Wrong installation order and unclean mods are most probably not the reason. Wrong installation order usually just means that some textures you want from some mod have been overwritten by other textures you don't want from another mod and that isn't a serious issue. You can look up if such conflicts exists in Wrye Bash's Installers tab by selecting a mod and then clicking on the Conflicts tab to the right. Cleaning mods isn't that important either. It's quite rare that an unclean mod will cause any issue." This is terrible advice/info...
  12. You may be able to console the quest stage to get through. You'll need the related quest edid and stage info.
  13. You can still run BOSS from Wrye Bash but yeah it looks like it can't override the Lock Load Order settings. I don't see the reason with locking my load order anyway so no problem for me.I suggest never leaving your load order unlocked. It is MUCH easier to unlock it if needed. As opposed to dealing with the serious problems that can happen if you leave it unlocked.
  14. OR doesn't touch the intro. It only affects in game stuff. Must be something else doing it.
  15. You can find out the edid's and such using tes4edit, or the construction set.
  16. Use this; https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/10724 Get the installer version. Make sure to remove any other type of invalidation first. Don't listen to the hype, this works for me perfectly with around 40 bsa's installed.
  17. I'll have to check out that enchantment mod. Glad I could help you find the akatosh mount. Switch between characters, that's crazy talk! Never heard of that one, but it sounds great.
  18. What's the enchantment mod called? Do you mean the akatosh mount? https://www.moddb.com/mods/akatosh-mount
  19. You are having this exact problem? To use it just place the components inside and cast ANY magic on it. Take the residue out then eat it.
  20. It really isn't advisable to do such a big change to your game with an existing character.
  21. You should be able to put any music in. So long as it's in the wav format. I can't think of any other reason. I have LoZ music I use sometimes...
  22. You use Oblivion Reloaded, it's possible in the settings. Or you can edit the Oblivion.ini directly. But best to use the OR settings. I suggest going through the OR readme regarding what all the settings do. It is all explained fairly well and will help you optimize everything.
  23. I think they means when you are looting. Like groups of arrows or something. I imagine hitting take 30 times may get annoying.
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