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Everything posted by Interfer0
Whats the path, I will pull it and check?
Right click in the block list of the item, and click remove branch.
Mesh doesn't works
Interfer0 replied to aliensoldier's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Troubleshooting
I would pop open another nif for a door from the game. Your object has a lot of problems with is it basic structure. Your texture file also needs to be present. Though if it were a simple texture problem the item will still show up in the GECK preview. Your Item should look something like 0 BSFadenode (Root of the object) 1 BSXFlags (Not necessary but usually present) 5 bhkCollisionObject (Parent Collision data, Points to Rigidbody and Root object) 9 bhkRigidBody (Defines collision information, such as mass, and collision type) 12bhkBoxShape (Defines the material type, and the coordinates of the collision box) 0 BSFadeNode (Is added to show what object the collision is attached to) 14 NiNode (A root, not neccisary, can contain 1 or more NiTriStrips sets) 15 NiTriStrips (A Object set, contains location and rotation of object.) 17 BSShaderPPLightingProperty (Contains Shader Information) 19 BSShaderTextureSet (Contains the DDS path for skin, Alpha Layer, LOD info) 22 NiMaterialProperty (Contains information for light emmitance, glossyness, and opaqueness) 24 NiTriStripsData (Contains the object triangle data, and stuff like that) Thats just a basic item, there or other ways to do it, and since you are creating a door, it will need to include open and closing animation info, and stuff like that. I have only ever created one animated object from scratch, and it took weeks, and was only finished when a blender tools update was pushed and let me output more of the info I needed. -
How to Disable everything
Interfer0 replied to Samurai190's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Troubleshooting
is this a carried weapon, or a local weapon like from an activator such as the atom bomb in Megaton? -
Look for the Rhonda scripts. They use a robot with 0 health in that script and repair it.
Personal Deployable Turret Request
Interfer0 replied to Aelok's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Ideas
I think the biggest issue would be targeting. It would be funny to make the mod but have it target the player. I would LOL at all the people I killed. -
Little scripting help please
Interfer0 replied to FutureVisions's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Troubleshooting
Try using Elseif instead of endif after each if. I don't know if that is causing any issues though. -
Activators that can't be knocked over
Interfer0 replied to Trueform's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Troubleshooting
Or in the bhkRigidBody node, change the mass to 0. That will make the object immovable. -
You could make the items activators, and they would give you an option to buy that item when you click them. Then when you buy it it puts a real one in your inventory, disables the activator item, and takes the caps.
ANOTHER scripting issue
Interfer0 replied to Geeves83's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Troubleshooting
I could be wrong, but can't you use Player which is an already defined reference. Even if that won't work, I would not use myself. Its too likely to be used by something else. -
Flying pigs would be easy, its the animations and bones that would be a pain. But a flying pig, wouldn't need animations really.
I can find this file?
Interfer0 replied to StealthicKhaos's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Troubleshooting
You need something Like FOMMto unback the texture files from the BSA files before you can edit or use them. -
Post your worldspace settings http://img195.imageshack.us/img195/4436/worldspacesettings.jpg Are you able to save your esp? Try using FNVedit and checking if you have accidently modified something in the wasteland worldspace settings on accident.
Are you using a door to connect them, or an invisible wall type thing?
New Vegas, Farming/Planting.
Interfer0 replied to Helldrone's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Ideas
I am planning on doing this, but I am working on a bigger project right now. It wouldn't be hard at all. You just have a small mount of dirt. That dirt is an activator which you can select. It brings up a menu on what you want to plant. Lets say there are 4 options. Lets say you select Broc Flower. It checks for a seed in your inventory, and removes it if there is one there, or else it shows a message that you need the seed first. After it takes the seed it kicks you to game mode. A begin Gamemode script starts running, It checks for a day of time passed, and loops until it has. After a day passes, the Script will Enable a BrocFlower that was previously there, but disabled. It also sets the scale to .1. This also sets a variable that one day has passed. The next day that passes with change the scale to .2 and so on and so forth until the plant is full size, then it will sprout a Broc Flower. Some work may have to be done with the plants and exactly how they are set up to sprout, I haven't looked into it much. -
In the second part of the script the one that has Begin Gamemode. Any script that has Begin Gamemode causes the script to run whenever a menu, message, dialogue, or window is closed. So When the first part of the script runs, it pops up the message box. So when you select the option by pressing one of the buttons it exits the first script. This causes the game world to come up, and Gamemode begins. It will immediately check which button was pressed. If the first button was selected the GetButtonPressed will return 0 this option is something like don't fix robot. If the second button is pressed the GetButtonPressed will return 1. The Script sets the Button variable to be equal to GetButtonPressed. So in the question on whether you want to fix Robot or not you can either have a 0 or a 1, because your player only has two options to choose from. So when the Player want to fix the robot they will select option 1, which is actually option two on your list. When the player selects the option the window closes and runs gamemode. The Variable Button is set to 1, and is causes the variable ScreenNumber to be set to 1, and shows a message. You close this message, and the Gamemode begins again. This time GetButtonPressed is equal to 0 because there was only 1 option in the second message. Button now = 0 so the first part of the script runs. Since ScreenNumber is 1, the Robotref is resurected and placed at your marker. Then the ScreenNumber is set back to 0. GameMode is still running, and your gamemode script is still running but now GetButtonPressed and ScreenNumber are both set to 0, so it just keeps running with nothing changing the ScreenNumber variable any longer.
I believe Capitilization matters. make sure its GetItemCount Caps001. You may need to change the Run on in the Item Condition.
Blender modelling Issues
Interfer0 replied to sparqz's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Troubleshooting
Python, Blender, Pyffi, scripts or Python,Pyffi, blender,scripts The Pyffi install asks which parts to install if blender isn't preinstalled, it just won't be autoselected. -
The Auther give consent on the file description as long as you can get umpa, Backsteppo, Axepriest, and guerrerodelyermo to agree to it.
Blender modelling Issues
Interfer0 replied to sparqz's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Troubleshooting
Blender 2.49 - http://www.blender.org/ Python 2.6.6 - http://www.python.org/ PyFFI 2.1.5 - http://pyffi.sourceforge.net/ Blender nif plugin 2.5.5 Try out these versions. I had problems installing on my desktop till I got those specific versions. -
yep, I did.
Blender modelling Issues
Interfer0 replied to sparqz's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Troubleshooting
Which version of each of those four programs are you running? -
if Player.GetItemCount Caps001 <= 4000 Player.AddPerk ImplantPerceptionPerk Player.RemoveItem caps001 4000 else ShowMessage Youarepoorloser end I think this should work. You will need to create a new message and put the name of it instead of Youarepoorloser.
Oops totally overlooked the fact that you could buy a perk without even having the money. You will need to add a bit more scripting. let me figure this out reals quick
Make New Misc Items in GECK...
Interfer0 replied to ruserious's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
Just edit the Item ID by a letter or two, and click OK. It will come up and ask you if you want to create a new form. Click YES, and it will create a new item identical to the first item only with a new ID.