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Everything posted by SFBryan18

  1. This this this. I've never played a female character in a TES game and I never will. It's fine if you do, but don't turn it into an anime that you have control of. :facepalm:
  2. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/17870 I use it. It works great, but any NPC who has been moved to the clean up cell before you used it will respawn in that cell. As far as the time it takes to respawn, you need to change that setting yourself, unless you can find a simple mod that make this very small change in the creation kit. There are three to changes in the creation kit in the game gameplay settings... iHoursToClearCorpses - 24 iHoursToRespawnCell - 240 iHoursToRespawnCellCleared - 720 Open the esp with the creation kit and in the top bar go to Gameplay and select Settings, the type 'hours' and the three will pop up. Change the values and then save. I use 24 hours for all three, but if you want to wait longer, use whatever you want. These settings are for all respawns throughout the entire game. Also, Boss puts this mod close to the bottom of the loader order, right above Water, but I moved it closer to the top near the Unofficial Skyrim Patch, because it edits NPC's individually and if you have any other mods that edit these NPC's you'll want those mods to get priority at the bottom.
  3. It's just funny how Warzones will freeze a persons system, and people will tell you it is your systems fault. They have no idea what they are talking about. I've pushed my system to it's limits many times testing mods such as high enb's, open cities, and trying to use 7 ugrids, and none of them cause the consistant freezing that Warzones caused. In fact, all any of them did was cause CTD's, but Warzones consistantly froze my system every 5 to 10 minutes. I eventually got sick of it and removed it, and I have only froze about 4 times in the last 2 months since removing it. It's just amazing that people place the blame on you when it's actually the buggy scripts that Warzones uses. Sure, you could remove all your mods and play on low resolution just so you could watch some massive battles... Or maybe someone can make a version of Warzones that actually works, because no one wants to admit that the current version has a problem. Anyways, I forgot about that mod, but I had to respond to the typical "It's your fault" response. It's not your fault, it's Warzones.
  4. You could simply say... "I'm headed to Windhelm to join up with the Stormcloaks. Ulfric has the right of it." Just like the Dark Elf farmer you see on the road. Anyways, I've seen some good answers already. Everyone has their own personal beliefs, and I don't think their is a right or wrong reason in a matter of opinion. If I was a dark elf, I might buy into the rumor that Ulfric is racist, but that would be a prejudice assumption because once I ask him to join, he'd treat me no differently than if I was a Nord. Perhaps due to the limits of the game, or perhaps because they wanted you to find out that he isn't really that bad after all. Such a great game, because they intentionally left it up to you.
  5. With all the tools for making mods, I'm really surprised there isn't a tool that merges 2 esps into 1.
  6. I role play as myself. It's tempting to make a loli character, but I prefer to be the hero. It makes everything much more personal. The common assumption that a role play has to be a totally different person than you is an over rated stereotype. I think most guys that play as chicks want to see a hot chick, and they don't know how to design an NPC in the CK. That's why Girls of Skyrim was so popular. I'm not saying that this is the only reason, but it is the main one and the answer to the OP. As for any other reason... Good for you. Why does anyone care?
  7. I have an obsession with keeping the game populated as well. Probably because an empty game just doesn't seem real anymore. I solved my problem before Dawnguard even came out with a mod called "NPC's respawn" which simply sets most unimportant NPC's to respawn, Might seem unrealistic that a dead person would simply come back, but it's just a game and it's better than an unpopulated wasteland. It also relieved a lot of unnecessary stress since I no longer have to care about them. Stupid AI gets NPC's killed all the time in very unrealistic scenarios so there's no point in trying to keep it real.
  8. I've been using it on my follower for a long time, but I can't figure out why the gloves fail to load the hand textures correctly after I pass through a door. Basically, when I start the game, the hands inside the gloves look fine, but when I move through a cell door, the hands appear to have black spots that are cracked and transparent. I've checked the mesh with Nifscope and the textures are all linked correctly. I'm thinking it's just a Skyrim issue like the cracked eyes from invisibility. Anyone else ever see this issue, and does anyone have a solution to stop it? Edit: Nevermind. I think I fixed it by linking the gloves to the normal sized hands because I use the skinny mesh. Of course I figure it out right after posting this even though I've seen the problem for months.
  9. Well, I use the UNP for all the females in the game, but I play as a male so it doesn't bother me as much. Perhaps just find some nice gloves. Maybe something like the Princess of the Woods outfit. I mean, you probably don't plan on playing naked.
  10. It's a glossy effect probably because the female textures and meshes are smoother. I noticed it a long time ago, like a plastic effect near light, but never considered that it could be fixed.
  11. This was a bug from the Skyrim 1.6 patch that would fix itself if you left the room. The Skyrim 1.7 patch fixed this issue. I'd say the original post is just a necro thread and the bump is someone who needs to update their game.
  12. Could be anything. A computer is like a car, with many different parts and one could be excellent while something else could be holding it back. I have a 560m on a ASUS G74SX laptop, and I run everything past Ultra and get a fairly stable fps rate on 1920x1080. Try visiting Nvidia's website and update your driver. Then, look up their recommended Skyrim tweaks. Good luck.
  13. I'm not really sure how someone can be considered an "aggressor" when they are defending their country, but I'm not going to argue the facts about an ancient war or defend the mans morality. All I was saying is that he served as a General in the United States Military and helped defeat the British, and I think many people would call that heroic. I obviously was aiming to point out a shady person to make a point, but he did become president, so he must have done something right. The comparison was to make an overall point, which you rudely just pulled out one sentence. I notice that's kind of a trend around here, to just grab what you want and miss the rest.
  14. Skyrim Monster Mod also has it's own version of werecats, but I've so far only seen them in a spawn outside Morathal.
  15. Personally, I find them all lore friendly since lore is all relative opinion, but if you wanted to remove certain monsters then you'd have to figure out which ones, load up the SkyMoMod esm in the creation kit, create a plugin and just delete them from the actor list. If you don't know what you want to delete, you just have to load up the esm and scroll through the actor list and read each name one by one to figure out which ones you don't want. If you don't know how to load an esm with the kit, then you probably can't do anything.
  16. I recommend Skyrim Monster Mod. It adds many more creatures to the spawn points.
  17. It's a poor excuse for a feature anyways. The absolute worst thing they ever added. Doesn't support magic, melee weapons miss half the time, and horses turn in the wrong direction most of the time. I wish someone would fix it.
  18. I made an identical thread a couple weeks ago and No_Aardvarks_Allowed replied and I tried his mod. It works great and the Skyrim music goes so well with the Oblivion music that you sometimes forget which songs are from which game. And the music from the Oblivion folder is already in categories so it's very easy to organize. I would recommend doing this to anyone who loved Oblivion. Here's how I organized my Oblivion music to give you an idea... Town and Castle: Town. Tavern: Left empty. All Explore: Atmosphere. Basic Combat: Combat. All Dungeons: Dungeon. It's that easy! If you use the version that keeps the vanilla music, then you get double the music and they all play randomly. It definitely improved my entire game.
  19. Many people who are considered hero's can be accused of war crimes... Andrew Jackson had millions of Native Americans rounded up and moved which resulted in the deaths of thousands of sick and old people, but many would have considered him a hero for his service as a great General during the war of 1812, and I highly doubt anyone would call him a Nazi. Sure, many politicians are corrupt, and share many common traits. The fact that Ulfric has a sketchy past is just good story writing and I'm positive the Empire has its own flaws too, but that doesn't make him or his soldiers anywhere near the Nazis and making such a comparison is just a petty desperate attempt to serve yourself. As for the Forsworn, they don't even know me and they always attack me on sight, which leads me to believe they attack all people. Some could call them a rebellion, but attacking the innocent only proves that they are equal to bandit criminals and deserved to be brought to justice. If innocent people are killed in the crossfire during the pursuit of justice, that's called collateral damage which is the fault of the criminal. To strengthen my view that they are criminals, I am reminded of the man you talk to inside the mine who's daughter had been killed by Ulfrics soldiers. After he tells his story, he tells you that all he cares about now is killing Nords. He is not concerned with justice or freedom, but only revenge against the entire race, guilty or innocent. That is not a freedom fighter, it's a criminal.
  20. I've been using the high res pack since its release, and I never see missing textures (purple meshes). Might have to do with using the esps to load them because I load the bsa files with my ini. As for its worth... I think it is very worth it if you have the vram and play in HD 1080. I also use the texture pack combiner with it.
  21. It seems like most criticism about Ulfric and the Stormcloaks is way over exaggerated. Just reading the first line of the last post "Ulfric and his Stormcloaks are Nazis", you either don't know this story very well or you don't know who the Nazi's were. Hitler was far worse than Ulfric, and the fact that you even went there don't deserve an ounce more logic.
  22. I use the music from Oblivion side by side with the original Skyrim music. It's epic. In fact, it's so epic that I made a playlist on my iphone with all the Explore and Town music from both games that I use to run in real life. It really helps me because I just pretend I'm running to my next quest.
  23. Yea, 1080p. That's what I use too. Over the years, I just got used to saying 1080i.
  24. No, that's frostfalls hypothermia. For IMP's, three books are automatically added to your inventory. They are to configure the settings and activate the mod. If you remove the books, 2 more will be added soon after. But by the way the op describes his situation, I have to say... Make sure the esp is check marked.
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