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Everything posted by Skateboards
Definitely looks like a rain issue to me, I had something similar.. though not quite like that It was more that the area I was in in snowy areas had some kind of glowing aura not unlike the light shining down from meridias statue, in a very similar radius to yours, kinda illuminating the ground under me My issue isn't very severe though so I learned to live with it Maybe try installing some rain textures (I like DOWNPOUR by Gamwich), and disable rain in your ENB. Will look much better regardless imo!
mcm hotkeys and powers from mods not working
Skateboards replied to TurkeyPringle's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Perhaps try starting a new game and see if the powers and hotkeys work. If they do work then it's a save file issue.. In which case your only option might be reloading an older save. You could alternatively try save cleaning tools, there are guides for cleaning saves available on the forums and other places. Maybe your SKSE installation has somehow went kooky, you could try reinstalling SKSE and see if that helps. (AFAIK the functionality to detect key presses is introduced with SKSE, though that doesn't explain the powers problem) Do vanilla powers work? Does mod added magic spells work? Perhaps it's not limited to just powers and hotkeys, are you sure your mods are working at all? Try installing another mod that adds a power and see if a new mod will work. Just for testing purposes you could try Werewolf Mastery, use the console to add the ring to your inventory which will add a power to your list to customise werewolf options. Good luck and let us know how it goes. :) -
Just set the ini manually From RealVision ENB nexus page:
Is your game completely up to date?
BodySlide and Outfit Studio by Caliente is a neat tool for adjusting your CBBE body and all compatible outfits on the fly without the need to reinstall anything. It's fairly easy to use, you can give different armours different presets, and more. :thumbsup:
Have you tried reinstalling SKSE?
Messages such as the following (quoted from the Papyrus log in the initial post) only mean that the Game.GetFormFromFile function failed to find the plugin in question - as in, it basically equals "the plugin named X is not currently in the user's load order": The GetFormFromFile function can be used to both fetch a form from a plugin, as well as to check if a plugin exists in load order (when fetching a known form from a plugin, and the function returns None, then it means that the plugin is not loaded, because if it were, the function would have returned the form). However the way Bethesda implemented it, an error is printed in the Papyrus log when the plugin does not exist. For example that quoted error message means that USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript apparently used GetFormFromFile to check if the "Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp" exists in a user's load order. It does not, so the function (because it works that way) printed an error message in the Papyrus log. This is fine, and is exactly the way it should be. If the user actually did have USKP esp file active and USLEEP installed, there would not have been an error message, but the whole setup would be wrong (USKP and USLEEP are not supposed to be used together), and I assume the function is used by USLEEP to make sure no one tries to use both USKP and USLEEP at the same time. More info on the Game.GetFormFromFile wiki page for that function. And there is also a wiki page with some instructions on how to read the most common Papyrus errors in the log: Papyrus Runtime Errors. This one from AFK Mods might also help: [skyrim] Interpreting Papyrus Log Errors. Generally, though, the Papyrus log is intended for people who write scripts for the game so that they can debug their scripts. Because when a script encounters an error, it will most likely get logged in the Papyrus log (when logging is enabled), so that when nothing happens (the script processing encounters an error, Papyrus stops processing it, nothing happens in-game) the one who wrote the script can open the pause menu, close the game, open the Papyrus log and check which part of the script failed and why. Calling it a "crash log for the game" is misleading, because it is not one. But then again, I might be mistaken - would not be the first time. :tongue: Happy Easter! And enjoy the Spring. :smile: Really informative, thank you! Regardless all I can really suggest beyond this is simple trouble shooting methods. You could try running around on a new game (I suggest turning autosaves off and using 'coc whiterun' in console to test your game, or 'coc qasmoke' to test combat). If you still crash on a new game, export your current load order to a text document using your mod manager, disable half your plugins, load in, see if you still crash. If you DID crash, disable another half of your active plugins and repeat. If you DIDN'T crash, enable half of the plugins that you disabled. Repeat until find the culprit (if there's a culprit). Unfortunately Skyrim is just horrible for stability :P Sometimes things work perfect for me, sometimes I feel cursed. In my current playthrough, if I attempt to use the female voice replacer that I've used for every single one of my previous playthroughs, I CTD during combat. It took me days to figure out that it was the voice pack, it was the last thing I expected. It's mind boggling. :< Best of luck anyways!
Slightly grayish face for female PC and NPC
Skateboards replied to maybedenem's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Try a full body texture replacer for your female body models, this bug occurs for a few reasons but the main and usual culprit is mismatched textures for female faces and bodies. I use CBBE with my own bodyslide preset, and lots of other 'pretty' mods and never have any mismatched skintone issues. My personal favourite is Women of Skyrim by zzjay, and hopefully it wills solve your problem! -
Try adding this line under [Archive] in your Skyrim.ini
If you're not using SKSE, download SKSE Navigate to "Skyrim/Data/SKSE" and if there's no "SKSE.ini" file, create one. Add the following: Get in game and into the wilderness Type 'player.forceav speedmult 1200' into the console, and then 'tcl', then fly around the map at high speed. If you don't crash, congratulations! Your problems should be fixed. If you do crash, try increasing DefaultHeapInitialAllocMB=xxx by increments of 128. If you reach 1024 and you're still crashing the culprit may be something else, you could try ENBoost to stabilise your game at this point too.
Are you using the Sheson's memory patch integrated into SKSE? Navigate to Skyrim/Data/SKSE and add the following to your SKSE.ini You can adjust DefaultHeapInitialAllocMB to be higher or lower in increments of 128 until you stop crashing. Before this fix was applied I couldn't walk from Helgen to Riverwood without crashing. :tongue: Now I very rarely crash.
How to safely despawn/respawn corpses that won't clean up?
Skateboards replied to matas55's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I have a few solutions that might work for your first problem. You might do well to just target the dead khaajit in Riften in the console, move to somewhere discreet and type 'moveto player' into the console. This way the body will be hidden from view but not disabled, and eventually it might solve itself. Alternatively you could try targeting him, assuming he will be a hostile NPC you should move to an interior where he won't be. With the NPC still targeted in the console, try typing 'recycleactor' into the console and then just go back out and see what happens. Best case he'll have been moved back to his original place, and it'll be like he was never killed, assuming his buddies have all respawned by now. You could also try targetting him and using moveto player to move his corpse to you out in the wilderness. I'm not sure if moveto player will work through different cells, if it doesn't you could also try 'placeatme' And if that doesn't work, using his console id which you should have targetted still, type 'tai', then 'player.placeatme xxxxxxx 1' where xxxxxxx is the reference id for the bandit in question. You use tai so that when you spawn the bandit next to you, he won't be hostile. You can then move away and hide somewhere and watch him and re enable ai using the same command, and he should hopefully start his long journey back to where he came from! And after that you should be able to safely disable the corpse in riften. I'm sure using setstage for your second problem will work just fine, 'setstage 021RV01 100' will set your quest progress to having just killed the merchant or bard, I know it feels like cheating but it's fine when the game gives you no choice. :P Good luck, I hope this helps you in some way. -
The obvious culprit is seems to be running out of memory. Sheson's memory patch and ENBoost will probably solve it, the memory patch has been built into SKSE now and it's as simple as adding the following lines to your SKSE.ini located at Skyrim/Data/SKSE (if it's not there, make a text document and rename it to SKSE.ini) [Memory]DefaultHeapInitialAllocMB=512ScrapHeapSizeMB=256 The numeric value for DefaultHeapInitialAllocMB varies from rig to rig but 512 is a safe bet imo. Increase by 256 if you're still crashing If that doesn't help try adding ENBoost too. If those don't help, you will need to troubleshoot further. PS: A great stress test for your rig is typing "player.forceav speedmult 1200" into the console, and then using tcl to fly around the map at great speeds. If you crash, whoops! You ran out of memory. After applying the memory patch and enboost you should be able to fly around the map at that speed without any problems at all.
set PlayerFollowerCount 0 command not working :(
Skateboards replied to drag00nzer0's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
If it's not working you could try installing UFO which raises your follower limit, it should let you continue as normal. -
I've been googling for several days now and have been struggling with lots and LOTS of graphical issues involving what I believe is graphical issues exclusively in exterior cells. I'm not new to modding, usually I can get on top of things like this, but at this point I feel defeated I guess the screenshots will say more than words ever could but I'll do my best. For reference, this is how my graphical and ENB set up looks in an interior cell: Here is how my game looks in most exterior cells: This is on a fresh save because I thought maybe DynDOLOD was the culprit, or more likely my incorrect use of the tool, but the brightness, contrast all remained looking so terrible. Anti aliasing also doesn't seem to work whatsoever, that's the only graphical issue I have indoors. Other graphical issues I've had include a general blurriness on things like grass (I have DoF disabled for performance), the game looking too sharp in some areas and too dull and blurry on others, one thing I've noticed is that the game seems to look better when my play area is consumed by a shadow (mountain shadow for example). I've looked over countless guides, been tweaking things for days, tried manually adjusting all of the lines that effect day time lighting in exteriors, but nothing seems to change my game in a way that looks anything remotely like the screenshots of the multiple ENB's I've tried. I'm currently using Project ENB, though when I started playing this playthrough I was using RealVision ENB and my graphical mod list has been tailored using the requirements and recommended mods, using RealVision Option B Performance with RLO. That's how I always play Skyrim and this is the first time the game has been too glaringly bright and featuring countless other issues EXCLUSIVELY in exterior cells. I switched over to Project ENB and found it to be more tolerable, enough so to continue playing (currently 10 hours into my save) but the bright contrast and desaturation remains. A few more screenshots for demonstration: Please, please tell me that I'm just extremely stupid and I've forgotten to add a line or adjust something or turn off an effect. Any help would be extremely appreciated. Skyrim.ini SkyrimPrefs.ini enbseries.ini enblocal.ini Load Order
Great read! Looking forward to more.
Guys i have tried googling but found nothing please help! I have installed a bunch of mods and now when i am walking around the over world its like it doesn't continue to load the world and i can walk out of the currently loaded content and into textures and objects that were meant to be seen from a far and objects/NPC's wont load for a bit ill either have to save & reload which is a pain in survival or walk around until the game freezes i get a loading icon and then it all appears. Any help appreciated. Load order:
Eh, sure, but why the stigma towards console use especially when the games modding tools aren't even out? For now just settle on spawning a workbench wherever you are. It gets the job done you can even position said item with console commands to your liking. This type of mod I don't believe is possible until GECK for Fallout 4
So I've been attempting to make a mod that essentially hides the Mining Helmet's model so it's invisible, basically so I can use the mining helmet's torch instead of the pip boy's light, but not look like a complete and utter moron in cutscenes. So I managed to figure out how to do that, (replaced the mining helmet nif with that of a 10mm shell casing for those wondering) but as I assumed, when you equip the helmet, the hair is cut off at the top, so it's only the bottom half of the hair's model while the top half is bald. (As shown here: http://imgur.com/a/LhvR8) Anyone know who I might be able to keep the hair from changing? Any tips would be great. Thank you!
LE Transmogrification (lore friendly pretty armour)
Skateboards posted a topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
Since WoW is the most popular MMO and Transmog is the most popular term, I figured I'd just call it that, but essentially I thought it'd be really cool to use the illusion skill tree or something like that to essentially make your good armour, the practical stuff with good stats and protection look like some of the gorgeous but not quite practical mods on the nexus? I mean, who says that magic in skyrim isn't potent enough to merely change the appearance of your armour? I don't really know enough about skyrim modding to know whether or not something like this is possible, but it'd definitely be cool. Maybe there could be a token system, for example, a catalyst of sorts that you 'spend' when casting the transmog spell. Furthermore, this could be a way to essentially hide items.. Transmorging an invisible helmet over your current one to get all the juicy stats without the ugliness of a helmet. -
Accidentally renamed a Skyrim folder.
Skateboards replied to Chaos1929's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
CTRL+Z!! CTRL+Z BEFORE IT'S TO LATE!! Seriously though, how did you manage to accidentally rename a folder? Documents/my games/Skyrim -
Hey guys I feel like this is a project that needs to be brought to the attention of modders as it could be what the Skyrim modding community has been sorely missing since launch We all know that TES5Edit and Wrye Bash for Skyrim can't process records like it could for older Bethesda titles and this is a problem for most, if not all of us, but I have stumbled across a spiritual successor to the Bashed patch that was being built for SkyProc called SkyBash The author has been MIA for over a year, and someone seriously needs to pick up where he left off D: There is an early testing version available for use, and when I tested it it generated a patch that was 800kb bigger than the standard Wrye Bash Bashed Patch (using version 304.3) Links to the project: Project home: https://code.google.com/r/kurtcop-skybash/ Project Forum + Downloadable version: http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1402763-wipz-skybash/
Why is there a lack of Guild mods?
Skateboards replied to UndeadangelX's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I always wanted an outstanding hunters guild mod! Current ones aren't too good.