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Everything posted by Skateboards

  1. Basically, if you use both companions and the Wasters Scarf like I do, you'll probably know how frustrating it is having to open up their inventories every time you want to switch between a covering version of the scarf (covers the face) and a revealing version of the scarf (doesn't cover the face) It gave me the idea for a mod, where pressing a hotkey auto equips a specified piece of equipment in the companions inventory. I'd make it myself but honestly I'm completely clueless when it comes to this stuff
  2. That's a whole lot of plugins.. Skyrim gets pretty unstable that heavily modded. Make sure you're using the memory Sheson memory patch
  3. How many plugins do you have? And well, anything could have gone wrong with TPC. Perhaps there was an error when compiling the texture pack. See if the error persists when you uninstall it.
  4. Pirated copies are not supported.
  5. Turn up your Anti-Aliasing Make sure that Nvidia Control Panel is not controlling your anti-aliasing for you.
  6. I skimmed through the description and like pretty much every other mod, you have to supply the materials :/ Are you sure? I took a look at the mod myself and it says: "give them the item you wish to upgrade and confirm or choose the dialogue option to supply the materials." The way this is written it's suggesting you that you can either confirm the upgrade and probably pay them for their materials, or you can choose to supply the materials yourself reducing the cost. It's nice to see other people who feel the way i do about the craftsmen in Elder Scrolls. One thing i liked in ES3 was the enchanter, only to be extremely annoyed in Oblivion by the fact that i actually had to go to the arcane university >:( Change Log: Version 0.5 - *Added the brand new feature of having the blacksmith forge a totally new item by supplying the correct materials and paying the cost.
  7. Loose textures automatically overwrite high res texture packs, so just have them activated and install your texture mods as you would.
  8. I skimmed through the description and like pretty much every other mod, you have to supply the materials :/
  9. You can not be helped if you refuse to listen, genius.
  10. Well unfortunately at the moment NPC's don't make items whatsoever. :/ I mean, it's literally a Blacksmiths job to make weapons for people, I can't help but wonder why this type of feature wasn't already included. T_T
  11. More information please. -.- Load order, any mods installed, all that jazz
  12. I would hold off on upgrading to a 780 Ti just yet. In theory your graphics card should be just fine, if I'm not mistaken, the 7950 is the GTX 760 equivalent? Anyway, with that rig, you shouldn't have many problems. Don't push your rig too far though. Believe it or not, running 10 gigs worth of mods will kill your performance pretty badly regardless of whether or not those mods are texture replacers. Perhaps even sacrifice using an ENB, too.
  13. Open Skyrim.ini, and under [Display], add or modify the following two lines: fDefaultWorldFOV=XX (where XX is the field of view you want, 85 to 90 is recommended) fDefault1stPersonFOV=XX.0000 (where XX is the SAME VALUE that you set fDefaultWorldFOV, leave the '.0000') When these two values are different, the terrible clipping occurs.
  14. Please use BOSS to sort your load order, and paste the log. Feel free to use LOOT again after that, but using a text file to review your load order is a nightmare. Also, more details would be desirable. For example, does the issue persist when in an interior, or in another part of Skyrim? Can you use 'set gamehour to 19' to bypass the problem, and if so, does it crash at 6 the next day? This is probably definitely a load order issue.
  15. There are no .esp files for DLC. Dawnguard.esm Hearthfire.esm Dragonborn.esm Those are the only plugins for DLC's. Dawnguard.esm Hearthfires.esm Dragonborn.esm ElysiumEstate.esp ElysiumEstate-DG.esp ElysiumEstate-HF.esp ElysiumEstate-DB.esp Run BOSS, and paste your log, please.
  16. Hello all you wonderful modding people I come to you with an idea An idea that will help those like I, with ranger characters, that want those crisp bows without wanting to sink hours, gold, and perks into Smithing. Now, first off, I know there are a few mods that do this kind of thing, but IMO not of them do it right. Basically, what I would like to see is a mod where you can order items from Blacksmiths, and they will make it, and have it ready for you to pick up after a certain amount of time. I would also like to see tempering from Blacksmiths too, like, you give a Blacksmith your item and the Blacksmith will give it back tempered (depending on the skill level of the Blacksmith tempering it). Now, for more specifics. The main reason I don't like other mods that do this is that for the most part, those mods are set so as long as you have the ingredients, the blacksmiths will do this for you for free. This wouldn't be so bad if, say, you were in the companions, and you gave Eurlond Gray-Mane the supplies he needed to forge you a sword, but this is not good for a character like mine who doesn't join the companions. Kinda immersion breaking, having Blacksmiths do your crafting for you for free. Feels more like a way to cheat out of spending perks in Smithing. For this mod, I want there to be an initial fee for labour. Adjustable via MCM, if possible, but if not that's fine. Lets say that you want Adrienne Avenicci to craft you an Ebony sword. 500 gold would be the initial fee, perhaps, which would cover labour and costs for basic materials needed for crafting said items. Now here's where things could get interesting! Say Adrienne has everything she needs to craft this sword for you, that will cost 500 Gold + Ebony Ingot (~300 Gold) x2 + Leather Strips (10 Gold). That comes to a grand total of 1,110 gold, you can return after a fixed amount of time to pick up the sword. (This time should only pass during work hours, however.) Oh, but you have the necessary materials, but are not a talented smith like Adrienne? You simply hand them over, and pay the 500 gold, and pick up the sword when it's done. Now, say neither of you have the materials? Let's say that Adrienne receives shipments of smithing supplies every Monday and Thursday. (These don't have to actually be scripted or anything, just mentioned in dialogue.) If neither of you have the necessary supplies after you've made the order, she will say something along the lines of this. "Hmm, I don't have the goods right now. You'll have to wait until my next shipment before I can get started." And come next Monday or Thursday, the crafting timer begins, and you can pick up your weapon that afternoon. Additional shipping fees may also be included. Now tempering and such could also be added too, for minor fees and time passed. Well, that's my idea! A more in depth look at smithing services, and for the love of god, an immersive way to get my female Breton ranger some decent gear without breaking her story by slaving over a forge!
  17. The truth is that there are literally thousands of reasons Skyrim can crash to desktop. Skyrim's real worst enemy is incompetent and careless modders. Make sure you read descriptions of the mods you install, make sure that the mod you want to uninstall is safe to do mid game, and for the love of god if you expected your save to work after uninstalling half your mods, you have a lot to learn about modding.
  18. Does the problem persist on a new save? On the main menu, open the console and type coc whiterunbanneredmare and try cooking, or something that plays animations and see what happens. I've never heard of this problem before and I've certainly never had problems with Immersive Armours. But to me this seems mostly the kind of thing that might persist only in your save game.
  19. Well, assuming Safety Load isn't working, and you have the latest SKSE alpha Go to Skyrim/Data/SKSE and if there's no SKSE.ini, create one Open it up and add the following lines [Memory]DefaultHeapInitialAllocMB=768ScrapHeapSizeMB=256 This only works with the latest SKSE alpha, so make sure you have the right one installed, and in theory, you should load without trouble. Provided that memory is the root of your problems, and not all those darn naughty mods. Seriously, there are better things to fap to. :P
  20. Strange I've never heard of or seen this issue. :I Do you have any water mods installed? Is it persistent no matter what angle you view it from?
  21. lol Uninstall your naughty mods And do you have Sheson's memory patch installed?
  22. If you have the refID for him, you could type 'player.moveto xxxxxxxx' and you should teleport to him.
  23. This sounds like you have have messing something up with TESVEdit. Perhaps try loading an older save, and see what happens. What I think might have happened, is TESVEdit renumbering all of the FormID's in all of your plugins for compatibilities sake (though I can't imagine how it happened to all of your gear) If loading an old save doesn't work, and what I think happened, then the only way to get your stuff back would be uninstalling all of your plugins and then reinstalling them, so they all have the correct FormID's.
  24. Ah, well, yeah, either way it doesn't really matter. The duplicate Jagged Crown will likely never be seen again. If you come across Tullius and he's wearing it just type the unequip code into the console
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