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About nhguy03276

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[LE] Invisible arms - biped object help?
nhguy03276 replied to TangerineDog's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
I'm no Expert, and am actually having a sort of similar issue, So I'll share what I think is happening... The problem from what I can tell, is that Armors are not placed over the current body, but are replacing it. So if your armor does not have the body in it, them when the armor is placed on the body, the arms and legs are blank. Here is a NifSkope image of the Vanilla Heavy Hide Armor, note the body is still in there. I have looked at most of the vanilla armors and found the same... I actually found this out as I'm trying to use a Slim body with a shirtless armor for a Satyr mod I'm working on, but when I put the armor on him, he buffs up... I'm still looking to find a way around it, but it is looking like I'm going to have to make specific armors for the Satyr Race if I want to keep the slim body... It is important to note as well, often the body parts in the armor often have several unneeded Polygons removed... -
Well... After additional testing, it wasn't the cleanup script that's causing the problem... But I have no clue as to what is causing the issue... Anyways, I found a bug with my Serana's Folly Mod. The basics (if you haven't seen it posted) is that when Serana complains about the weather, she Explodes into flames, is struck by lightning, or has a bunch of random junk dropped on her (hence the need for the cleanup). So after some trial and error, the best way for me to get Serana to react to the "Damage" without actually damaging her, was to use a lowgrade unrelenting force effect with a empty projectile. this makes it look like she's being damages, while doing very little actual damage. To get it to work, I place said shout effect on a localized activator, and the visuals on a secondary activator... Works well.... unless I return to Dimhollow Cave. Going in the Front Door and leaving by the front door again causes no issue, but going in the back door after initially leaving the cave,or going in the front door, and leaving the back door again cause what appears to be the activators not to reattach to Serana like they should, and she no longer reacts to the effects being applied. I can go anyplace else, and so far only had the issue after leaving the Back Door of Dimhollow Cave a second time, and so far the only solution I can find is to uninstall the mod, clean save, and reinstall it... Timing made me think it was the ceanup Fragment, but definitely not the case, as I had several test runs where this happened even without having the fragment. Anyways: The Fragment to call the code is Serana.PickWho(akSpeaker, X) attached to the dialogue (X is actually the INT I assigned to the conversation) Is my Main Code. Any thoughts as to why this would work everyplace except after coming out Dimhollow cave, or anything you can see in it would be appreciated.
I'm trying to fix a issue I accidentally put into my mod, where when a bunch of items spawn, the only way to remove them is to manually pick up all 60 items... I was hoping it would be as simple as Event OnCellDetach() self.delete() endEvent and attach that to the item... Sadly it works for removing the item, but breaks other things... Any ideas on how I should be removing the items?
[LE] Trying to edit ground in Solitude
nhguy03276 replied to powerLien's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
The Bad New... The way Solitude is put together, it can be done, but will require you to edit the .nif file in a 3d editor program such as 3dsmax or Blender. This is not impossible to do, but is a lot of work if you are just learning. and since you only want to level your smelter, I'd recommend just faking it, and put your smelter in and find static object such as rocks/platforms to place in the gaps. It's a pain I know, I just had to deal with this myself, as I am trying to place my art gallery into Solitude, and the place I want to put it had some issues like you had... quickest way to fix a few was to pile a couple rocks. -
Kludgy... Probably the best description of Papyrus I've heard yet. I've been a hobby programmer off and on since the time of Commodore 64 basic, (no expert programmer, but know enough to know there it a right way, a wrong way, and a nuckin kludgy way to write script...) and Papyrus has got to be one of the worst languages I've ever had to work with. It seems Bethesda took great pleasure in creating a language replete with "you can't get there from here" functions, and making things that should be straight forward simple the most complicated headache possible. As for the Jcontainers, I'll start looking into them... I think they might be that piece I felt was missing. As for those of you complimenting what I did in my posted script, Thank you.
[LE] Making a lantern carryable
nhguy03276 replied to Celevan's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
I had the same problem with the shields dragging at my feet until I changed the NiStringExtraData node's String Data to "SHIELD". I'm pretty sure this is the node that tells the game where to attach you nif. As for the Wearable Lanterns Mod NexusComa linked, I can fully endorse it, as I've been using it for a while now and love it. I actually thought maybe you were already using it as your base, but simply wanted to change a Lantern mesh. -
[LE] Making a lantern carryable
nhguy03276 replied to Celevan's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
I'm no expert here, but I did something similar, in that I created custom "Shield" out of some paintings, so I could hang painting on various shield racks and move them around at I got bored with the layout, found one I like better, etc. Almost all the work needed to make it work was done in Nifskope. First thing I had to do was remove the collider data from the .nif, and then using chunkmerge, and in my case a shield for the template (you'll likely need the working lantern from the mod) set the collision data. (is this really necessary, I'm not sure, but it worked) Then in Nifskope, open a second Nifskope window, loaded both my painting.nif and the shield.nif, I went line by line through the nodes/flags making sure that the painting.nif had all the same flags, and nodes as the working shield. make sure the strings also match. At this point the only things that shouldn't match are the NiTriShape nodes. once those matched, it was simply a case of firing up CK, duplicating a shield, changing the .nif, and finding a place to put it. It was a lot of trial and error at first, but it isn't too difficult, if you have a functioning lantern .nif to use as a base. http://i.imgur.com/mlir293.png -
I have the need to Display 26 items from a Formlist of 60 items, and I want each time they are displayed, for the display to pick a random 26 from the list, without them repeating... It took me the better part of the day to figure out a way to do it, but it seems highly convoluted, and there has to be a simpler method of getting a list of non-repeating numbers... However, The following does work. Function SelectPaintingstoDisplay() int i = Pas_CanBeDisplayed.getsize() int k = 0 while k < i Pas_IsBeingDisplayed.addform(Pas_CanBeDisplayed.GetAt(k)) k +=1 EndWhile int J = 0 While J < 26 int L = Pas_IsBeingDisplayed.getsize() L -=1 int Jindex = utility.randomInt(0,L) Form kReference = Pas_IsBeingDisplayed.GetAt(Jindex) As Form AddBooks(kReference, 1) Pas_IsBeingDisplayed.RemoveAddedForm(kReference) J +=1 Endwhile Pas_IsBeingDisplayed.Revert() EndFunction Does anyone know of a way that doesn't take the long way?
[LE] I suck at making meshes
nhguy03276 replied to RedBag's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
I might be wrong, but it looks like you have a issue with your UV map. Many programs will allow you to move vertices/polygons without causing issues with UVmaps (texture stretch can occur), but deleting vertices/polygons will often require you to remap. If you have indeed remapped your model, make sure the textures have been properly re-aligned, as they might not be in the same location as they were. I use Blender 2.7, so I'm not that familiar with 3ds max, but I found this tutorial https://www.darkcreations.org/forums/topic/10525-blender-27-nif-exporter-tutorial/ helpful when I was getting started on mesh export/imports. It still requires tweeks in nifskope, and you'll likely need to figure out where the settings are in 3ds, but it might be helpful. -
[LE] Gimp issue with texturing
nhguy03276 replied to Bersark93's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
I'm not sure why you are having issues with them, I downloaded them, loaded them into gimp and saved them in DXT1 compression, (and set mipmaps to generate). I didn't have a issue. I've attached them below for you. If I had to guess, I'd say you probably don't have the DDS Plugin installed correctly. I'd try redownloading and reinstalling that in case you have a corrupt file someplace. Also verify you have the current version of both. I'm using Gimp 2.8.18. Also of note: Keep this link handy: https://aarmstrong.org/content/aspect_ratio_calc.php For some reason, if I compressed a DDS that had a pixel count that didn't match a number in either the height or width (it didn't matter if both numbers came from the same column or not), It would cause CK to crash when you tried to load it. for a 504 x 504 would work, and a 352 x 189 would work, but a 352 x 190 would cause CK to crash. (They would load fine if you loaded then in a .nif file or if you didn't compress them, however) It took me the better part of a day to get that all worked out... This list is incomplete as it only goes to 1280, but it can really help when dealing with smaller non n^2 sizes. Your files: https://www.dropbox.com/s/p7fd47ytajpmmk5/PicsArt_10-29-05.54.33.dds?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/v8bhkz81lxj4ghq/PicsArt_11-06-10.33.53.dds?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/lec0ne76j40lcxa/PicsArt_11-12-08.56.07.dds?dl=0 -
[LE] Adding general voices to NPCs
nhguy03276 replied to Aragorn58's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
Always fun modding skyrim... I spend 5 days trying to get a function call to work... just to find out I missed a reference link in a fragment... 10 second fix to a 5 day issue... -
I am using Skyrim Script Compiler Pro by LuJoSoft http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/60575/? and for the most part like it... However the auto line formatting is driving me nuts. Normally it isn't too bad, but I'm trying to clean up a area of nested code (which I don't like to begin with, difficult to follow) and each time I try to make a minor change, the auto format moves things around, making it even more difficult to read.... I'm spending more time putting things back to where I want them than I am actually coding... It's annoying me to no end. Anyways I've turned off all Auto functions such as autocomplete and autoindent, but it's still happening... does anyone know if there is any way to stop it from moving things? I'm about to go back to notepad and just code in that...
Thanks for that... I had a feeling it was something like that, but still learning the way things work here in skyrim.. However, now it is decision time... Initially I liked the thought of the lights being automatic... but for test purposes, after not getting it to work properly, I separated the light trigger from the painting trigger, so you have to manually turn the lights on and off.. This works well, and the more I think about it, the more I think I may end up going that route as simply there may be times when the Highlight light might make things look worse and you'll want to turn them off... ( right now, the main lights and Ambient lights are turned off to make it easier to see the highlights, but I could see over saturation issues could occur when they are back on.... Downfall, two triggers in a area instead of one... guess this is just something I'll need to decide....
I'm working on a "Art Gallery" mod, where the player can collect, buy, or steal artworks from across Tamreil and display them in their own private Gallery. By Making the painting shields, I can use Shield racks to allow players to re-arrange the paintings at will. Tired of that Van Gogh over the fireplace, switch it out with something else, even that shield you like. This has been working out quite well so far. Now onto the next step, lighting. Since this is a gallery, I want to use highlight lighting like most galleries do, to really make the painting pop, but I really don't want the lighting on if there isn't a item in that location. So I attached two simple scripts, one to the trigger, the other to the activator. So when you place a shield on the rack, the light turns on, and when you take it, the light turns off. A couple screen shots of it in action can be found here http://imgur.com/a/zxejI This works great, until you leave the cell. Upon returning to the cell, all lights are off, even the racks that have items in them. The light on script Attached to the "White Box" of the shield rack Scriptname PaintingLight extends ObjectReference ObjectReference Property PLight Auto Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActorRef) Plight.enable() EndEvent The light off script attached to the "dot" of the shield rack Scriptname PaintingLightsOff extends ObjectReference ObjectReference Property PLight Auto Event OnTriggerLeave(objectReference triggerRef) Plight.disable() EndEvent I knew it couldn't be that simple, and I'm clearly missing something to check whether the item is in the slot or not, when the cell loads... However, I'm also wondering if it would simply be better to put a separate trigger box, not referenced to the rack, over the area where the shield will be and attach a single light toggle script to that instead. I'm just concerned with two triggers on a single item. Any thoughts?