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Everything posted by chanchan05

  1. The clothing thing for the nords is called "acclimatization". I actually listened to Biology class, after all it is my college major. They're bodies are used to the cold, that warm climates seem hotter for them than for others. Take for example, a Canadian going to Brazil, or a Brit going to Southeast Asia. Those guys are flushed with the heat and sweating, yet the locals don't even mind the heat. Yet when a Singaporean goes to France, they're covered up like its the middle of winter even if its just Spring or Fall.
  2. If your not going to use bound weapons, your just gonna summon an atronach and watch it? That's going to be difficult, not to mention when you encounter a sabre cat. I am currently on a run through using a no Destruction, Conjuration mage (bound weapons and summons) at level 17, and sabre cats can beat flame atronachs, especially if you encounter a dragon. At least with bound weapons, you can deal additional damage which can be increased by perks in the warrior tree (swords or bows).
  3. IMO Its just easier to exploit smithing on a warrior type. Enchanting is in the mage skill tree for a reason, as that and Alteration can save your neck in a long way. Actually on the proper perk build, at lower levels a mage can get higher armor than a warrior type. Then enchant the hell out of your items for resistances.
  4. Personally, I loved the Thieves Guild questline compared to the others. LOL.
  5. It says a day's sail, and well, I think that's beyond the boundary already based on what we can see on the world map.
  6. My case is different. I have volume 2 and i still can't find volume 1 to begin reading.
  7. I'm a sneaky battle archer actually. I don't have block, and use dual weilding swords if they come close. However I'm strong enough to handle toe to toe battles. I would suggest however that you get sneak, just enough to get the bow damage bonus early on. Its difficult to be a battle archer early, especially since you will be wearing light armor and decide on going for shields, so you need that huge initial hit early. You can just stop using sneak later in the game.
  8. Wait, what Greybeards bug? Didn't have any bug on my first character, I'm on my second character but I haven't went up to the old coots yet.
  9. Whaat!? I take it that you play on easy with 100% Fire and Frost resist, because my lvl 48 character gets 1-shot by "Elder" Dragons. He has over 500 HP and dies from one Fire shout. You can say, but how easy is it to avoid a dragon shout, well not that easy when you have concerns like saving NPC from getting eaten or fighting trolls, or two dragons at the same time. Personally i pity people who use exploits and essentially enable god-mode and complain it's too easy. I play master, using Nightingale armor (50% resist to frost) and jewelry with resist but no exploit (40% resist to shock and fire), level 58 with 350 health (I'm jack of all trades bosmer, I got high stamina and high magicka too. lol) I can tank an Elder dragon's Frost breath (well not exactly tank, I can survive 1 blast with about 1/4 of my life left), although I don't usually get hit full on since I run around always, so not sure if I can do that receiving a full blast. A basic Dragon is easy though, and an Ancient Dragon I think may be able to one shot me. I get killed by an Elder Dragon if I let it bite me though. They always do that kill animation on me.
  10. I would have loved to build a pure alchemist if Beth implemented exploding potions for us to throw, kind of like in Diablo 2.
  11. Go visit the grey beards to see Parthenox. You get a shout the helps the visuals and makes seeing so much easier. ( i hope this isn't considered a spoiler ) There's a mod that adds roads to the map
  12. Whiterun. I would have loved to keep living there if it weren't for the better houses in other holds.
  13. After becoming Harbinger and finishing the cleanse Kodlak quests, there are 3 radiant quests that will let you gain more power for your werewolf form. Second, reports have it that if you cured yourself of Lycantrophy, the Hircine daedric item quest could get bugged. In what part did the Silver Hand become Vampires? I finished the Companions quest with no problems and nowhere did I encounter a Silverhand Vampire. As for the Werewolves vs Werewolf Hunters, that concept has been around even before there was an Underworld movie. The Werewolf-Vampire connection myths are older than the US for crying out loud.
  14. Astrid does not want the Night Mother. You are the Listener and therefore the de facto leader of the DB, not her. Of course you don't know YET its supposed to be that way. So Astrid sends you out to die.
  15. Primarily because I don't think this is a potions based game if you play it just punching it out there and using potion power. Its more of skill for me, to land hits but not get hit in return. If I use a potion, (unless its mana potion), I consider that fail.
  16. The cure lycantrophy quest for Vilkas and Farkas are bugged, but those quests don't have anything to do with curing yourself, since that does not have a quest marker.
  17. The Imperials do not capture, torture, or execute anyone, that is SOLELY a Thalmor operation. Secondly several high ranking Imperial people including General Tullis know Talos worshipers and don't report them, because not even the Empire's own soldiers and politicians follow the White-Gold concordant. Sorry for the double post but, ^^^ This was your original post was it not? If you would read the one I quoted you will note that no changes have been made. These are your words not mine. Just because you think your argument is bad does not mean you can accuse me of "Warping". Sorry but from my viewpoint you were warping what he said. You were taking him out of context. He was replying to the allegation that the Imperials were accusied of torturing, capturing and executing worshippers of Talos, to which they absolutely do not, as that is solely a Thalmor operation. As for Imperials doing that to Stormcloaks, that is completely different since they are at war with each other. Basically, taking his words OUT OF CONTEXT allowed you to warp his meaning to suit your argument.
  18. powerplay vs. roleplay. Depends if it does not break your role play. For example, role playing as a forest ranger/hunter type, and Hircine is the Prince of the Hunt, being a Werewolf actually could be part of role play. Of course you can build being a werewolf into roleplay. But his argument was "I don't want to be a werewolf"; yours was "it makes me more powerful". Its the classical powerplayer vs. roleplayer quarrel. I never said it made me more powerful. I said it lets me kill towns people without incurring bounties. If you transform into a werewolf in an area where no one sees you and you go into a populated area, the guards won't recognize you and killing people won't add a bounty to you. Besides, from what I read, it was "I don't want to be forced into becoming a werewolf if I don't want to" then rants about the quest being broken. But fact is, as a spoiler: so I don't really see any other way. Besides being a werewolf through the companion's blessing is not one of those kinds of werewolves where you have no control on when you change, as this one allows complete control since its a ritual conversion, not a contracted disease.
  19. powerplay vs. roleplay. Depends if it does not break your role play. For example, role playing as a forest ranger/hunter type, and Hircine is the Prince of the Hunt, being a Werewolf actually could be part of role play.
  20. I dunno, I kinda liked being a werewolf, as it had its uses. I can kill people for the DB without incurring bounties.
  21. No one. Its just one of those grey quests in the game, where you never get to know is saying right or wrong.
  22. I don't really see much difference really. For example regarding the weapons, I might manage to pick up a cool daedric sword with an awesome enchant, I just disenchant it and transfer the enchantment to a glass sword. As for ugly gear, well, I find the glass set pretty cool looking, IMO even better looking than the Daedric Armor for me. Its a matter of taste. Elven armor is also pretty good looking, and in my playthrough, I never used scaled armor. EDIT: I also noticed the artifacts bit. No, not all artifacts in the game are Daedric metal (ebony actually). Spellbreaker needs Dwarven ingots if I remember correctly. However your argument does not hold valid ground here, because even if you have Daedric smithing maxed, it wont translate to enhanced smithing for the Daedric artifacts. For example, Ebony armor vs the Ebony Mail (daedric artifact). Improving the Ebony Mail's attributes remains the same value whether or not you have the Ebony/Daedric armor perk or not. You can improve items at the smithy even without perks.
  23. I stopped using followers mostly by level 20. If I need a tank I'd use up my magicka and conjure up a Frost Atronach, or use the Rose to summon a Dremora.
  24. Mine's running glitch free at 30FPS according to FRAPS. Although I am running it on low even if my laptop can handle high. If I try running it on high, i feel like i just bought new glasses *oohhh so many colors, so bright!*
  25. I liked the story of "The Real Barenziah".
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