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Everything posted by chanchan05

  1. If you're a Thief, finish the TG quest line, all fences (one each in Riften, Markarth, Solitude, Windhelm and Winterhold) will have 4k gold as merchants.
  2. Seriously, I finished the TG with no perks in picpocket. Just that every time I need to pick a pocket, I just use an invisibility potion and the TG boots (+15% chance of pickpocket). When I picked up a non-unique item that increases pickpocket I disenchanted it. I never sell enchanted items that i pick up without checking if I already know the enchantment, and I never sold my unique armors (TG, DB, etc). I kept them LOL.
  3. With enchanting 100% and all the perks, you can enchant up to +40% better prices onto an amulet. I still haven't picked up an item with the better prices enchantment that's disenchantable. Those three are unique items so they don't appear in the disenchanting table, at least not that I've noticed.
  4. I just realized. I was wearing Clavicus Mask (+20% price, +20 speech), Jester clothes (+10% price) and Amulet of Zenithar (+10%) price, when selling. LOL.
  5. For both Imperials and Stormcloaks, if you stand around their soldiers for too long without moving along they get aggressive.
  6. What does the "deadly dragons" mod do? I mean on master difficulty, dragons do their kill move shot to me at least one in three bites, so I try not to get near any dragons at all as much as possible. Although I am a Bosmer Archer with low health, decent magicka and high stamina. well, I do not recommend this mod if you are a low level, because Deadly Dragons is a mod that makes the dragons have new powers and better defenses. go to " 3JIou " link (http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3829) and see for description. I recommend you to built your character first, improve your enchanting perks and then craft a ring or a amulet with some fortify enchant and then put it on your self and create another jewlery with some powerful, fortify heath/resist magicka or fortify health/resist fire. this is only one of the ways to get stronger, the others is to raise your level, and increase all your skills. Actually I'm 58 now, and can kill dragons at Master level (basic Dragons) in probably 4-6 shots depending on crit landings. The last a Dragon killed me with a bite was like, 13 levels ago since they dont get near enough me to bite anymore. Like I said you can increase exponentially your heath, create a ring with fortify enchant, than with the ring in your hand create another ring with fortify enchant again, (and again...).... and then when you finaly create a ring with fortify health you gain a lot of health. After you create a powerfull ring with fortify enchant you can create others ring with powerfull enchantments on smithing and alchemy and then craft and improve better weapons/armor and create better potions/poisons. Already did that. That's why I have a 460 damage bow. I don't fortify health much, mostly resistances because I'd like to keep it a little challenging. There's no challenge if you can basically one or two shot everyone and they can barely damage you. As such I already reverted to wearing back the stock nightingale armor with just smithing upgrade because using my enchanted/smithed dragon scale armor I was already unassailable (try making a dragon scale armor then upgrading it with gloves, clothes, ring and necklace with +27% smithing and a +109% smithing potion).
  7. On this. How do you pick up a book without reading it? on PC. You can't. I imagine he was saying to just look at your tooltip when you scan over books and only click on them if their value is high enough to warrant picking up. If their value is high then generally they are a skill book. On the other hand, I know of at least 2 books that are low price but start quests. The only way to get a book without actually opening/reading it is if you are looting it from a storage container or a body. You should also pay attention to the prices of those and make sure you go into your inventory to read them if their value is high. Actually, I'm trying to collect a copy of every single book in the game. LOL. I already got 300k gold on my level 58 character so I don't need money anymore.
  8. What does the "deadly dragons" mod do? I mean on master difficulty, dragons do their kill move shot to me at least one in three bites, so I try not to get near any dragons at all as much as possible. Although I am a Bosmer Archer with low health, decent magicka and high stamina. well, I do not recommend this mod if you are a low level, because Deadly Dragons is a mod that makes the dragons have new powers and better defenses. go to " 3JIou " link (http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3829) and see for description. I recommend you to built your character first, improve your enchanting perks and then craft a ring or a amulet with some fortify enchant and then put it on your self and create another jewlery with some powerful, fortify heath/resist magicka or fortify health/resist fire. this is only one of the ways to get stronger, the others is to raise your level, and increase all your skills. Actually I'm 58 now, and can kill dragons at Master level (basic Dragons) in probably 4-6 shots depending on crit landings. The last a Dragon killed me with a bite was like, 13 levels ago since they dont get near enough me to bite anymore.
  9. On this. How do you pick up a book without reading it? on PC.
  10. I respect Akatosh and Talos, but I wouldn't mind doing odd jobs for Azura and Meridia. They're not exactly evil guys.
  11. Are you saying Titus Mede II is the Joker? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CWILhrSzw5o I actually decided to join the Empire after I killed Mede due to his dialogue.
  12. LOL. I just downloaded and installed the sound files. Way easier and less messy IMO.
  13. What does the "deadly dragons" mod do? I mean on master difficulty, dragons do their kill move shot to me at least one in three bites, so I try not to get near any dragons at all as much as possible. Although I am a Bosmer Archer with low health, decent magicka and high stamina.
  14. There are two diseases in the game, which will grant you 100% resist to other diseases. Of course there are setbacks, But not so great as to hamper your roleplay.
  15. Thats good to know lol. I realy had no idea about Forst. Shadowmere was the one and only named horse i ever found. And before that, i had purchased one horse from a stable which cost me 1000 gold only to see it die a few minutes later after droping about 15 feet while trying to walk down a mountain. The only other horses i ever had were stolen and i could never keep a stolen horse for very long. They simply just wander off as soon as you dismount it. Which had led me to simply forget about horses untill i found Shadowmere. But i have to say that Horses are quite annoying in this game. They are rather hard to steer since they can't turn without moving forward at the same time, the fact that they can't go backwards is also annoying and i don't realy know about Frost or other horses but as for Shadowmere, he would always attack my ennemies and i found that to be more annoying than anything else. When i'm fighting i don't want my horse to be in the way of my blade. Even though his health regeneration kinda makes up for any accidental blows you might give him and the fact that he cannot turn on you no matter how many hits you give him . I still found it very annoying. I just wish he would stay away from fights and let me handle the fighting alone. Frost is actually probably the most agressive horse in terms of battle. He does have larger life than most other horses since he can tank a dragon for me, but as I said, he's easier to kill than Shadowmere.
  16. You can. If you're on a PC. I just ude the W,A,S,D buttons to navigate the Perk menu and use E to choose the perk.
  17. Are you on PC or on console? On PC you can bind things from the Favorites (q button) to the buttons 1-8 on your keyboard.
  18. Not for me, they're more expensive. Even reaching 4k in price. The price goes lower as the amount of charge in them is lower though.
  19. Disappointed in calling this an "epic" fight. There was nothing epic about it. I was hoping for a good fight. I had a better archery duel with Signis than this, considering I was trying to play it tough at the time and went at him with unenchanted equips, no smith upgrades to armor and only the bow having smithed damage. He could have killed me in 2 shots, yet I pulled through.
  20. Frost is free, you get it from Riften and you don't need to join anything if you don't want to. A particularly "good guy" play through would not likely want to join the DB just for Shadowmere. Just go to the Bee and Barb, then talk to Lucius. He'll set you up with the quest for Frost. In the end either just Intimidate him, Persuade him or kill him and you get Frost free. He does not have Shadowmere's awesome life regen, but he does have the stamina.
  21. This. I am the Listener of the DB and killed the emperor, but I am also a legate. But then you can call that infiltration. LOL.
  22. No they are not. LOL. They may be taller but in terms of damage dealt they don't do more damage than other races. Plus the fact that Nords are in fact larger than High Elves. Height does not mean large. I mean Yao Ming is taller than Shaq but in no way is he larger than Shaq. Shaq is heavier and stronger. To the OP, if you go first route, I'll suggest going thief before assassin. Its a lot more fun and assassin-like going to your kills with Nocturnal's Shadowcloak blessing.
  23. There are like a couple more missions for the Companions once you do enough of the repetitive missions. I did like the Thieves Guild questline though, it was great. But again, too short IMO. It seems they were trying to keep you on the edge of your seet as if you were living a movie. I'd much rather have been living a series or novel though.
  24. I just remembered reading somewhere, weren't the Bosmer also part humans? Can't remember exactly...
  25. LOL. And I was actually planning on making a Nord that looks like Sean Bean and name him Stark, wielding a two handed greatsword called Ice. LOL. I'll probably go light armor for him since glass swords seem to look closest to the description of Valyrian steel.
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