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Everything posted by chanchan05
I think this may be a broken quest or something for upcoming patches. The Daedric Princes all take you for their Champion now, but they still haven't asked you to do anything now that you are their champion, they have just asked you to do something to become their champions, sometimes whether you like it or not.
Daedric bow, smithed to 460 damage, enchanted with fire and shock, and I named it Dragonfire. dual Daedric Swords smithed as well, one is enchanted with fire and absorb life, the other with shock and absorb magicka, named them Dragonfang and Dragonclaw.
As for where your soul goes, its generally assumed that your character is capable of acheiving CHIM. In this case, they go wherever they want, regardless of what pacts theyve made. This I guess. I mean the last champion did become a Daedric Prince, although I think it was forced on him.
Personally I want to see one of the ff: 1.) Empire wins: You start building an Army to duke it out with the Thalmor forts in the empire (mainly the ones in Skyrim I guess, unless they add a patch to extend the map in Cyrodiil to contain more than the Tower). 2.) Stormcloak wins: You raise up an army of Nords and whatever else is in Skyrim who will help and eradicate the Thalmor/imperia; embassies and strongholds, in both Skyrim and Cyrodiil.
Tonilia gives you the Armor, not Vex.
Personally I want to see one of the ff: 1.) Empire wins: You start building an Army to duke it out with the Thalmor forts in the empire (mainly the ones in Skyrim I guess, unless they add a patch to extend the map in Cyrodiil to contain more than the Tower). 2.) Stormcloak wins: You raise up an army of Nords and whatever else is in Skyrim who will help and eradicate the Thalmor/imperia; embassies and strongholds, in both Skyrim and Cyrodiil.
Its not a blunder, take it as the new Jarl doesn't really know much about you. If you accept the Thane thing, just talk again to him and he'll give the title.
Blindsighted: Locate Mercer Frey can't move.
chanchan05 replied to Killophile's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Mercer Frey is invisible. He's using Nocturnal's Shadow Cloak. I summoned a Fire Atronach and it blasted him with fire, so I can see where he is at that point. He can be seen if he attacks though. -
Ulfric Stormcloaks Victory Speech (Solitude)
chanchan05 replied to Stormcrown's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
The Empire is not a good little boy in that affair. They told Ulfric he and his people would be allowed to freely worship Talos if he dealt with the problem. So he did. The Empire then balked at the Thalmor taking exception to allowing Talos worship, and cracked down on Ulfric....basically they stabbed him in the back after doing dirty work for them. You can pretty easily extrapole this as being pretty much the primary reason Ulfric no longer has any truck with the Empire; he tried working with it and it screwed him in favour of pandering to the Thalmor to deny Talos.....and now he's the bad guy for 'cleaning up' with their blessing. I did not find anything regarding the Empire setting Ulfric up to do that, all I found in game was he did it by his own decisions. I made my decisions based on what I found "in-game". Although I did not spend much time to do missions in Markarth. People continually bring this up and I have no clue how they can be so, frankly, incapable of basic reading comprehension. The document is hardly difficult to decipher, it's very explicit. The Thalmor captured Ulfric during the Great War and during usual processing, discovered he was the son of a Jarl of Skyrim. They thought this could be useful, so they told him that information he gave up under torture allowed them to take the Imperial City. This was a total lie. Everyone breaks under torture, it's a matter of time, so it's worthless to blame him for this, the real point is the Thalmor attempt to mess with him and make him an asset by making him thinking he was already a traitor (he wasn't, the City had already fallen, nothing he told them was of use). Such a person would likely believe they no longer have any option but to work with their previous captors because they're already a traitor. This didn't work out. During the 'Markarth Incident' the Thalmor attempted to directly communicate with Ulfric....it doesn't seem to have gone well because they immediately considered him 'unco-operative' and his entire life now consists of turning Skyrim into a First Empire style Nordic military juggernaught that can turn Thalmor into quivering piles of hacked apart flesh. The biggest point to take away from the dossier is that the only outcome that works for the Thalmor is the Civil War continuing. It completetly screws them over for either side to win. This is so the player can sit in their chair and feel all smug knowing that, no matter which side they chose, they stuck something large and blunt right up the Thalmors vulnerable bum. I agree, but I still for the life of me can't seem to really like Ulfric and his self righteousness, talking about honor and such. The way he talks, that the Empire should have fought to the death for all the Nord blood spilled when fighting for them when he was actually one of the traitors during the war. Don't talk about honor and fighting to the death and never surrendering when he himself surrendered under fear of death or pain. That's...basically made up nonsense that ignores literally everything we know. And we know a hell of a lot, especially considering we're working with the Thalmors own unbiased opinion on the matter. Ulfric isn't a spy. That much is painfully explicit. IT IS MADE UP. You kind of took it out of context. The choice between the two sides is that the Empire has become an institutionally corrupt dump which even after 20 years had pitifully failed to restore itself*, but has a seemingly alright guy like Tullius in charge, against the Stormcloaks who are very clearly vibrant and eagerly willing to forge ahead, rebuild and generally bother to get out there and work for it, but are led by a guy who's frankly somewhat distasteful. So what do you want to choose? Help the Empire and hope it can reverse the decay, or allow a vibrant new Skyrim is rise up? People will, of course, feed you bulls*** nonsense that 'only the Empire can hold off the Thalmor', but that's an argument built on...uh....nothing really. The Empire itself is built on Cyrodiil having beaten the crap out of everyone else, there's no reason Skyrim can't become a mighty power....especially since people like pretending the Thalmor are unstoppable whilst failing to notice that their entire main army was completely obliterated at the Imperial City (Literally. It's hilariously rare for a battle to result in one side being killed to a man like that) whilst still having to maintain dominion over provinces being purged, and that the Summerset Isle is suspiciously the same size as pretty much every other province in the game. The Aldmeri Dominion are simply another Empire, but with Elves, and just as defeatable. Ultimately, the choice is "which piece of s*** looks better to you". Because you're eating s*** either way. I'm blonde, so I prefer blonde s***. Every now and then I run through the game and eat Roman s*** instead. It all kinda tastes like s*** though. Yes that's true. But when faced with the fact that at least the empire does not judge you for your race. Not even the Nords are completely behind Ulfric. True they hate the Thalmor, but the Imperials do to, its just that they're tied up in the moment in Ulric's rebellion. Actually, I forgot to mention that during the quest to kill the emperor for the DB (I finished DB before joining either side), what the emperor told me actually made me gain respect for him, and the empire. The choices he made were not the best choices indeed, and accepted death gladly, knowing full well that he made mistakes, and perhaps it was time for change. And again, I was an elf, so no way I'm siding with the Nords in that play through. Thing is, this isn't real life. I'm just playing through and making my decisions based on what I see in the game. -
I think you're not firing from far away enough. LOL. I fire from real far away using Eagle sight, and I aim for the head or a bit higher but hit the neck or torso. I use detect life to see where they are, as enemies are still "invisible" to me due to distance. I use Eagle Sight and they appear, a bit translucent though, maybe because they're so far away.
Moving companions into a house
chanchan05 replied to TheMysteriousTraveler's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
AFAIK you can't. Your house in Markarth would be home to your housecarl from the Jarl of Markarth once you get to be Thane there though. -
I used all including Shadowmere, they were still the shame horse coloured differently, some horses had more HP and were faster but they still looked the same! Shadowmere is damn hard to kill compared to other horses though, if you can't kill him in one shot or two he just wont die in my case because his regen is fast. Personally, I couldn't care less if the horses were the way they are. All I want is to be able to shoot arrows while riding or equip a spear and ride people down, like IRL.
Where to spend last perk points for pure 2 hand melee build?
chanchan05 replied to exnecross's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Sneak.. Pickpocket... Lockpick... Speech... Basically the Thief skills. -
I think they'd benefit from the perks. I have a wood elf archer and out of curiousity I went ahead and tried a bound bow and I was single shot-ing draugr wights, and the paralyze perk at level 100 archery is working. The crits and sneak damage works as well if I remember correctly. I'll try again and check. But as I use the bound weapons, they increase the skill for that particular weapon. I've been using bound weapons exclusively since I got them on my second character who has no destruction talents whatsoever other than the first free "flames" spell which he has used only once in Saarthal. My archery and one-handed skills have reached 40-ish already using just bound weapons.
Light armor will still be sneakier than the heavy. Even with the perk, its still easier to detect the heavy armor guy because the armor "clinks" together, plus the unique light armors have another muffle enchantment, basically its like double muffle.. At least that's what the guys from Bethesda says. Of course you can always get Ebony Mail which is heavy but has muffle effect (its a Daedric artifact).
If you kill the "toll" guys, and look around, you would see a couple of corpses of men of Imperial race, and a few other stuff which seems to point out they're brigands dressed as imperial soldiers. Like the one in the dragonfort where he tricked you into getting a dragon mask for him.
Now this idea I like.
Yeah but getting the Thralls and Dremora lords would take some time, so for the most part for now I'd be using Atronachs. LOL. Depends if the spells are overpowered. I'll try to look for it.
Just make sure you have saves before getting quests. Also, try finishing the Companions quest before going to Winterhold or getting any quest from the Winterhold Jarl. There's a bug in one of the Jarl's quests that breaks the game for the Companions questline.
Morvarth perhapse? That guy is a tough fight for me every time i go into that dungeon... Best thing i've found is to use Unrelenting Force to knock him down, and wail on him with the biggest weapon you can find. With a fire Enchant. Morvarth? I had to look him up in the wiki, gosh, no, not him. I was a low level character taking the long route to the Greybeards, going around south of the mountain from Helgen, which was all new to me. Happened by Haemar's Shame and Haemar's Cavern. I turned around in one because it had a big fronstbite spider that I could barely damage with my puny fire and no place to get away from it and except back out. The other seemed not so bad, as the first vampire was easy. But the master could raise the dead of those I just killed and thought were down while sucking my health to fill her own after I thought she was down. I was so confused and ran out of potions before realizing what all was what, died, and haven't played that humiliated character again. I'll be returning with a new character, tho. You're going the wrong way. High level monsters that way and there is no path to the Greybeards unless you probably have a horse to climb steep slopes inaccessible to humans (yes, boo physics). You go around the mountain on the road to Riften. There is a village there called Ivarstead. That's where the 7000 steps to the Greybeards start. It can't be done? With my characters, I've always gone the way you described, but was just trying the other because it looked like I could still get to Ivarstead going the long way. Roads signs along the way say yes. You sure? Oh, I thought you were trying to scale the mountain straight to high hrothgar from the north. If you are following the general direction and the roads to ivarstead, yes I guess that's faster.
Completely Defensive Character?
chanchan05 replied to Deleted1811414User's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Just wondering, how are you going to kill anyone? And you'll level cap immediately I think, since once those two hit a hundred and you don't use other skills, you wont level up anymore AFAIK. -
I was thinking of throwing out a couple of atronachs for "tanks" since I wont be wearing any armor, then hitting with bows. I'm just not sure I'd hit hard enough. I know I wont hit as hard as my old character though.
So I'm on my second play through after finishing like 300 quests on my other level 58 archer. Right now I'm level 10 on a mage build. I'm trying to make a mage whose skills primarily revolve around Conjuration for offense, and then Alteration and Illusion for buffs and maybe a dash of Restoration, and as much as possible will try to do this without using Destruction spells. Anybody thing if this is feasible? Does the bound weapons afford me enough damage to support my summons? I mean this does mean that I will probably substitute archery and close range weapn perks (either one hand or two hand) for destruction spells, but would the damage dealt be enough? I'd hate to see me at level 50 barely making enough damage to anyone. This is sort of going to be like a battle mage build except that I wont be using physical weapons and no armor for the mage armor perk. For some reason I'm thinking this build will be very perk dependent.
Actually there is one artifact bow in the game you can get from Hircine's altar, the Bow of the Hunt. You can find it in the same cave where you go for Hircine's Daedric Artifact.
On one quest for the dark brotherhood, I had the entire Whiterun corps after me, I hacked a couple, then sheathed my blade and they arrested me. Did you not try that?