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Everything posted by Aeryn333

  1. try it now the second one Eh no still can't click the duel egg..meant ta say something when I clicked them, and I got distracted.. See that small bracket after the egg it means the code was not put in right, the frill only shows when clicked.. It seems tied together with the duel, separate them..then it should work..but it has something to do with that bracket...
  2. All hail the dragons have returned..Dezi got her first gold Aeryns Golden Gift back I am so happy for her!! I am happy for all those who's wee ones were restored..I went to the Dragon forum, and thank TJ as there is a thread there about it..under News I beelive.. He derserves the thanks, so even if you do not go there allot, if you feel if, you might want to go, twood be a nice gesture, a thank for TJ, owber createor and master macgician it seems at times.. for the hard work it was to recover that data and see to it the return of our dragons.. :biggrin: All clicked..
  3. Aeryn333

    No more LOLs

    Changed my mind..for it might have been taken wrong by some.deleted
  4. DL the custom race fix, or an alt start mod might be fun, or the Unofficial Oblivion patch which incls the custom race fix.. thanks it works now Failte ( your quite welcome).Enjoy the game!!!!!! :wink:
  5. DL the custom race fix, or an alt start mod might be fun, or the Unofficial Oblivion patch which incls the custom race fix..
  6. everyone all clicked.. @azurewind congrats on the new albino egg, is what they are called.... I have a new red stripped egg, for I found one more adult I lost making 5..So the same parents bred me another one, so please click the wee one for me.. :thanks:
  7. Its a catastrophe if you read on the Drag cave Forums..I lost 3 grown dragons a gold female, a silver female, and a red dorsal male.. Dezi lost the one gold I had bred for her.. In your scroll under children, or like father, or mother it just said they are deceased. My gold I lost was the first born of my first female gold.. But Dezi lost her only gold... :confused: None of my golds would breed either, I felt so bad I wanted to get s wee one for her again.... Its a mess, some lost more than others..Eh like least I had a written list o' my breeds together, so I pretty much knew who I lost..now I have copied all of them and their codes if this ever happens again..which I hope it ne'er does..(touch wood) Sorry for your loss Azir, and anyone else, thats lost one or more of their precious grown adults...or wee ones.. :( all clicked....
  8. ...pond..

    Once you get inside, though its loyalty, lifetime freinds, as it is here..:)

    (long winded it cut me post in halk sorry!!!!!)

  9. You said.."Thank you, Irish know how to have fun the English to moan"

    Ah me best mate is there in the Midlands..

    Its the Brit stiff upper lip, keep it in the head its the English way!!!

    Whereas the Irish wear their hearts on their sleaves, thats all..

    Cut yourselves a break..;)

    My best mate only moans about the weather, as we all do on this side of the

  10. All clicked.. @Azir, two more needed ER so in Soti they went.. @ Aeron your welcome.. :smile:
  11. @Dezi said "mo tunay taggapin akin maganda paruparo your very welcome my beautiful butterfly!" re-clicked TA!!!! Awwwww how sweet....you silver tongued devil you.. :biggrin:
  12. Tráthnóna maith (good morn or afternoon) to all OT Dez not fair.. :biggrin: You know what mine means, failte( ur welcome), and go raibh maith agat( thank you very much) But yours you just can't Google your language ..like you can Irish Gaelic, common phrases I use.. :P I know theres allot of eggs in me Sig to click, but they are 3 peoples eggs, me, Dezi and me wee charge i babysit, one Lil wee tiny egg, seems to be getting missed, so don't forget the first one in the row.,.. :thanks: @Azir I put your Storm hatchling in Soti ER @Crazy Begga both your wee eggs..in Soti @Aeron (GamerBird, all your hatchlings in Soti mate all clicked..later all..
  13. http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i96/Reini63/rofl.gif thank you and pleasant dreams my presious one1 Dezi dear one, Failte, go raibh maith agat!!! all clicked..I let go a couple, for a new cheese one, and a translucent for Dezi, so new ones to click..for us.. :thanks:
  14. all clicked .. I have new eggs, or we have, some of those are Dezi's, and I mean new..to click.. :thanks: I saw these weird descriptions so I went read the news.. TJ put out 4 new eggs.,., Thats not a chicken egg its a pygmy Cheese: This egg is soft and smells uncannily like cheese. Sandstone?:This egg has strange markings on it. Pygmy: This egg is so tiny you almost didn't see it. Translucent= Albino: You can see the baby dragon curled up inside this translucent egg. Here they are I got tiny, translucents, and 4 Strange markings one,not sure what its called saw a cheese but couldn't grab it ... But here's their pics on DC forum under News.....So good egg hunting all..still not feeling OK, but wanted to tell you all this news..get some eggs, and off to bed..later.. Also use Soti site in me Sig, DC Fansite is under major repairs Again!!!!!
  15. Is it possible, I know our companions, don't lay down and sleep but NPC'S do.., or I have not seen companions actually lay down and nap.... I have the realism mods, eat , drink, sleep.. but one thing missing is you the player, actually laying down and sleeping, even if companions don't seem to, which should have been implemented in Fallout 3, like Oblivion, tell them this is home, and they can go sleep.. Anyway, is it possible to make a 'See yourself Sleep' mod like someone in Oblivion did.. If its possible, or not, any replies would be appreciated.. Thanks mates..
  16. If Dc fansite which acts up allot, does, than use Soti its in my Sig also, actyually I been using them for myself, and others here that have needed it.. :thumbsup: Sorry been away a couple of days, healthwise..just got my own in Soti in a nick of time.. all clicked..nite all..
  17. Simple rules, respect all, and clicketh on others as thou wishes to be clicked upon, we are a wee family here, and watch out for each other.. Tis easy fill the below form, and either I the Crone Goddess Aeryn or the Maiden Goddess Dezi will officially welcome you..and the clicking will begin.. The first page is in me Sig click on me name Crone Goddess Aeryn a link to first page.. and acquaint yourself a bit.. After the form is filled and your officially welcomed Goddess Dezi will write your name in the records.. :smile: Fill out this form Name: Age: Born: Gender: Reason for joining the Order: Title you wish to be known by: OT yet not..On a personal note being from Éire, I agree with your awareness of the much misunderstood more than just a myth Dragons..To many countries like Ireland and others these creatures were very real powerfully wise beings..Aye!!!! They just passed through the mist like many beings and creatures, who did not like the way the world was heading the way of violence and war..yet between the mist, along with the Sidhe, they still are and can be reached by those who still believe..la
  18. Clicked your eggs...The Crone Goddess Aeryn officially says..Céad Míle Fáilte! (One hundred thousand welcomes!)to the Dragon Order mate..we have but simple rule here in our wee family, respect all, and clicketh unto others as thou wishes to be clicked upon.. Céad míle fáilte(a hundered thousand welcomes) Dragoner.. :biggrin: Goddess Dezi will write your name in the records..also All the rest clicked also..later all !!!!
  19. Clickethed...later all.. @ Crazy Begga I put your wee egg in ER
  20. Ahh the first comment..( Go raibh maith agat) thank you very much, for your comment, you left me me brother..across the short pond..

    Aye the Irish we do love our craic..

    Twas interesting times my generation, aye indeed..it was la..


  21. We have a brood of new ones for clicking.. :thanks: All clicky again..., before I turn into my weird cycle of sleep patterns, if thats what you call it, later all..sleeps days, up till the wee hours o' the morn....ah life in the bog..lolololol
  22. Your new ones are clicked..Welcome back, mate, you were missed!!! :smile:
  23. OK, I and Dezi are the two Goddesses in charge ..The Dragon Cave is essentially a game.. Snatch dragons from the cave, or grab an abandoned one, that someone bred.. Grow them collect one of each gender or more, breed them to get different kinds, read it all at Azir's link, he left for you.. We have created in this corner of the Nexus a place to play that game..Gather dragon eggs, try to get all the different kinds, collect them, breed them for ourselves, and for others.. The clicks and views, feed each other's wee eggs,dragons so they grow...We show off our proud wee ones, and jump for joy, when someone get a rare dragons, its not just about clicking, we have ourselves a wee family here, watch each others back and all.. There is a form, to join our Dragon Order, just fill it out, go catch some eggs with the link, Azir gave you, read there, about, how the game works.. Then if you want to join our Lil family, fill the form, choose your name..and either the Maiden Goddess Dezi or I the Crone Goddess Aeryn will officially accept you,provided you get some eggs, click on others dragons, be nice to one another, click as you want yours to be clicked upon, and grow..and, thats about it, any more Q ask?? We just watch over each other dragons, put them in the ER if they get close to dying which is under 3 days...if someone has checked they accept aide, we watch over each others if someone is away for whatever reasons...its just good craic here..good place to gather, and share this game, in a caring area.. I would be happy to supply you with the form to join the Order of the Dragon and be part of this Lil supportive family here, and our addicting habit of collecting ,caring for and breeding for our own, and others these wee lovely things.. Its our Lil family sharing a 'hobby' game, and for those of us who just love dragons... Does that help some...???? :smile: Clickethed..... I have a new one also..to click.. :thanks:
  24. I thought about meself, but I really don't want want to become what I dislike most Aristocracies that have most often been deformed to hereditary plutocratic systems..I don't mind all the dirty work, but I like behind the scenes better, no sitting on some throne with a crown, on me head..la So meself is out..I chose from a mod....Rhianna, those that know about this awesome goddess companion, who's good, unless someone pisseth her off..Tamerial needs a queen, down with the king long live the Goddess Rhianna..lolololol There is my other favourite Dark Elf companion that would be perfect, neutral, and one bloody good fighter..Neeshka.. My own Dark Elf nature says, it should really be a Dark Elf...why..you may ask .. Well its time the Imperial pigs, ummm gits, feel payback, for what they did to so many races... A Dark Elf with advisor's, one Khajiit, and one Argonian...then lookout Tamerial payback is a real *censored*... :biggrin: ( Bloody'ell I can't believe they censored that word, its not a swear word, over here, on this side of the pond, per se, depends, Tis not the one you think this one begins with a b ends with a r..) Ok. is this better,.payback is a bloody pain in the arse.. To include all ways of life, lets see the Argonian, advisor will be Ocheeva, and the Khajiit, S'krivva and of course,both 'dark' but nice people, all and all..a council if you will.. The Dark Elf will need 'good' advisers also.. Kud-Ei is my favourite person to lend compassion and insight and duty to the mix.. I will of course be standing by me Dark Elf freind, and leader, any Imperial trouble brews, will meet with the end of my sword..la ..make no mistake about it.. Lets just say there will be an advisors for each race the Imperials enslaved and tried to dehumanise.. and that will be the council, so a female Nord, should be there also, aye all, womyn.. right now I can't think of a Nord yet.. There you go my Dark Elf leader and her advisor's..and protecter, me.. @OT Eclipso...Éirinn go Brách!!!!!
  25. All clicked...'specially new ones.. :smile: Have a new one there in me sig to click also.. :thanks: BTW..la..One never can have to many dragons...I have over a hundred now..
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