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Everything posted by Aeryn333

  1. Dezi me love, I know your busy, know I do understand..you know me better than that m'dear.. It was more directed Azir's way, knowing better, to have simply put the eggs in ER and not just annouced they were low, wihch is why I came here and had to save them myself,..that did get under me craw a wee bit aye..la Even you'd in the past here gotten a wee frustrated if it was you..eh la...Eh neither was anyone explaining to Species, when she asked is there more I can do, about the ER, I had to do that also, thats what frustrated me a wee bit.., was just given the link to my eggs..and no explain about,that they needed ER , being under 3 days, not clicks.and how to..obviously she did not know about it, or how to do that.. that I had to expain the how..also..Now you see where I am coming from..m'dear.. Eh its not I felt that that you were not trying hard enough, or not that I did not understand you..you Know I do undersatnd where you are Dez m'luv.. Azir at the moment no I do not undersatnd his action, he said, put accepting aide and he will do it, I did, and he did not, so that aye did get up my nose a wee bit.. ..It was a small thing, that could have taken Azir since he was here, a couple seconds to do..knowing how, and a quick explain to Species that clicking alone did not help ER eggs.. Its Ok sweetie no real harme no foul..I saved them myself, I was lucky I got that mail what would have happened if I did not..I am Irish you know we say withat we feel, and what's on our mind, and their is no blame or anger in me direct speaking..not at all.. Eh like I said not to take it personal was pain/frustartion talking, not blame m'luv..OK.. :wink: Nor you Azir, we plain talk on my side of the pond, without anger or blame, its the Irish, OK, but next time this Irish Crone will put your arse in a sling boyo.. :wink: Now that was Irish humour so take no offence it was harmless..as we say here, we only slag the ones we care about the most..;P @Species( go raibh maith agat:(thank you very much) for the good vibes,cute they are, will do... :thumbsup: all other wee ones available clicked..
  2. Getting low? So we go to her thread and click them? I followed Dimona's link and gave the little ones a hug. Is there anything else we can do? They have 2 days, and 17 hours left! Sorry not been here, but check my e-mail, when I can I have subscribed to this thread, and get at least what people say, when I briefly check my mail each day while I am going through this..Eh I can't sit here long..la @. Azir Big Question.I am surprise at you really, why just annouce it, why did you not just put them in ER, la, you must see if your clickin' them, it says I am accepting help right now.., so why are you announcing it, just put them in Soti ER as I have done for you,and others, when I am here..many times.. :closedeyes: Eh common sense.. Species is new here, explain to her how to do the ER thing, never mind ...Eh bloody'ell I'll explain to Species,she's new to all this, and wants to help, remember how that was, if she still doesn't understand, my explanation, walk her through it, how to put eggs or hatchies in Soti ER(Emergemcy Room) when under 3 DAYS.. [email protected] click on egg, and or hatchie, click on proprieties, and it will show the eggs /hatchies, unique code.,there will be address and then for example Bp4k.gif, just highlight and copy the 4 digit or letter code only,thats all.. click on the Soti, ER link in my Sig, when there just, click on the left, add, then click on last ER button..and copy and paste the eggs/hatchies code..in the small box that appears...for each one the codes, 1 at a time, and enter....all under 3 days..need to go to ER..for they are at risk of dying.. Common mates, I am in allot of pain, and this is not clearing up as fast as I hoped, but thats life with Fibromyalgia, and Sciatica thats flared up right now.. keeping me laid low for now...it takes months of cortisone therapy to get out of this flare up so please be patient.. I shall return!!! You know I care..Just bear with my pain induced complaining today!!! .Now its just the pain talking so please don't anyone take take it personal .you know I care about yous, I am just frusrated.... Eh after all the eggs I have saved here, common mates.....allittle help for the Crone.. EH BTW..never mind no worries I did it meself.. Eh however,I kindly ask please watch my hatchies when they do hatch, I do not know how long I will be laid up, but I am still part of this place, I am still the Crone Goddess and I am asking for a simple thing am I not, to just do for me, what I have done for you all..I'd appreciate it, its more than just clicking as we all know..Its ER when needed.. @Species, not your fault for not knowing how..now you do,la all clicked also..
  3. Our dragons shall indeed walk and fly and play together! We will gladly visit the clouds with you! indeed,we can start the dragon "mile high" club! :whistling: Aye my dragons are in..for a visit to the clouds and some flying about..also,,what they eat is in their definition of each type of dragon also where they sleep, yours gets to sleep on a cloud, but there are so many different kinds, hope you get more..lots more..if you do not want to endlessness search the cave.. I'll breed anything you want for you, I have many many dragons, and some of them are rare..that goes for all for you, Dezi I already bred for, but Queen and the Little Fey anytime just ask I am serious..and I'll put them in your scroll for you, like I did Dez, since my ups and down right now are unpreditable..Crikey.. @Dez eh considering the offers of mutual flight so far , that would be the 'non gender specific mile high club' Aye!!!! :whistling: All Clicked I posted and saw those horrid tombstones again.. :wallbash: Bloody'ell this time its all my fault I said don't put them in ER I am trying to gender them first so what happens to much pain to get out of bed Sun and they all, die again, a second set of twins lost.. :( I am such a eegit..me who's never lost a dragon!!!! Oh dear I'll never get my mate for my other Autumn..Shite... ***edit-lets try this once more.. changed my setting for now, to accept help.My Winters and Summer gave me one more chance...alas no twins, eh like if I go missing a few days, please watch over this batch..will yous..I never want to see tombstones again , it breaks me Irish dragon loving heart.. What must they think of me losing so many of their young of late....me who took such great care of me dragons I so love..to have so many death in a row, is just not me, so until I am me again, give the Crone a hand to keep this last try alive and well.. :thanks:
  4. Eh nice touch blame the wine, for your 'delicate part of the imagination" I'll let you get away with that one, for now.. :biggrin: Eh...stretching it out are we..now of course you don't die, right rigth!!!! So I am not worried, but good one...some nice twist you add for sure....more.... :thumbsup:
  5. Aye she's a beauty fro sure., I knew she ws going to be a she..lovely name :smile: all others clickable dicked..
  6. careful two Godesses and one pure Irish and One half may be more than a mere mortal can handle :biggrin: clicked! aye mere mortals what can we do!!!! :cool: Now go back and read I was adding a holiday reciept for you Dez m'dear, when yous posted, then I hit save and there yous were..geeesh..lololol clicked twice so all clicked out today...what a family you got going Azir..
  7. WOT...Aye it is smooth , and I agree, tis soft and goes down gentle..tis much more popular now in American, its #3 in Ireland with Jameson Irish Whiskey as number one here..in most pubs all over Ireland and UK.. It doesn't get much more Irish than having "Irish" on the label, really. The distillery's history stretches all the way back until 1780..It's triple distilled out of Irish barley, making for a rather sensational taste. However on saying that. For those unfamiliar with it...Tullmore Dew tis a right smooth one for sure, its whiskey flavor is too soft for some tastes, in this hard drinking country.... Yet there are many womyn, or those with more delicate, refined palettes ..that like its smoothness..Tullamore Dew is a mild whiskey tis well-rounded and buttery with sweet spices, warms malts,subtle barley, a clean, smooth taste and rich oak tones throughout the experience. Its finish is super smooth and the complexity of flavours lingers. So aye Amborsia..indeed..hmmmm... The Merry Irishman is a simple but delightful mixed drink, try this one.. 2 parts Tullamore Dew Irish Whiskey 1 part Kahlua 1/2 part mint schnapps candy cane for garnish Build ingredients in a rock glass filled with ice. Garnish and strir with a candy cane. Nice Yule mix..has all of the elements that make you feel warm and cozy. Ahhhhhh, let your hair down anytime, ooh may I join you, turned on the jets, two Goddesses inthe exquisite palace marble lined ....ahhh nice warm mineral water spa...your clothes errr, the ummm leprechauns took them honesnt...tehe.. Anyone want to join us, goddesses only, boyhos, get the grapes and feed thy Godddesses..snap to..... :wink: No, the Irish don't want to rule the world, why when we have heaven round Galway bay..with 40 shades of green..all over...such beauty, She is our Éire..the gateway to Avalon.. However West Cork certainly would like to take its rightful place, and set history straight, take Dublin from its high horse of dillusion....for everyone in their right mind knows Cork really IS the capital of Éire.. Eh as for God creating anything here....Nonsense, that was around long before the God squad show up.. ;) When the Tuatha Dé Danann ruled here and all Éire was one..so long ago.. I have on good authority, me Grans, the Sidhe themselves created it, tis a magickal brew dinna ye know tha' la.. Eh like amidsts the clicking tis what this thread needed a good auld Irish fling..la ***edit will yous stop typing faster than me..lol Rude hardly...more than you can handle definately.. :biggrin: Now yous havta read again I was not fisnished editing..la I was adding my reciept for Dez to try and any one else old enough!!!!! clicked..again
  8. Not exactly 'something', dearheart, twood seem our Dezi is slipping, .loll... :wink: bring that Tullamore Dew, though, well then, I may just forget meself..and bring her to attention..... :cool: all clicked!!! I've never had Tullamore Dew...; might I join you? indeed you may.IMO it's Irelands finest sipping whiskey :biggrin: ( I take after my dad,he won't drink anything but that)! welll I like cognac also :biggrin: Right you are then, our Dezi has good taste..aye you do womon.. :biggrin: Herc course you can join us, if your up to it..bells and all..wherever :whistling: I am being terribly naughty amidst the clicking today.. I have my moments..I am not all serious and wisdom sharing you know, . la..After all I am a Sagg imp at times, a red-haired Irish one at that..I have a mischievous side also..as do all daughters of the Sidhe.. ***edited because others type faster than me.. aye and a bold and open lass is indeed a welcome sight from you my butterfly! :whistling: What the...I step away for a minute, and my banquet has become a festival! Irish liquor, jesters, clicking, and, wait...is that a mermaid belly dancer sitting in my throne? Where did the Leprechaun come from? Ahhhh! What is Dimona doing in my pool? Is that Herc gingling? Calliton, get down from there! Aziraphale, you're not supposed to eat that! Oh forget it...Tullamore Dew? Fill my goblet! Well like eh it all started this way.. I was, bored, happy I was invited to a feast,Goddess only knows its been ages.. that I got any kind of invite..for just doing what I love to do,saving wee dragons.. Eh la, well a feast alone is boring, see I was in allot of pain..Well its my fault really took said prescribed pain killer, mixed with a Murphy's stout, not a wise choice..Eh well, you know here in Éire we love our festivities, we'll make excuses to have one..first thing we knew, the leprechaun followed me here really, it curious what i was up to, knew I needed a laugh,.so its mischief started..Eh you sure you not seeing things, that really was a Sidhe disguised as a leprechaun they like to let them get the blame for their mischief..la.. then it all started.. well the Tullamore dew did the rest, blame Dez.... ;) Next thing we knew, Herc had bells on, Azir joined in, ect ect..and well it, then turned ...into a true Irish celebration..Oh Goddess am I ever in trouble..blame the Sidhe..they are a mischievous lot, la.. Glass filled m'dear and all clicked.. Anything else I can do for you dearheart..except piss my knickers from laughter..long needed and wayyyyyy...overdue..lol Everyone knows Goddesses are in no way boring, but down to earth and never turn their back on some good craic..la..Eh like for you Americans thats good fun.. BTW.. There you have it..that will teach you, never turn your eyes away even for a moment.. Eh like ne'er leave a banquet you started unattended...especially when your quest of honour is from West Cork...la..Eh like also when you know our Dez,is in attendance, between the two of us we can cause much lovely chaos......la :whistling: @ Dezi m'love...twas nice to spread me wings..its been a time..beside I miss taunting and playing with you.. :whistling: PS..my wee owns are under 3 days, but I have my eyes on them DO not put them in ER, I want to give them wee more time and see if they will gender before I stick them in ER..and have instant grown up..For I would like to gift one of them if all turns out well..I just hope my twins gender the way I want them to.,. :thanks:
  9. Not exactly 'something', dearheart, twood seem our Dezi is slipping, .loll... :wink: bring that Tullamore Dew, though, well then, I may just forget meself..and bring her to attention..... :cool: all clicked!!! I've never had Tullamore Dew...; might I join you? indeed you may.IMO it's Irelands finest sipping whiskey :biggrin: ( I take after my dad,he won't drink anything but that)! welll I like cognac also :biggrin: Right you are then, our Dezi has good taste..aye you do womon.. :biggrin: Herc course you can join us, if your up to it..bells and all..wherever :whistling: I am being terribly naughty amidst the clicking today.. I have my moments..I am not all serious and wisdom sharing you know, . la..After all I am a Sagg imp at times, a red-haired Irish one at that..I have a mischievous side also..as do all daughters of the Sidhe.. ***edited because others type faster than me..
  10. Oh Herc...You're like a big bowl of sunshine spilling all over my monitor! http://i575.photobucket.com/albums/ss196/Blackwidow5080/rofl.gif sweet! I must admit also, that really was sweet la!!! Your reply though Species, was a poetic river of interesting imagery for me..lolol Now on with it, cliffhangers geesh....get of the bleedin' pub stool and....... Ah lass, you have the gift of the Bard for sure..Good Chapter words drip from your mouth like honey mixed, with a touch of vinegar, I am intrigued.. you are a walking contradiction,depending on where you are.. which is a compliment BTW.. On saying that, and reading deep, methinks the vinegar is only skin deep... :wink:
  11. Not exactly 'something', dearheart, twood seem our Dezi is slipping, .loll... :wink: bring that Tullamore Dew, though, well then, I may just forget meself..and bring her to attention..... :cool: all clicked!!!
  12. So my prayers have been answered by a goddess? You are indeed heaven sent! I have prepared a banquet for you in my throne room as the guest of honor. well I'll come also,free food..mmm Aye, the wee egg was under 2 days, whoever sees it first here, usually puts in ER, twas me, and glad she hatched..The Crone Goddess is much pleased at your invite..I don't know if heaven sent me, but from Avalon I came..as was needed. :thumbsup: EH as for you my dearest Dez, it wouldn't be a banquet without you to feast on, umm, I mean with.. :whistling:
  13. all clicked @ Queen Tahri I put your wee one in Soti ER anyhting below 3 days needs to go into ER..or they could die...don't want that to happen la @Pagafyr have you wandered into the wrong thread accidentally, or did you want to join the Dragon Order???
  14. Thanks Azir, I'm here such a short time, that I can sit, more worried about getting our newest member set up, I forgot to check my own, ta mate for being on the ball.. :thanks: OK got to go..la lots of new wee ones you have....clicked em all.. everyones clicked...
  15. I just found this, visiting your profile..I don't post much, I am far to misunderstood, to venture here..for I speak another language it seems, from another place in time..and don't quite fit in..yet yours drew me here, as Dezi's writing does, so that is a compliment..la Aye a kudo..for the barring of it all..la Very Celtic like , aye dark macabre twists, made beautiful by the Bard... I will not say wonderful, for tis a meaningless word to me, a word, as many words, easily said, for tis not quite appropriate, for as one who reads between the lines, of creative imagination woven amidst strands of truth, find a beautiful sadness in what you have spewed forth from the depths of ones guts out of the mind's creative reality..aye!!!! Tis Bardic, eh like in all true Bardic tales so profound that reach in an rip out your soul, to silence, for what words can accurately describe, my response..I that see beyond seeing..for with its sad beauty, therein is lined an element of truth.. cleverly hidden.. I who understand Hell as a travelling companion one might say,not welcome, but have learnt much in its playground..as have you..I dare say.. Eh what better catharsis than these games, and what better way to express, than Bardic line, or with song..Tis very Celtic..In the sense of how the Bards pen, or voice, can release, such tragic beauty..and flush it down the ethereal loo so to speak..with its release..I may be all wrong but I doubt it..If I said anything out of place, forgive, consider it my inherent lack of social knowingness..when and what to say, but what i feel, and know..la Like eh, I will only quote the Great Bard and leave this work of soul art with these lines..la Our revels now are ended. These our actors, As I foretold you, were all spirits, and Are melted into air, into thin air: And like the baseless fabric of this vision, The cloud-capp'd tow'rs, the gorgeous palaces, The solemn temples, the great globe itself, Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve, And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff As dreams are made on; and our little life Is rounded with a sleep. (W.Shakespeare)
  16. Céad míle fáilte, tis a common greeting in Ireland we have here la, 'specially here in West Cork...It means a hundred thousand welcomes, or your welcome a hundred thousand times.. Tis said from the heart wee one, sometimes we all feel as fragile as eggs, in life, no matter the age, for many reasons..the secret, is in the support we can find, in this slightly insane world around us..we all need it..la You sound young, yet like a very very old soul..in the way you speak..that is a commpliment..precious, stay gold..la Goddess Dezi and I created this place for those that need a corner to feel safe, also because we love dragons. For me they are more than just creatures of myth, They are an Ancient very real part of our culture and history here in Éire, they are the Wise Old Ones.. Depite this being a game, this dragon collecting, to a few of us, tis more than that, like me..I have 136 dragon babaes now, Eh well they are grown..la Like eh they are still all my wee ones..,of every possible dragon species, and colours, one can get here, except the Vine Dragon, ...Eh like to me they all dwell in a place beyond time and space..like Guardians now, that watch over me...eh I don't particularly care if others think thats a wee bit around the twist, what matters is what's in my soul and what I believe, and I say the same to you, for some reason for which I am not sure..I just flow...la Queen Tahri, child of the Fey/Sidhe, feel safe and at home..again, Céad Míle Fáilte!!!!!! All clicked!!!!!
  17. Fair play to ye...clicked!!! :biggrin: Now I'll share what I do with all who's new here,responsibility, at the Dragon Order, clicketh upon others wee eggs and hatchies, as thou wishes to be clicked upon.. :wink:
  18. M'love you can get a masssive headache that way..Eh bloody'ell I'll join you.. :wallbash: All clicked We're All excited to click your wee one, so please fix her, so we can lovingly click the wee EGG..can't make it any clearer..sweetie..First try it yourself thats important.. Eh like if your still having problems, after that.. and its to much, you told me you got allot going on, PM me your scroll name and password, then I'll fix it for you, and then you can just change your password if you want, you can trust the Crone here la.
  19. Aye it is not, look at the text Azir gave you and just select all in that BBcode box, for forum Sigs it says..copy and paste in your Sig... here I will show you what they look like.. First click on this link, see pic.. affer you click on your egg in your scroll Then copy select all from the second box, says BBcode, for forum Sigs, except yours will have your egg code..and then paste in your Sig above your quotes is best.. . Hope that helps...
  20. I am so happy for you, your dream, was most precious..its grand isn't it riding atop a Dragon in ones dream..and so meaningful your dream..do you know that.. To answer your reply PM, no you can't change the name you choose on your scroll, you would have to make a new one..eh like so glad you joined and found your dream egg..la Eh glad you got your wee precious child now, and we'll help you till that wee one is showing up, as Azir said do that and soon, we'll be able to give clicks of love to the wee one, and warmly welcome you into our Order..Queen Tahri Need anymore help do not be afraid to ask.. Soon as that egg appears Goddess Maiden Dezi will add you to the scroll of members.. Forgive this auld Irish Crone, for thinking such a gentle wee one as you was being sarcastic, about the can you eat a dead egg.. but with my dyslexia, sometimes has me reading others wrong, and that statement was ambigious to me..like we all make mistakes tis part of being humyn , and so is saying sorry..you certainly belong here...I feel it now.. Like I am so glad I listened to my spirit, at last, and not just my stupid impatient pain, however it did get you to open up, so all's not lost,I guess..no harme no foul as we say here.. So glad I PM'd you now, and you replied....for a wee child of the Fey, or Sidhe as we call them here in Ireland, for sure hides somewhere behind Queen Tahri :smile: can't wait to click her meanwhile all else clicked..
  21. Ok la, that's better, to be direct, leaves no doubt..whether your serious trying or being a troll..we had one here once was a real pain..Ok wee one I can help if you really want to join.. If you need help with the Dragon Cave page just ask, be happy to walk you through it..I mean it... OR...Tell me what name you would like to use, and I will set up your page, give you the link to it, in a PM..and then after I do you can then change your password, would you like me to do that for you..????? To join our Dragon Order here..after you get your fiurst egg..First we get you set up at the Drag cave, if you want mwe to help I will..then fill this form out..OK.. Name: Age: Born: Gender: Reason for joining the Order: Submit the Title you wish to be known by:
  22. This is you second post, of a similiar kind.., if you want to join the order click on my name link Crone Goddess Aeryn in my Sig, it goes to the frist page explains everything..read the rules fill out the form.. Can you eat a dead egg!!!,....your subtle sarcasm with the eye roll, did not get by me...listen bohyo , we take our wee dragons serious here.....The Crone Goddess has spoken..either get eggs and join, or....if your going to just troll the thread, and not join, then move along OK...Understand la.. :closedeyes: @Ta Herculine for the kind thoughts.. haven't got the results of the MRI, when I do, I will let yous know..till then its take it easy..good to see you back...All the good vibes my way will be well taken.. :thanks: @Ta also Lord Tenaim.. Could you all click me first egg again,all, I don't believe I'm such a eegit when in pain..put the same egg twice, the other twin, was forgotten, now she or he is there...poor wee thing is not going to get clicks that way, all fixed.. all clicked, be back when I can..
  23. all clicked.. I am going to try again, any help would be appreciated, since I am up and down, but if I don't get my Autumn, soon, I'll miss it again for another year, my Autumn has been waiting for her mate over a year. Creudylad my Spring and Taliesin my Gold gave me twins, Aye the Goddess was good I have another set of twins, and caught the second one, immediate after lucky...So I am hoping from the twins, my Autumn Bethag will finally get her mate..an perchance a daughter also..from her breeding..with Merlin another gold.. So eh once again, I am hopeing since I am still up and down, that till I am back fully if you see one of mine getting low and I haven't caught it, please you have my permission despite what my scroll says to put them in Soti ER, link in my Sig..... :thanks:
  24. I am so sorry my love,my heart aches.I offer no excuses as to why other than to say I have failed you and that indeed saddens me. I am quilty of neglecting my duties,my topic and perhaps your friendship as well.I hope you recover and can find it in your heart to forgive me.As A goddess I take full blame and no one else,no one. Off Topic and OT Listen Dez...perhaps business, the hurriedness of lifes demands, does make others forget, the important things in life..love and true friendship is all we take wkth us, and all that is of value in this life..and the kindness we show one another.. Eh like though it takes guts to admit, what yopu did..proud of you, you have a kind heart when you slow down and look at it.. to which I appreciate..Eh then you been sick also, and recovering..so I do not see it as your fault..la Eh it is the many others we have helped I expected more from..as for forgive, that is easy m'love, i hold no hard feelings in my heart how could I our souls, are tied in some way..Eh once my love is given takes allot more than that to lose it.. you are important part of my life, let us just not forget that..nothign to forgive..Life is to short to harbour feelings guilt or blame..la This is for all., what has been given to one, take the time, to give it back, and the reward is great inside..aye it is.. No blame is necessary, no harme no foul..to you either Azir.. :wink: clicked all that was clickable.. @CrazzyBegga put your wee egg in Soti it was at 40 minutes so hope I got it in time..la
  25. I had my MRI and am in much pain, will be gone aliitle longer.. I am sad, and disapointed, to see, that all my hatchies are dead, why did not someone put them in ER for me..I have done so with every member here.and saved many wee ones for others...yet I come back and all mine are dead... I gave permission, in my post to ignore my do not help when I am this sick..My first set of twins died..none could be revived.. I am not angry I am just sad, that what I have done for all here, the many I have put in ER for others, could not be done for me.. ..I have limited time until this is fully treated to be on my feet or sitting long , so be back whenever...Not feeling part anymore right now..depsite pain.. Yet All clicked... I do have to say..Right now..I feel unimportant for sure, for words are nice, but actions say much more.. :confused: @Azir I put your eggs in ER..
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