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Status Updates posted by Aeryn333

  1. Herculine you made me chuckle your comment..Our

    Dezi loves compliments.. and she is one sexy luscious womon..

    If I was younger, oh if only..lolloll

    love you Dez!!!!

  2. Thanks for the shout out..Waving over the waves to you also..
  3. More help with what???

    Aye this site is the bomb tisn't it!!

  4. ...pond..

    Once you get inside, though its loyalty, lifetime freinds, as it is here..:)

    (long winded it cut me post in halk sorry!!!!!)

  5. You said.."Thank you, Irish know how to have fun the English to moan"

    Ah me best mate is there in the Midlands..

    Its the Brit stiff upper lip, keep it in the head its the English way!!!

    Whereas the Irish wear their hearts on their sleaves, thats all..

    Cut yourselves a break..;)

    My best mate only moans about the weather, as we all do on this side of the

  6. Ahh the first comment..( Go raibh maith agat) thank you very much, for your comment, you left me me brother..across the short pond..

    Aye the Irish we do love our craic..

    Twas interesting times my generation, aye indeed..it was la..


  7. * Aeryn sends love right back to you Sister*
  8. Hanging in there la.. so happy when I read yours and Malachi's posts..

    Love to ye both, think of you, allot, don't post much these days, but a few places,where I feel safe..

    Like, I love your posts, they make me smile, knowing you two are still so in love..Stay gold you two..

    Your favourite Fey

  9. Eh, Sister sorry it took time to see your comment, I was detained unwillingly so..

    good to hear from you..:)

  10. Ta mate, and done..
  11. I am so sorry dear Carah for missing BD.You were born on Imbolic how gas is that..

    Now you can see how much I am just not here, on main site at all.. just with dragons..

    Your still loved though dear heart..

    Ne'er forgot in me heart..Luv and Kisses

  12. Miss you too..love

    Not ready to come fully back yet..Time!!!

  13. Very happy Yule Duncan...*smile*
  14. Have a Blessed Holiday both yous..love ya!!!
  15. Have a BLESSED

    Yule Sister..

  16. Happy Yultide love
  17. Must you ask sexy..Of course I do, I been waiting..
  18. Use your imagination love.

    Its there..

    Now........Well!!!!what are ye waiting for. la

  19. Getting there love..do love the avatar also..
  20. And I you Dez, till stars shine no more..Love you precious...


  21. ...merry part, and merry meet again..dear Sister!!
  22. gandalftw thanks for the wishes..mo chara!!
  23. Goddess its getting crowded in this bed!!!!!

    Can we take a stroll down by the water, la..

  24. Well said sister!!

    You are not alone here!!!


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