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Status Updates posted by Aeryn333

  1. I just want to say Go raibh maith agat (thank you very much, for how quickly you resolve problems, and how good you take care of your members..

    Kudo's mate!!!

  2. Ducan were those pics of the spell enough..let me know..??

    Dani, Dezi you two are incorrigible bad girls...hmm I like bad girls.. ;)

  3. Love ya brother!!!!

    Keep the faith, and have courage..our day will come!!!

  4. Eh Dani, do we get to share her..;).hahaha!!!

    Lisn right boys she's ours...

    Love ya Dezi kiss kiss!!

  5. Not yet my birthday Gandalf your a month early..I am a proud Sagg..but thanks for the thought..Now Dec 5th you'll

    have to do it again ;)

  6. Have a Blessed All Hollows Eve..love..hugs and kisses.la
  7. Was'up duck..

    How's the sexiest gal here?

  8. Eh there yourself..la

    I am hanging in there seeing how the chips fall now..

  9. hey yourself you sexy thing you..
  10. Go raibh maith agat( thank you very much) for your comment la
  11. There is a auld Irish proverb

    "Aithníonn ciaróg ciaróg eile"

    ("One beetle recognises another")

  12. Got your comment thanks Duncan..Miss you too..just got back from the states, family crisies..me ma is there..

    I been there..

    just got back home...thanks for asking..hope your doing well..

  13. Got your comment, miss you dear Sidhe. lots of hugs and stuff..Did you like my gift I told Mos give you, and did he do it right..;)
  14. hugs and kisses right back at you..la
  15. Miss you me other Fey!!!!
  16. aww I love honey too..tis sweet, thats true, but not as sweet as you. la
  17. Nice new photo, I always cover ones mouth, so I can foucus.. and just look at the eyes, beautiful eyes..Dez..

    As me wise Grans said they are the windows of the soul..True!!!!

  18. Amazonians

    Revenge, was there with you on that one..No words..

    Poetry beautiful with a hint of bardic longing.

    Special person, is all I can say..no English words would do justice..

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