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Everything posted by TangerineDog

  1. So GameTime will look at in game time, but RegisterForUpdate() will see how much real life time was spent outside of menus?
  2. I noticed that when I set a timer to, say, 0.4, it always ends up registering at something like 0.3993 or 0.4113, never at 0.4 exactly. Which kinda bums some of my scripts. So how exact is game time? How can I set a timer that runs 0.4 hours exactly - and can I do it at all?
  3. The wiki says that RegisterForUpdate() does not count the time you spend in a menu. Now does waiting or sleeping count as a menu? Because when I set a timer for RegisterForSingleUpdateGameTime() and wait, it immediately updates when I'm done waiting!
  4. I think this is it. This script - I'm yet to test it - should always raise HungerCount by at least 1. Also, it will, if the last update happened before a full multiple of the set timer had been reached, set the next timer for the amount of time that still was on the timer. It will do that by updating the time waited that's been determined by the floor-command. If the floor, however, had to knock a part of the set timer down, then the timer will be set for that fraction. If the knocked down fraction was 0 - which is the case if teh timer was not interrupted - then the timer is set as usual. Here it is: Edit: Just tested it - success!
  5. I did. I have a clean save I test all the scripts on, the mods are 100% new every time. Could it have something to do with the value the global should be set to being a variable, not a fixed integer? Edit: Nope, just tried setting MyMultiplier to 7 instead of using math.floor((NewTime-OldTime)/TimeFloatThing) and it worked fine. Something is wrong with this line: math.floor((NewTime-OldTime)/TimeFloatThing) Edit 2: waiting a day does something. I think I'll need to figure out what values NewTime and OldTime give, maybe their floor ends up being 0 if I wait less than half a day... I'm using pHourstoWait in my main script and have set it to 0.4, so that HungerCount increases by 1 point every 0.4 hours for a total of 45 points over 24 hours, so (NewTime-OldTime) gets divided by 0.4. If it happens to be less than 0.4, the floor would be 0. I'll write something up that shows me the exact value... And Edit 3: yep, that's it! I just waited for 3 hours and it got me 0.29something. Now I'll try to come up with some workaround... Last Edit: math.floor((NewTime*24-OldTime*24)/TimeFloatThing) That way, it's completely based around hours and one hours passed - the smallest possible time to wait - nets 2,5. So far, so good. Unfortunately, hat means that a lot of time is still gonna go unnoticed.
  6. After looking up what floor does, I, too, see the logic behind that approach. I've worked it into my script like this: but unfortunately it doesn't change the TimeCount at all. Also tried it with my other script - doesn't change the global there either.
  7. I've got a script that's based on doing something and setting a new timer every time said timer runs out. Unfortunately, the command I'm using doesn't register the time you wait or sleep. Is there a similar command that takes the time you wait and sleep into account?
  8. Location, location, location! Seriously though, take a look at the PlayerSleepQuestScript (In the scripts.7z-archive, if you haven't unpacked it already) It's a script that runs every time you wake up and checks is the location you're in has a certain keyword. If so, you get the well rested-perk. It's just that the script uses the event OnSleepStop, and I don't know if there is an event like OnSItStop, so shrine-style seems like a good idea. All you need then is to create an activator object that uses the TempleBlessingScript - you can just duplicate a shrine, give it a bench-mesh, name it bench and, in the properties of teh script, change whatever blessing it gives to your spell. Voilà, a bench that, upon activation, gives you the blessing of... sweating?
  9. It does list them alphabetically, but as I said, the game doesn't give a damn about what the ck lists :( No, I was not, no, I do not and hell yes, I will! Thank you!
  10. This is the full error text, the script is still the same.
  11. I've created a character in game and would like to make her a preset. It's just that, for example, the fourth possible nose (yes, counting the first one that's selected when you haven't moved the slider) in the race menu is not the one the creation kit lists as the fourth nose - I'm not talking about Nosetype 4 either, I'm talking about the fourth nose in the Character Gen Morph tab's drop down menu. I even tried to just change eyes, nose and mouth of a preset in game, and recreating these changes in the ck results in a completely different character! So why is the fourth nose from the drop down list not the fourth nose in the game?
  12. One endif is replaced by the elseif in the middle - that's fine in theory, right?
  13. To make sure the solution is easier to find for anyone having the same problem, I've started another thread here. I've narrowed it down to the use of many if-contitions within another. It doesn't compile, claiming that there's type mismatch on position 1 in every one of the lines contaiing the innermost if-statements.
  14. In one of my scripts, I put a conditional statement inside another conditional statement. No problems there. But in this scirpt, there's an if in an if in an if and it won't compile. When I reduce the ifs to one conditional statement within another, it works, but adding a third one breaks the script every time. Why?
  15. Outside of SKSE, no idea. I'll play it safe and do the 20 effects then. Thank you! Also, can you spot the error in this script? I'm trying to find out what's wrong with my if-else-statements, but from what I gather from the wiki, they're not wrong... :(
  16. I absolutely second that - I miss a like-button or something, like other forums use. I'll get on that asap - I should have had the idea to set the reduction amount in the properties myself, considering that I'd done the same thing an hour before with another script... Thank you! You don't hapen to know how a script might be able to check the given magnitude of a spell? Edit: there is a way. It needs SKSE though. I'd rather script the mod for Oldrim and port to SE without having to hope that the SKSE Alpha will do what I want it to...
  17. So Script A would set HungerCountGV to the current value of HungerCount, but when I change the value of HungerCountGV in another script, won't Script A always just override those changes as soon as it runs again? Can't I just make HungerCount a global variable in my first script without basically using another variable to set its value? Edit: Turns out I can. The next problem is to not only have another script read and mod it, but also to have that script modify the global value by the amount I give the corresponding magical effect. Like healig potions use the same effect and you set the exact amount of health they give by adding the same effect to them and entering different magnitudes of that effect for each potion. Which might well be impossible. In that case, it would be 20 scripts reading the global value and modding it by 20 different values. And every food item would need one of those effects depending on how saturating it should be... aaw man, I hope there's an easy way to do this...
  18. Thanks, that's what I got, too. With that script, I can set both time and required HungerCount value in the CK. Now I'll try and see if another script can read and change the HungerCount value...
  19. I'm running this script as a magic effect. Now I want to add checks to it that make things happen when HungerCount reaches certain values. How can I make the script check the current value of HungerCount?
  20. Particularly, I'm trying to make Flame Atronach armor that uses both the actual 'armor' parts as well as the flame effects to cover the exposed skin areas - I want the cool flame effects, no 90%-nudity... Unofrtunately, he Atronach uses nodes that don't even exist on armor sets and vice versa. Is there a way to use Nifskope to accomplish the conversion of the Atronach's body to armor?
  21. Thanks, I'm working through that, but I still can't figure out how to transfer it to my problem. I'm still stuck at the point where I need to finish the first script - the one that sets in at some point (need to figure out how to do that, too) and: -establishes the variable HungerCount -raises that variable by 1 every float value of pHoursToWait I'll set in the CK. After that, each food item will have an effect with a certain magnitude that lowers the variable HungerCount by that very magnitude. I'm just too green to know how to establish HungerCount in the first place. Edit: This, added to a magic effect used on a scroll, starts the hunger upon use of the scroll, but it only lasts for the time the scroll' effect lasts. Working on that. Edit 2: The above script is now part of a constant effect I added to a spell. The scroll now uses a different scripted effect, one that simply adds the spell to the player. Debug Messages prove that adding the spell, the start of the spell and the constant updating work liek a charm. So far, so good. I just ran into another problem, but I'll open another thread for that. Thank you!!
  22. I'm still trying to fgure that out - basically, I need one script to continually raise x and one that, upon consumption of a food item, reduces x by a number specified for every single food item. So... I guess an actor value would work. Or... no, not yet knowledgeable enough to make any guessing worthwile...
  23. I'm trying to make a script that sets a variable one point higher, sets a timer and, when that timer runs out, repeats the whole process. I'm clear on how to make the timer, but I don't know how to declare the variable and what command makes the script set it to its current value +1. Could you please help me out?
  24. I'm trying to copy the contents of an interior cell, a house, to be precise, and add it to another house. The important bits of the pasted house, floor and walls, don't line up with the grid however - they've got coordinates like z=512,4991. Is there a way to set the snap to grid-values to a decimal digit? Then I could just move the whole thing down by 0,4991 and the floor would align with the grid nicely.
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