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Everything posted by Shadiva

  1. Heyo Zelion You anything in Blade and Soul nowdayes?
    1. zelieon


      nope...im play tera..xD

      na server

  2. Yoooooooooooo
  3. Visiting to say Hi Hi ! :P
    1. Heinz9


      I know I'm late, but Hello to you too!
    2. Shadiva


      haha Nemos problems :D
    3. Heinz9
  4. Hi there my dark prince in rags ;)
  5. Ha en sweet helg giiiiirl!
  6. Stoping by to say Hi :)
    1. kowalski99


      Haha,it's true?!Hi 2 u too.;)
    2. Shadiva


      You like the new look? starting to get used to it now, realy liked the old one so is a slow learning hehe ;)
  7. Just wisiting to say Hi there :D
    1. ReizenEndler


      LOL Hi sister, alright with you? =)
    2. Shadiva


      :P Hi hi there :D yaeh everything is sweet! soon spring here so imma happy :D soon i can take out my summer car and everything will be so SWAG :D what you been up to my friend? =)
  8. Thanks for al the comments btw sorry i havent seen them till now, been besy with other things and have totally missed them, :)
  9. Sorry Suechan dident notice you commented, dont remember if there was a chest, but you can always do the command Help Qipao 4 then use the ID you get from it to writhe in command again like this player.additem xxxxxxxxxx 1 (x is ID of Qipao iteams and 1 is how many you want,) good luck and jsut ask again and i'll help you more if needed :)
  10. Yeah might add some new pics, have several :)
  11. Just dropping by and wanna let you know ;)
  12. I'm not a bro, :tongue: but have you done a re-validation of your steam cache? Verify integrity of game cache Load SteamFrom the Library section, right-click on the game and select Properties from the menu.Select the Local files tab and click the Verify integrity of game cache... button.Steam will verify the game's files - this process may take several minutes.Once the process is completed, the Check Window will automatically exit.
  13. They prolly just wanna do a world release of them togheter, i would chill if i was you, it will come :biggrin: Myself think it's a wonderfull RPG, much better then avarage in my taste, cant realy say the interest is decreasing, would more say it is increasing, the mods are getting more and more, and the quality of the mods are getting so much better, give it a try again in some months and you will probably like it better :thumbsup: Chive on mate!
  14. Yoo! :biggrin: That is Tera Armor aint it from "Tera armors cellection"? some fixes have been made with those armors for varius reasens, it's importent you instead post these pic's to the mod uploader, so any fixes can be made, as it is the glove that cant be seen rather then the hand itself (coved by the glove) hope it will get solved, are you btw running latest Skyrim?
  15. Sent pm to you
  16. Sorry my friend, totally missed you commented on one of my pictures!
  17. Yoo! :biggrin: Perhaps this mod is what you want Better Dynamic Snow by SparrowPrince and Brumbek http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/10383 hope this helps you!
  18. Hello my shining knight in rags! :D
  19. Then try this guide for optimizing your card, perhaps it will help you :blush: http://www.geforce.com/optimize/guides/the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim-tweak-guide#1
  20. Yoo! had a problem with AMD drivers awhile bak, and it was the driver itself not skyrim, the shadows was flickering. Have you recentley updated your drivers? if so you will need to install an older one and waith for fix from Nvidia
  21. A happy new year to you too my friend! /blow kiss
  22. haha Ja det gör inget :D
  23. Have a nice new year! :D
  24. Gott nytt år! :D
  25. Happy new year! =)
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