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Everything posted by Shadiva

  1. Yeah try after you uninstalled SKSE and Moonpath to Verify integrity of game cache Load SteamFrom the Library section, right-click on the game and select Properties from the menu.Select the Local files tab and click the Verify integrity of game cache... button.Steam will verify the game's files - this process may take several minutes.Once the process is completed, the Check Window will automatically exit. rebot and install SKSE first, then Moonpath, rebot again and we'll see how it works after that :thumbsup:
  2. Oh sweet, say hello from Sweden for me haha have fun :)
  3. Oh super sweet! glad it worked out for you :biggrin: there is also this Skyrim Flora Overhaul by vurt http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/141 makes the flora look totally awsome, i strongly recommend it if your PC can handle the extra FPS
  4. Everyone check out this new product, its gonna change your life "Hands Commercial" (Jon Lajoie) its the future! :P
    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Shadiva


      Ja Mouse T var sköna på sin tid, precis som Basement Jaxx


      Where's your Head at



      now that realy makes me wanna dance! realy got that hardcore feeling about it, hm nu blev det på engelska.. haha orkar inte ändra, det får bli Svenglish!

      gör inget om jag är lite yngre kroppsligt :P men kan inte säga jag är speciellt vuxen i huvudet heller hehe

      känns tråkigt, bättre att ha kul istället :D

    3. Mekii


      Precis, fast maj, ibland så måste man ju vara lite vuxen även fast man inte vill -.- Som nu t.ex. nu ska jag vara jätte tråk och gå och lägga mig. xD
    4. Shadiva


      Ja s*** va trött man blev, gick o la mig med hehe ;D
  5. Are you using any ENB? perhaps the lightning from that ENB is strange, do you have any face mods installed?
  6. Have a happy friday at your friend!
  7. The new Youtube is fugly! Where is the style? did i just make a visit to the hospital? with a big screen, there is a white wal infront of me = Sad Panda (~`.´~) In the spirit of mods here on Nexus, it should totally be customized with your own liking on it and style, "Your Youtube" i want it black got damit >.<
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shadiva


      Aye sure is, did a survey post for it, as i totally dislike the change on the video "expand" option, now there is only plain white and no dark around the video at al, i seriusly cant watch it without full-screen now for al the white it does, so then it loses the point at looking at other things when hearing good music, as in full-screen that is abit hard ;)
    3. tredmillion


      there's a survey? wow i wish i knew that before lol i'dve taken it ages ago :P


      oh and if u use chrome get an extension called "turn the lights out"....darkens webpage around the video! (u can probabl get it for firefox too if u use that :) )

    4. Shadiva


      Ah thanks! gonna do a search for it on Firefox then, thanks!
  8. haha Yeah its friday! enjoy wee!
  9. and try out this mod, perhaps its more complete in it's textures, but probably not the fault here Possibly The Most Realistic Rocks and Mountains in Skyrim 8k 4k 2k and 1k Versions by Benjamin318 http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/27813
  10. Have also heard of several with that problem with Moonpath, dident see any patches of any cind on the mod site, just files for diffrent install if there was a problem related to that and dialoge files try asking at the mod itself http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/9782 Whats specs do your PC have? its a heavy mod with 2K textures, your crashes could be of your PC not being able to handle it
  11. Try Re-validate your steam cache Load SteamFrom the Library section, right-click on the game and select Properties from the menu.Select the Local files tab and click the Verify integrity of game cache... button.Steam will verify the game's files - this process may take several minutes.Once the process is completed, the Check Window will automatically exit.that should detect the missing textures
  12. Sounds more like it is conflicting with some other mod you have installed, what mods are you using? :)
  13. Yoo yoo! Perhaps this mod can change it: Brown Mountains and Rocks by MannyGT http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/23870 hope it is of any use to you and solves your problem and adding some prettiness at the same time :biggrin:
  14. I know someone that hade problem with Claralux and yours seems outdated: CLARALUX - More and Brighter Lights.esm Active Note: Obsolete. Update to the latest version. you wrothe you deleted mods, did you manualy delete them inside the Skyrim folder or just in the NMM? manually is always the best when having a problem, as some mods cant be completely un-installed Do you have any save that dont use Claralux after you un-installed it fully, it help cheking on that save if it worked 6. Deleting mods. If I start with vanilla, its stable, but trying to delete mods one by one didnt show culprit. you havent tryed installing one by one after it to see wich was the fault??
  15. Ah well 15mb Save is nice nice! no problem there atleast, i'll chek in tomorow late evening again and see how it goes for you :thumbsup: Chive on!
  16. Yeah np my friend, but gonna logg now for need some sleep before i having dinner with my workfriends tomorow, so sending this link for you to Betsoft Forums, for in this case, the more chefs the better! :laugh: http://forums.bethsoft.com/forum/180-pc/ will be bak tomorow late evening to see how it goes for you :blush: Chive on my friend!
  17. Sorry dident notice you edited your previus answer, make new one instead, you wrothe you dident have any mods installed, so you have never had any mods installed on your current Skyrim? like ENB perhaps an ENB thats making the light glitch, i am realy out fishing here, but cant think its your grafic driver either, as its normal in 3rd view, have you tryed zoom in on your char in 3rd and see if there is something strange about the spell/s? its strange it only affects first person view
  18. Well then its probably not your Hardware atleast, and only Skyrim itself, try re-validate first, might be files missing for you, therefor the strange lightbugg
  19. have you this installed too SKSE http://skse.silverlock.org/ But if you have much CTD's it's probably one of your mods making it, perahps outdated or a conflict, try disable half of it and still there activate it again and disable the other half then activate one by one What are you Save size? with many mods, they tend to get big and you end up with Save blout Edit: just notiched, you need a better CPU as asdgora wrothe, it bottlenecks your system
  20. Skyrim update itself when online of Steam, selfupdate, Ah i see, then perhaps i re-validation on Steam can solve it, if it happened after you updated steam, Verify integrity of game cache Load SteamFrom the Library section, right-click on the game and select Properties from the menu.Select the Local files tab and click the Verify integrity of game cache... button.Steam will verify the game's files - this process may take several minutes.Once the process is completed, the Check Window will automatically exit.
  21. Do so my friend, it's fun fun :)
  22. You can give your char LIFE! haha i realy makes your char more alive, as she/he looks now when someone is talking to them or if there is a torch on the wal, she will look at it, corpses too, behead someone and look on it :P even diffrent face expreactions, will look happy when looking on the follower, and angry at the attacker! is fully customiseble :)
  23. Yo yo! Is it vanilla spells your using? and no other spell mod instaled? Is your game up to date?
  24. You dont have any other Robe changing modd instaled/have had instaled? realy sounds like there is another mod that conflicts with Tribunal Robes
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