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Everything posted by Shadiva

  1. haha aww so süß du bist :)
  2. Happy Christmas my dear friend!
  3. God jul vännen, hoppas du får en bra jul :)
  4. Happy christmas my friend :)
  5. Merīkurisumasu watashi no yūjin hope your dreams come true!
  6. Yoo! :biggrin: there is the Mounted Followers by voidtarget http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/12175 Not sure though how it works with skyrim 1.8 and on, as it was last updated 27 april 2012, but give it a try if you want :thumbsup: happy moding and have a nice weekend, Happy christmas! :dance:
  7. Think it is the fourm picture uploader site that is wierd, making it impossible to post the links i try to post, :( was such a cool picture though, having a party in Tera Online haha a realy big bunch of ppl, having a blast :D will try to poast again later and see if it works :)
  8. Np np! fun to watch stuff like that :))
  9. Dont think it is possible to mix unless you have the same program that made them and mix the 2 voice files togheter in it, would probably be a very tidius work too, but i am only guessing here try do a search on the voice BSA files for diffrent programs, and try this mod Voice file extractor by Agnahim http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/950 and also ask in that comment section for better ppl wich will probably be of a lot more help then me. :thumbsup: Not sure what's supposed to happen at the end of that Quest line, havent done it as the Academy never realy interested me much, i'm more of a pure 2h fighting style with no magic using at al but will probably do them later for the fun of it. :biggrin:
  10. This comes from the Fallout: New Vegas Wiki http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Talk:Fallout:_New_Vegas_armor_and_clothing#Armor_weight_vs._Character_speed "Armor weight affects speed noticeably - the heavier the Courier's armor, the slower s/he moves. Is there any specific statistics for that? Does it depend on armor class (light/medium/heavy), on the weight of armor itself, or maybe on DT? Its only noticeable if you have travel light, otherwise there is no easily discernible difference between combat armor and power armor, if one even exists. I can't tell a difference between equipping combat armor, leather armor or power armor without the travel light perk being selected. I can tell a difference with one-handed versus two-handed weapons but not armor." hope that comment was of help
  11. Oh sorry my mate, totally missed i was on the New Vegas mod talk, though i was on the Skyrim one, then i dont know, if there is any change, sorry for the comments!
  12. Have you also changed her in Creation Kitt? perhaps it would work better, i am not that familier with CK but you should be able to change it there, and perhaps a save in CK will be more effective, or atleast you can see in the NPC info if there is anything thats diffrent then the other NPC's as you wrothe it worked on others but not Mirabelle i am only guessing here but i hope it will help you :blush:
  13. Yoo Yoo! This is an answer to question 2 Think this mod will do the trick, 1st Person Camera Height Change - T3nd0s Skyrim Redone Compatible by Sevroth http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/22182 and it comes with a tutoriel on how to make a custom size of your own in it :thumbsup: i have been searching the net for console commands for Q1, but havent found any yet
  14. Yoo! Did you remember to instal everything with Administrative rights? perhaps somethis as simple as that?
  15. 2 super nice songs i think you realy will like, it makes your heart wanna fly out to the open space! enjoy my friend :D

    enjoy! :D

  16. haha YesBox, just did, dident notice you edited it several days ago :D
  17. haha So true! =D
  18. Fun that you noticed me adding new screenshots btw :)
  19. Thank you my friend, yaeh uploaded some new screenshots for a friend, and i hope he likes them, thanks the same! have a sweet continue of the weekend you too! :D
  20. Could be something with your skyrim then, rather then your saves, have you checked the validation of your steam cache files? Verify integrity of game cache Load SteamFrom the Library section, right-click on the game and select Properties from the menu.Select the Local files tab and click the Verify integrity of game cache... button.Steam will verify the game's files - this process may take several minutes.Once the process is completed, the Check Window will automatically exit.
  21. Yoo! Thats a very nasty problem you have there, you wrothe any of the old saves dont work, how about a new game, does that work at al?
  22. Perhaps there is a trap behind the trap! for i knew you would use the first trap so i needed to set up another trap and TRAP you!
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