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Posts posted by Shadiva

  1. I'm not a bro, :tongue:


    but have you done a re-validation of your steam cache?



    Verify integrity of game cache

    1. Load Steam
    2. From the Library section, right-click on the game and select Properties from the menu.
    3. Select the Local files tab and click the Verify integrity of game cache... button.
    4. Steam will verify the game's files - this process may take several minutes.
    5. Once the process is completed, the Check Window will automatically exit.

  2. They prolly just wanna do a world release of them togheter, i would chill if i was you, it will come :biggrin:


    Myself think it's a wonderfull RPG, much better then avarage in my taste,



    cant realy say the interest is decreasing, would more say it is increasing, the mods are getting more and more, and the quality of the mods are getting so much better,

    give it a try again in some months and you will probably like it better :thumbsup:



    Chive on mate!

  3. Yoo! :biggrin:


    That is Tera Armor aint it from "Tera armors cellection"? some fixes have been made with those armors for varius reasens, it's importent you instead post these pic's to the mod uploader, so any fixes can be made, as it is the glove that cant be seen rather then the hand itself (coved by the glove)


    hope it will get solved, are you btw running latest Skyrim?

  4. Would like to contribute with my thanks too, :biggrin:


    Thank you NMM Staff! :wub:



    Have been working very nice for me too, never had any problem with it, if installed with Admin rights, there usaly never is.

    Would have been a real pain to install it al manuelly ;D

  5. Funny idea, would look awsome, in movies it looks so fun to ride them, but perhaps the "bounch" is hard to make, as they bounch a lot,

    might be easier with a comprimise making it more still in the running animation, no idea, not experiansed with that sort of moding


    fun idea! :thumbsup:


    Happy new year!

  6. For the scythes you can always writhe in the Console


    Help Scythe 4




    Help "Scythe of death" 4


    and you will be shown the id's of that/those iteams,




    Player.additem iteamnumber 1




    Player.additem 0a444435 1


    nr 1 in the end is for how many you want to add



    i hope this will help one of your problems :thumbsup:


    happy moding and happy new year!

  7. Then it would be best to contact the SKSE team

    as that would be the best next step

    if by chance it gets solved, pls writhe in what fixed it on this tread, what works and dont is valuable to know :thumbsup:


    *Taken from there site*

    Contact the SKSE Team

    Before contacting us, make sure that your game launches properly without SKSE first. Also, attach skse.log, skse_loader.log, and skse_steam_loader.log to any support requests.


    Entire Team

    Send email to team [at] skse [dot] silverlock [dot] org


    Ian (ianpatt)

    Send email to ianpatt+skse [at] gmail [dot] com


    Stephen (behippo)

    Send email to gamer [at] silverlock [dot] org




  8. Sweet! yeah CTD's and freezing is the worst! hade some in my past in Skyrim, and usaly takes houers to fix, and i hate it!! :biggrin:


    Do you know anything in partuculer what you did to fix your type of issue? always nice to enlighten the community :thumbsup:

    fun that Nexus is of help to you! we al love to help you my friend,



    Happy moding and happy new year! :wub:

  9. I have been on other treads with the same problem, but dont remember what we did there, but there are some mods out there like the Possessive Corpse

    and mostly mods with scripts are the ones cuasing the save bloats,


    try do some searching on Save size, i am doing that atm too



    perhaps this tread will enlighten you


    http://www.gamefaqs....skyrim/61388127 :thumbsup:




    Edit: my saves is at 7.30 - 7.80mb dont know where the 17mb came from,

  10. Wich ENB 113 - 119 etc, is usaly mentioned on the Nexus ENB mods, wich one they were made for, some need an exact version like Cinematically Realistic ENB is at it latest version made for v0.122

    and the version i am using is made for v0.117 but i am using the v0.119 instead, for some better presets and more advanced feuteres that was added in that one, and i am myself later changing it to my liking,


    but you need both, to get it working it dont matter wich one you choose, just that you have anyone from Boris site, then one from Nexus, mostly for some nexus ENB's using the DLL grafic file from Boris,



    here is the link to the ENb i am using on Nexus,




    on the download page, you see wich version of the mod that is used to wich Boris ENBseries

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