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Posts posted by Shadiva

  1. Yoo! :biggrin:


    And your Skyrim is above as the Open Citys says? sorry for tardy question perhaps,


    i would guess Open citys here, try un-installing it completley, first manually, then uncheck it in NMM



    Your system spec arent the best, but i dont see why there would be a problem with them to run it the mods you are using, besides Open Citys, as the game need to load al the citys too and not only the landscapes

    Hope this will help you



    Edit: shite, thats a lot of mods your using for that system of yours, saw some HD textures and such, you should Download FRAPS to see what FPS you have when you will have it running again to see how your system handles it


    now are you realy using them al? makes it impossible for us to say wich one, only things so far we can say is are everyone up to date and ar al of them for Skyrim 1.8 not al is, they need an update for 1.8 first and some mods havent been updated for verius cuases on Nexus, like the creator arent online anymore for it, if it isent Open citys, it might be

    "Birdsofskyrim" some have had a problem with that, though they have not fully believed it to be the cuase, but atleast it is a start for you to un-install from al your mods


    good luck :thumbsup:

  2. Yes a sound idea! it gets hard for everyone like that, not being able to see the results, even if it dident work / did work, we still need the info to get the best possible solution :thumbsup:



    That's certainly worth a go.


    thanks for the suggestion. I will make sure I post the solution if I come across it. I hate it when people don't do that.

  3. Okey, thanks for the info, have only done minor changes to my ENB's and the changes was to get it lower, so i probably dident notice anything strange then, thanks for info



    @ Shadiva - just read your post that you submitted while I was typing my one.

    You can change ColorPow and you will get a lot less color and make it also darker the same time, if im not remebering it wrong, been a while sins i moded on my ENB's

    you will also likley have to adjust direktlightning at verius directions, but think the ColorPow is that you seek here,

    try it out and let me know how it goes

    The Colour Power option isn't really directly intended for brightness and / or contrast adjustments, it's just primarily a saturation technique. Admittedly you can change the colour power setting to say 1.5 and it'll make things darker, but only by manipulating the image, and manipulation is something that's ideally completely avoided at all costs as it normally bring comprimises if not errors to the settings. The nearer to 1.0 you can get, the better everything else is setup.

  4. Yes as Largestyle wrothes, the ENBSeries by Boris Vorotsov is created in mind to be used togheter with other ENB mods as a ground for them, so a matter of taste how you want it to look, if you just wanna use the ENBSeries only for it or need one more ENB to get it right :blush:
  5. You can change ColorPow and you will get a lot less color and make it also darker the same time, if im not remebering it wrong, been a while sins i moded on my ENB's

    you will also likley have to adjust direktlightning at verius directions, but think the ColorPow is that you seek here,

    try it out and let me know how it goes :thumbsup:


    Btw many ENB have a "Darker nights" preset in them to just activate by changing them from files already followed in the download, you sure there is nothing more in your verius ENB mods folders?

    some alos have "Darker Nights" in there INI file to just sett to 1 from 0



    my ColorPow is atm





    as an example for you :blush:


    for darker interior change these values


















    these are from my ENB so it is just an example on wich lines you to need to change, the aktuell value you need i dont know, it dipends on al the other values for it to get right


    Am myself using ENBSeriesV0.119 Boris Vorontsov

    and Cinematically Realistic ENB 1_2 by Tywele


    look on some of my newest screenshots and you will see how they look togheter, if you wanna add some more to get darker nights

    my screenshots are with SSAO-SSIL off so it is possible to get darker by just activate SSAO_SSIL again, but was just not my taste there

    http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/users/3772977 screenis found here <--



    Edit: forgot to mention, the less ColorPow you have, the less color, but test this some, it could be that less color the brighter it gets, cant remember how it was, :biggrin:

  6. Yeah it could be ENB related, but was it any diffrent after you un-installed the flora mods? and tested it?

    are they up to date and is your skyrim up to date?

    you could also try out a new ENB to see if there is any relation to the ENB here


    perhaps try out this


    ENBSerius V0.119 by Boris Vorotsov,




    is a ENB i am using togheter with


    Cinematically Realistic ENB by Tywele




    Try out the V0.119 only at first if you wanna try out another ENB, it would ben ice to know if there is any issue with the ENB

    one more thing, as you had a problem with grass, and used a mod by Vurt, was it the


    Skyrim Flora Overhaul by vurt ??



    i am using al the mods mentioned above and no problem for me, but its the only Flora mod for me so no conflict possabilities for me


    Lets hope we can solve this for you,:thumbsup:

    it must be very frustreting to see the world like that,



    Oh btw, you dont have any Lightning mod or Weather mod installed? it totally messes with Skyrim Flora Overhaul by vurt

  7. Try downloading a new Skyrim and install NMM again in it, then install 1 mod then test if it works, then install 1 mod again, and perhaps cut down on some mods?


    remember to install NMM with Administrater rights




    It realy should be one of your mods thats cuasing this problem for you,

  8. You should try first to



    Verify integrity of game cache

    1. Load Steam
    2. From the Library section, right-click on the game and select Properties from the menu.
    3. Select the Local files tab and click the Verify integrity of game cache... button.
    4. Steam will verify the game's files - this process may take several minutes.
    5. Once the process is completed, the Check Window will automatically exit.



    Might be something missing by a strange install of the 1.8


    The other is to start un-install your mods, to see wich one/ones thats cuasing this, as we have no idea of wich mods you'r using,

    as it is probably as Mekii wrothe, as mod/s that arent compatible with 1.8 as many mods need a speciell update for just 1.8


    un-instal half of them if none of them cuased it, un-install the others and start installing one by one if the

    Game cache files okey and no problem was found there

  9. Yeah try after you uninstalled SKSE and Moonpath to



    Verify integrity of game cache

    1. Load Steam
    2. From the Library section, right-click on the game and select Properties from the menu.
    3. Select the Local files tab and click the Verify integrity of game cache... button.
    4. Steam will verify the game's files - this process may take several minutes.
    5. Once the process is completed, the Check Window will automatically exit.



    rebot and install SKSE first, then Moonpath, rebot again

    and we'll see how it works after that :thumbsup:

  10. @Shadiva


    Success its fixed, I downloaded Skyrim Realistic Overhaul, and just replaced all of the textures and I applied the realistic rocks over that and my problem has been solved tyvm for the help and wow the game looks a lot nicer.


    Thanks Again.



    Oh super sweet! glad it worked out for you :biggrin:


    there is also this



    Skyrim Flora Overhaul by vurt



    makes the flora look totally awsome, i strongly recommend it if your PC can handle the extra FPS

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