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Posts posted by Shadiva

  1. Yo! :laugh: have you tested




    you will need to target your character first for it to work


    dispels any magic effect on the player including buffs/debuffs so you need to visit a stone/s again after it tho, but perhaps it takes care of it for you,

    perhaps do a bakup on the save your testing it on before using it :thumbsup:

  2. perhaps try the console command




    Toggle End-Of-Frame ImageSpace, Disables blur, contrast adjustment, and a few other things. Will give a huge framerate boost on "weak" video cards, at the expense of some prettiness.


    perhaps will fix some of the heavy drops of FPS to alittle less :thumbsup:

  3. Think it should be in the Library/document/My Games/skyrim/Skyrim.ini should be a Skyrimprefs and Renderinfo there too but put it only inside the Skyrim.ini (Skyrim)


    have been so long sins i touched that file, but should be it


    or add it in


    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\skyrim Skyrim_default


    trail and error i suppose :biggrin: just copy it first for bakup, then there is no problem with any failures, :thumbsup:


    remember to add it below [Papyrus]

  4. I realy loved the Dream version, feels so glorius with that color, bright and "happy" sort of speaking, perahps atleast make 2 versions of it in textures?

    seems the oppinion was spread out some and fun with testing diffrent ones to see wich one is "you" :thumbsup:


    but gotta say i could also do without the scabbard, never realy liked them and usaly looks strange when using the sword and the scabbard points at strange directions, standing sneaking etc


    but like that your scabbard only goes as far as it does, looks cool!


    Chive on friend! :laugh:

  5. Dont know if this is of any help but i know when i was tempering with a follower it got purple head when i changed hair on it, and that was becuase it was then missing textures, therefor the purple color, perhaps something about missing textures here too?


    a wild guess sorry


    hope it gets solved, i realy like the design of your sword :thumbsup: especially with the straps/bands on the hilt, but without them hanging from it though,

    love the size of it also, you have good taste mate :laugh:


    Chive on!

  6. Found this on a forum that perahps might help some for you, as it is a very strange problem i post anything that might help you,

    remember to bakup anything you change here,


    hopes this help





    Originally Posted by TurkeyStyle

    This is for OpenMindedWorld:


    You should add this to the tweak list, as it's been helping a lot of us with beefy systems but poor performance. It sets custom memory allocation values. I've gained about 10fps in towns where they used to drop as low as 15fps. It's now playable. These lines need to be added to the Skyrim.ini file in the [Papyrus] section:







    Seriously, this helped more than any custom Skyrimprefs.ini or d3d9.dll ever did. Also, like in Oblivion and Fallout 3/NV, if you change the Skyrim.ini variable uExterior Cell Buffer to a 2x multiple higher than the default (36), you get better draw distance as far as detailed objects/terrain goes. I have it set to 72, and it worked at 144.



    uExterior Cell Buffer=36



    uExterior Cell Buffer=72


    This has very little FPS hit on my GTX470. Something to maybe add too, but the memory allocation was a massive improvement.

  7. Even try this one, look inside your PC tower, and see how the cables are drawn so they dont touch anything of serius hardware



    In this thread he got problems with low FPS due to he's cables was touching the GPU


    "I fixed the issue, apparently it was power cables running from the PSU touching the GPU thus creating



    electrical impact on the GPU, this caused the memory clock to malfunction."



  8. At this link there is one that had the same problem as you, but he had a Duelcore as the problem if i read that thread right but still some nice pointers in it,








    Try out this software if you have the version of skyrim, it is optimised for that version only, but check in archives to get older versions

    Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE)



  9. Is your version bak to an older one now or a totally new skyrim from steam and updated now?


    how big is your saves, perhaps you have a save bloat, if the latest save is bigger then 40mb you get in trouble,

    probably not the cause as you dident have loads of mods, but the options are realy running out here :pinch:

  10. And both of DLC are uninstalled fully, did you uninstall them manually? you should try to download a fresh Skyrim from Steam and try it out from there with also then a new char, and if the problem still happens, there must be a Grafic card setting problem with Skyrim, heard that someone had a problem with Skyrim changed a grafic card setting to run in a diffrent way,
  11. Yoo! do you have Skyrim at 1.8? as Enhanced Lights and FX is still a beta you should ask at that mod too


    would be nice to see what happens after you remove the Enhanced lights and FX


    -Deactivate the esp.

    -Delete the esp and all the modified meshes inside of:











    to get it fully uninstalled

  12. Ah probably to much for it to load so the FPS drops so low it craches the game, but that was with both DLC installed right? sorry for being slow :sweat: but needs my facts straight for thinking out what it can be and im abit to tired for this atm i think :pinch:
  13. The interesting part now then is how Skyrim would run with a plain Vanilla Skyrim on your PC as you stated after Dawnguard was installed it sort of started,


    most likley the best step to do next is to find out if it is Dawnguard that makes this and to go from there to way the files of Dawnguard makes this happen



    Sorry i aint got any better option for ya, was ofc hoping it could be solved without something that major :yucky:

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